Modern day business leaders pledge to be “ethical”

20% of students graduating from Harvard in the year 2009, who are now active within their roles in the business world, have pledged to the M.B.A oath to work towards “the greater good” which is essentially a more ethical business world. Along with graduates from this prestigious school, other top universities such as Colombia University and University of Pennsylvania around the world are beginning to see the importance of being ethical in our “era of immorality” where many merely see a business degree as a self-centered means to make money.

Corporate social responsibility, or business acting in an ethical way, is a vital component in our modern business world as I believe that a focus on merely making money could promote of world of immorality. Corporate giants in the business world should veer off from the sole purpose of making money and put more attention on improving upon our community much like what a percentage of the graduates from this school are focusing their attention to.

Therefore more and more universities should integrate ethicality into their business programs while still maintaining the concept of making money, as is what the majority of business seek to do.


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