The Crazy Nov.11 Online Shopping Festival of Taobao in China



American has black Friday. Now China has crazyNov 11. November eleventh was used a common day, but now, with the popularity of Taobao,the biggest online company in Chinese which belongs to Alibaba., November eleventh has become the crazy online shopping festival. We can know how crazy it is from the data in Nov 11 2013. Just 55seconds after midnight,  the sum of business transaction is over 100 million RMB and the whole day’s business transaction is more than 6 billion dollars !

Why the Nov 11 is so successful in China, I think it’s due to three reasons. First is the big discount, most goods sold online all have more than 50% discout,the Albaba chairman Yun Ma said his purpose is not make profit on this day, he tried to provide a thanksgiving for all Chinese consumers. Second is the successful advertisement, the website, newspaper and TV programs all provided the advertisements for Taobao which let consumers know how crazy discount will be on Nov11. The third is the good delivery service, most online stores promise to consumers that they will recieve their good within 48 hours. So due to these three reasons, Noc 11 online shopping Festival is very successful.

The Crazy Nov.11 Online Shopping Festival of in China


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