Breaking the Southeast Asian market— Canadian business

Most of the times, economy works the best itself for trade and expansion. In this case, however, some Canadian business benefit from the government’s action of introducing the new business market in southeast Asia.

(Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is paying a visit in Malaysia this Saturday, October 5th, and it has been 17 years since the last “sitting Canadian prime minister” had a visit there. The reconnection between Canadian businesses and Southeast Asian market has been mostly driven by the emerging economy from the global economic growth point of view. Besides, “a growing Southeast Asian middle class”, is another driving factor in this market expansion.


CAE Inc. has launched its successful pilot training for Air Asia, a regional fast-growing discount airline. Other Canadian companies such as CAE Inc., Talisman Energy, Bombardier Rail, and Teknion Furniture  are already in the move to cash in the prospective Malaysian, Philippine and other southeast Asian markets along with the friendly political environment in light of Stephen Harper’s current visit.  As we can see, business expansion in new international market has been a lucrative and unavoidable trend in current economy, and government creating a friendly diplomatic environment has become essentially helpful in this market expansion.



Works cited:

“Harper eyes regional growth for new business in Malaysia”. The Canadian Press. Oct 05, 2013. <>.

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