Jim Rogers: Shall I Purchase Properties in China?

One of the greatest investors in the world, Jim Rogers, attended an economic seminar in Nanjing China and gave a speech on Chinese developing economy.  He said he’s glad to see the bright future of Chinese developing prospects and actually thinking about purchasing properties in China.  While the Chinese housing bubble really did make him have a second thought.


It is the fact that properties in some area in China like Shanghai is facing the housing bubble problem now, so I think it’s better to wait until the market price goes down to a reasonable level.  While in some case for example, the location and the quality of the property is perfectly good, I will suggest the investor buy it as soon as possible since properties in that condition are very easy to sell and the price will definitely keeps going up – like the saying: opportunity knocks but only once.


It’s hard to forecast when the housing bubble will burst but I do believe if the central bank decided to keep raising their interest rates, it would be a start of the burst.  While in China’s case,a bursting bubble could affect much of the world – maybe a disaster.




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