Making the world a smokeless place








Smoking cigarettes is one of the largest health issues in the world. The number of people bothered by smoke increase, and government laws stiffen. As a result, Japan Tobacco Inc. strategizes to expand their “smokeless tobacco products” due to such high consumer demand for anti-smoking. Businesses especially in Japan, not only continuously improve upon their technology for the people, but also have recently begun to focus more attention towards the people’s health. Thus, refining well-known products such as cigarettes is extremely beneficial.

The world continues to advance, as well as trying to improve and making it a better place for everyone. As the number of people who oppose smoking, fewer smokers would be permitted to smoke in public areas. This would lead to better health for numerous individuals in the future.

It is quite clear that banning smoking would be impossible, however the start to selling alternatives through businesses such as Japan Tobacco Inc. will improve upon the health issue of smoking.

In 2007, 26% of Japan’s population was smokers. In 2012, the number had decreased to 21%. Already, there are improvements and the number of smokers decline. This will eventually lead to ‘making the world a smokeless place’.





Yamaguchi, Yuki. “JT seeks smokeless product tie-ups | The Japan Times.” Japan news, commentary, culture, sports | The Japan Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2013.