The Mystery of Junk Messages in Beijing

As reported, the total amount of junk messages in China in the first half of this year has added up to 200 billions through the whole country and 150 for per person.  Chinese people are now undergoing an annoying message harassment in their daily life, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


How can the junk messages swarm into our cell phone so easily?  Recently, the mystery has finally been revealed – it’s the mysterious box in the van running on the street all around. Driving with this box makes the van a real ‘moving launch station’ which has several hundreds square meters signal coverage area and 6000 messages transmission volume.  Moreover, the rate of profit of this ‘moving launch station’ is incredibly high with a 50,000 RMB total cost and an 5000 RMB daily income – no wonder why this junk message business was boomed so fast and have a PERFECT supply and demand market.


In spite of the ‘effectiveness and efficiency’ of this ‘moving launch station’, it should still been banned to send junk messages, especially those fraud ones.  And meanwhile, the government should also lead the major ‘clients’ to the LEGAL and CORRECT marketing method.

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