Organizational culture is the study of how people interact, and how due to people’s interaction (the culture) can affect productivity.
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Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
The banks did not carefully evaluate the borrowers’ abilities of returning the debts in the future
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Oil spill – caused by humans being irresponsible eg. not doing the check ups properly on boats
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
DIrect business model makes more money because they do not have to put extra money into alternative suppliers and manufacturers.
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Because it depends on the duration of the trips. For longer trips, this plane will be beneficial because costumers are willing to pay more
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Because it depends on the duration of the trips. For longer trips, this plane will be beneficial.
Ka In Kou (Katherine)
Abercrombie & Fitch 😉
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