Are you “Satisfries”?

U.S.A’s third leading fast food restaurant, Burger king is moving towards a low cost focus strategy by offering reduced fat and calories French fries. After reading a classmate’s blog post on burger king’s healthy approach as a fast food restaurant, I can’t help but to agree on her analysis she drew on the strategies Burger King used.

To begin with the name “Satisfries”, it definitely drew a lot of attention using one of the techniques in brand positioning- avoiding the free ride trap. This creates a creative way of positioning themselves into consumers’ mind by being the first fast food restaurant to offer healthy food with convenience.

Besides the agreement I drew upon her analysis, through another article I came across, I would like to add on that there seem to be doubts of making “Satisfries” a permanent product. A study of fast food chains have found that the number of fries serving “dropped from 1.9% from 2006 to 2011” (Bloomberg Businessweek) as consumers seek for healthier options. Therefore, it is possible that introducing reduced-fat ones aren’t going to “turn around the business” but only improve the image of the company, which is “an uncommon goal” in the fast food business these days.

So, can “Satisfries” satisfy the BurgerKing’s consumer in the long run?


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