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  • yenalee 3:08 pm on November 28, 2013
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    Likely funders: environmentally conscious fashion designers/retailers
    Incentives: shoe donation for every $100

  • yenalee 2:35 pm on November 26, 2013
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    The extent of the financial losses RBMH has incurred to date.

  • yenalee 2:38 pm on November 7, 2013
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    Organizational culture is the prevailing influence of behaviour and culture within an organization. (e.g. Zappos & “team” atmosphere)

  • yenalee 2:36 pm on November 5, 2013
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    Performance evaluation is contingent on the degree of hierarchy behind organizational structures. A > B in terms of more strict evaluations.

  • yenalee 1:27 pm on October 29, 2013
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    Issuing credit default swaps: people take out bonds on the bet that companies will fail in order to receive insurance

  • yenalee 1:26 pm on October 24, 2013
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    Globalization is the impetus to diminishing state sovereignty that would ultimately undermine the interests of minority social groups.

  • yenalee 1:26 pm on October 15, 2013
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    Brand positioning, customer relationships, consumer behaviour (research), PESTEL analysis

  • yenalee 1:33 pm on October 1, 2013
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    Tags: ,   

    iPhone: PoP = smartphone technology, basic phone functions (texting, calling) PoD = defining features (Siri, iCloud, etc), unique design

  • yenalee 1:48 pm on September 24, 2013
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    More effective means of communication with consumers = increased customer satisfaction.
    Lesser distribution costs = greater profit margins.

  • yenalee 1:47 pm on September 24, 2013
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    More effective means of communication with consumers=increased customer satisfaction/demand
    Lesser distribution costs=greater profit margins

  • yenalee 1:27 pm on September 19, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    There are more cost efficient alternatives to cater to customer satisfaction/happiness. Better food perhaps?

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