Lucien Lu

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  • Lucien Lu 2:39 pm on November 7, 2013
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    Organizational culture can be what employees value and their behaviour in an organization. Goldman Sachs: internal politics/bureaucracy

  • Lucien Lu 2:34 pm on November 5, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    If I STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM I’d work in B. A has a longer chain of command, requiring more PE and more communication (harder).

  • Lucien Lu 1:23 pm on October 24, 2013
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    E-waste due to transnational manufacturing and services.

  • Lucien Lu 1:24 pm on October 15, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    STRATEGY: Changing ad activities SWOT: Opportunity effective ads similar to referral (Threat? Controversy, but ppl won’t quit fb.Use CPEST)

  • Lucien Lu 1:31 pm on October 1, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Tags: @alisonchan16, @garryyu   

    Brand: Lenovo
    Category: Mobile computer
    PoP: Internet, word-processing, entertainment
    PoD: Price, OS compatibility, reliability IT

  • Lucien Lu 1:41 pm on September 24, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    -strong relationships with customers
    -better communication
    -low reliance on retail = control over price/distribution = larger profit share

  • Lucien Lu 1:26 pm on September 19, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Expensive costs to run bigger planes. Bigger planes require more cargo/customers to fill to be profitable/break even.

  • Lucien Lu 2:03 pm on September 10, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down


    Hybrids are new technology, and families haven’t been educated. Families are accustomed to gasoline driven cars. Plug in spots hard to find.

    • cicisong 9:02 pm on September 10, 2013 | Log in to Reply

      Agree. Many people don’t have background information on hybrid cars; therefore, they choose to follow the traditional trend.

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