“It’s not me, it’s you” – Lululemon

CEO of Lululemon, Chip Wilson has recently explained that his pants can only withstand a certain amount of pressure and rubbing through the thighs. He said that this explained why the pants wore out quickly and were see-through near the seat area.

However thousands of people believe differently. People have been signing a petition asking him to take back his comments and make larger sized clothing- as currently they only go up to a size 12. If the clothes wear out with normal use, then there is a problem with the product.

I think that Lululemon can only gain by increasing their sizes as it increases their market size. I don’t think current customers would feel that Lululemon lost a sense of “prestige” by also providing quality work-out wear for bigger individuals. Lululemon puts an emphasis on health so shouldn’t everybody have the opportunity to shop there to embody this mindset?

Wilson later did apologize, but to his staff, saying sorry for putting them through this. As a CEO it is his responsibility to answer to such criticisms and it is necessary for him to address the public and in particular women to regain his reputation.








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