Wengqiuzi Chen

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  • Wengqiuzi Chen 4:37 pm on November 28, 2013
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    Natural/environmental friendly/creative/stand-out products lovers who has already been advocate about that.
    $10 — memory card/stick
    $20 — bracelet made by the venture
    $50 — VIP discount
    $100 — VIP discount & name recorded for appreciation and invitation to later special events
    All of the above will have 10% donated to course of environment protection

  • Wengqiuzi Chen 3:59 pm on November 7, 2013
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    it reflects the core values. the cultural and humanistic environment of the organization which attract, motivate or constrain the employees.

  • Wengqiuzi Chen 4:00 pm on November 5, 2013
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    I prefer A because it has more potential room to improve and it’s more competitive and simultaneously rewarding. Although B looks more gentle and equal, the potential for promotion is limited.

  • Wengqiuzi Chen 2:59 pm on October 29, 2013
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    The banks are to blame. They just lend money to people with low interests without evaluating whether they are able to afford the debts and think about the circling results of too much credit into investment.

  • Wengqiuzi Chen 3:10 pm on September 24, 2013
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    1.Save time and inventory time so that save money 2.get more close to customers and suppliers so as to get more updated information 3.respond faster to customer needs and improvements and adjustments in sales strategies

    Continue reading 1.Save time and inventory time so that s…
  • Wengqiuzi Chen 12:59 am on September 12, 2013
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    Tags: Individual Assignment #1 Business Ethics   

           Business ethics has always been a heatedly discussed topic since business scandals constantly came to be exposed in recent years. However, the news that a “community-interest company” called Ecoisland has made great contribution in helping the Isle of Wight become energy independent is quite encouraging. Environmental sustainability: The Isle of Green | The Economist Companies involved include Southern Water, ITM Power, IBM and local businesses who aim to contribute to the sustainability by cutting-edged technology and management systems, which is an important part of what we talk about as business ethics.
    Why do these profit-pursuing companies join this kind of low or non-profit program? Is it merely an outcome of social conscience and business ethics? Is it so essential for firms to conform to the rules and expectations of the public? Personally, business ethics is not only concerned with the decision maker’s personality but also helps a lot to form the values of the enterprise itself. As the beneficiary who earns profits from the society consuming the energy and resources, it’s affordable and reasonable to give back and promote a sustainable development in the world. To follow business ethics also helps win reputation among its customers and commitment of its employees to the company so as to reap long-term benefits. Precisely, it’s related to morality but absolutely goes far beyond this.
    Business ethics is anyway a key component and criterion of a truly successful enterprise as well as its stakeholders.

  • Wengqiuzi Chen 3:31 pm on September 10, 2013
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    1.Expensive when you first buy it 2.not that common and popular in the market. The products are few. 3.not very convenient to get the fuels perhaps.

    Continue reading Why not a hybrid
  • Wengqiuzi Chen 7:15 pm on September 9, 2013
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