Chinese Tourists: Why Are We Spending So Much Abroard?

Chinese tourists have built an amount of 85 billions of US dollars (equals to 529.6 billions RMB) for overseas consumption, which has almost exceeded the level of American and German tourists.


Making money in China and spending in abroad has already become a phenomenon nowadays.  If we see the economic situation in China now, it will not be difficult to understand why so much money flowing to abroad so easily and quickly.


Which comes first is the resource of the money.  It’s maybe too easy to ‘GET’ money in China for the businessman, as well as the government officers.  Especially for those who are actually spending the public funds.


Another reason is the irresistible attraction from the enormous price difference between China and abroad.  The data shows that China has a more than 50% luxury tax than other countries do, while the quality of the products in China fails to live up to its price.


I don’t think it’s a good trend for Chinese development so as to the whole world economy for the long term sight – such as the raising price level in overseas country.  How to enhance the domestic consumption and keep the wealth in their own country would be a great task for Chinese government in the recent future and for the sake of the whole world.

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