J.P. Morgan’s Twitter Chat – Another Failure of Social Media Marketing Campaign

After receiving thousands of massage attack from the netizen, J.P. Morgan had to cancel the plan of online Q&A on Twitter.  Later J.P. Morgan announced on Twitter that the cancellation of the online Q&A on Thursday is an bad idea and they would be back to the drawing board.


Actually this is not the first failure of social media marketing campaign.  It reminds me of another big failure: British Gas, which aroused public indignation right after they announced the 10% price raise of the natural gas on Twitter.


From banks to supermarkets, social medium has always been an effective way for all the enterprises to keep good communications and relationships with the clients.  While the fact is, it’s not so easy to control the content of the communication.  Those failures show the factor to the whole world that social media marketing is indeed effective and profitable – but at a cost.  Social media belongs to the audience.  It is the consumer who controls everything and the power of their control has exceeded the expectation.  Those enterprises who ignore this fact would be doomed to the destination of failure on media marketing.


Resourses: http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2013/11/how-jp-morgans-twitter-chat-turned-into-a-marketing-disaster.html

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