Progression to second birth in China

In facing of increasing pressure from population growth, the Chinese government promulgated a family-planning policy which restricted couples to having one child and imposed severe financial penalties on those with more children.  While in my opinion, the result is not so satisfied as it planned because the policy has only been successful in urban area, it faced challenges in the whole country.  Despite the one-child policy, the majority of the rural women do have more than one child.


Those couples who can afford to raise more children, providing them good living conditions and education, are not allowed to birth more.  Meanwhile, whose rural family just keep having more and more babies and left them living and growing by themselves without enough care and attention from the parents, saying nothing of ‘well-education’.  If things go on like this, China is bounded to face the problem whether the new generation is fine enough to keep developing the country and improve the nation quality.


Luckily, now Chinese government has realized that the birth rate becomes a bit low comparing to other developing countries and the growing population aging problem.  So the easing of birth control policy in China is really urgent and necessary.

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