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  • chuhan 3:58 pm on November 7, 2013
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    Organizational culture is the soul of organization. It represents the beliefs and values of a company, and how they are manifested.

  • chuhan 3:03 pm on October 24, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    The huge consumption of natural resources is one of the most important environmental issues.

  • chuhan 3:01 pm on October 24, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    The huge consumption of natural resources is one of the most important environmental issues.

  • chuhan 3:30 pm on October 1, 2013
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    Tags: , Xinyu Liu   

    PoP: Sports clothing; figures endorsements; good designs
    PoD: Relatively expensive; Brand Power; Retro Packs

  • chuhan 3:24 pm on September 24, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Direct model can help companies reduce the cost of transporting to costumers, and meanwhile, companies can get credible information from their costumers.

  • chuhan 3:07 pm on September 19, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Firstly, bigger planes mean bigger cost, not all customers are willing to pay for expensive flights. Secondly, it mostly depends on destinations. If it is a short flight, I believe most people prefer a cheaper ticket for a smaller plane. However, people are inclined to better enjoyment of bigger plane if it is a 10 hours’ flight.

  • chuhan 3:16 pm on September 12, 2013
    0 Vote score - 0 Vote up, 0 Vote down

    Business Ethics: ‘I Don’t Want Ice In My Drinks!’

    blog post #1

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