
Toyota ranked first in the world automobile production company,, it is one of the world top ten automobile industry, Japan’s biggest car company, founded in 1933.2012 was sold a total of 9.73 million vehicles. Toyota is also the Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino brand’s parent company and the largest shareholder in the Fuji Heavy Industries.


According to the United States consumer demand the car for small, practical, cheap,   timely introduction of the “Crown” car, this model is not only beautiful appearance, flexible operation, fuel-efficient, low price, convenience, and the internal equipment of all Americans are eager decoration, such as soft and comfortable chairs, pastel-colored glass, even arm length and leg room are the size of the body need to be designed by the Americans, and thus achieved excellent results. Secondly, about the pricing strategy. Toyota Motor Company of “Crown is affordable” principle, decided to set the price even lower, each “crown” car is only $ 20,000. Thirdly, the promotion strategy Toyota Auto Body Co absorbs advantages of Volkswagen after sale service system is perfect, do better than “Volkswagen”, do everything in one’s power to set up various service in their own sales positions,

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