the problem with previous metrics is that they only focus on one thing. Problems are multi-dimensional and ways of measuring should be too.
Updates from Tuesday 5th November, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Zhen Yi (David) Zhang
The second option allows for better promotion opportunities with a smaller hierarchy as well as the chance to work with others
I would rather work in A, even though it takes long time to reach a top. There should be a lot of things to learn in A.
Chanel Lau
I choose B structure since we can work with others and learn from them. Then we improve ourselves and become much better.
A.) Once you proved that you are capable and competent enough, you’ll stand at that position longer with more authority.
Frank Yuntongfei Huo
Type A: As there is lesser people, I get more feedback from higher level managers, thus I will have more access to learn from them.
B due to less competitive environment and the chance of working with greater range of people.
B For me, more competition can give me more motivation to reach my goals.
Wengqiuzi Chen
I prefer A because it has more potential room to improve and it’s more competitive and simultaneously rewarding. Although B looks more gentle and equal, the potential for promotion is limited.
I will chose B because it’s better to show my self-value.
A. easier for the awesome ones to stand out, competitions also motivate individuals.
A. Employees could easily get lost and forgotten in B, and in A you could be more readily show off your skills and individuality
B. There is more competition and competition incentivates me to mark a difference. It also facilitates advancement.
B due to lower competition and greater teamwork
Yutong Xiong
B. There are less levels between the top and the bottom which means less competition for a certain position. And easier to go to the top
Jiawen(Karen) Liang
B is better. My performance evaluation will go through less steps.
I would enjoy working in B, because I enjoy working with a greater range of people. It would be better working environment.
I would like choose B
Because: 1)less people the company need
2)team work is best way -
B, greater opportunity to advance in the hierarchy of the company.
option B. In B company, the efficiency of my work will be higher because i can have
more resources. -
Xinyu Liu(Serene)
Option B seems more efficient because it is easier to get promoted. The environment allows for more teamwork as well.
Option: B
Easier to climb up the ladder -
B.There is a closer distance between management and employment, and so employees are more empowered, it would be easier to learn and advance
A because I like the competition as well.
Option: B
Easier to climb up the ladder -
Jiawen(Karen) Liang
B is better. Because my performance evaluation would not go through so many steps.
B: Because there are more people on the bottom and if i am in the bottom, i feel more secure; there is less shorter path to go on the top
I would rather choose B because that structure gives me more opportunity such as networking with most of the people in the company.
Angie Wang
I would rather work for B, the competition in A is more intense, very selective.
Actually i prefer A as organizational structure. If I am in B situation , it means hard for me to get promoted.
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