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  • julianheaney 2:40 pm on November 7, 2013
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    Organizational culture is the core values of an org. which is developed by mgmg/execs, who are also responsible for fostering it

  • julianheaney 2:35 pm on November 5, 2013
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    A shows fewer employees per tier, there for PE of B involves comparison ones performance to their peers. My choice is business specific.

  • julianheaney 1:26 pm on October 29, 2013
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    I don’t think 1 party is to blame, that responsibility lies with a combination of groups but the US Gov needed more strict regulations

  • julianheaney 1:23 pm on October 24, 2013
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    Increasing disparity of wealth as a result of a lack of regulation in capitalist economies ( i.e. US health system, or housing market crash)

  • julianheaney 1:24 pm on October 15, 2013
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    Perhaps Entering a new market could be analyzed with Porter’s five forces and the how this move might affect positioning of the brand

  • julianheaney 1:22 pm on October 15, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    positioning of brands, value proposition, SWOT analysis, managerial accounting, Porters 5 forces

  • julianheaney 2:11 pm on October 10, 2013
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    Cookies are a basic product that we all know fairly well, creating USEFUL questions for complex products must be quite daunting!

  • julianheaney 1:31 pm on October 1, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Brand: Smash Burger
    Frame of Ref: Classic American Fast Food
    P.o.P: fast, affordable burger
    P.o.D: High Quality ingredients and Service!

  • julianheaney 1:41 pm on September 24, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Aims to maximize customer feedback and to adapt to that feedback faster than competitors

  • julianheaney 1:28 pm on September 19, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Bigger planes require more fuel (and at point can’t fly) = higher ticket prices = fewer ticket sales. and each empty seat costs more for AL

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