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  • keanazarshahi 11:06 am on September 12, 2013
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    Here is the link to my business ethics post! Business Ethics Post

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  • jialu 2:15 am on September 12, 2013
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    Business ethics, as defined, is “the study of ethical dilemmas, values, and decision-making in the world of commerce” (MacDonald). Since heard lots of critique of companies regarding business ethnics, Toyota Motor Corp. is supposed to be a good example. According to The Globe and Mail, Toyota Motor Corp. recently have recalled about 200,000 hybrid SUVs […]

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  • tinatao 1:43 am on September 12, 2013
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    It is business ethics that is a serious issue and being extensively discussed. Plagiarism is a typical phenomenon that behaves against and challenges the authority of morality. The interesting news between APPLE and NOKIA just caught my eyes while I was working on this topic.   As people know, APPLE launches iPhone 5C at sep.11th […]

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  • Wengqiuzi Chen 12:59 am on September 12, 2013
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    Tags: Individual Assignment #1 Business Ethics   

           Business ethics has always been a heatedly discussed topic since business scandals constantly came to be exposed in recent years. However, the news that a “community-interest company” called Ecoisland has made great contribution in helping the Isle of Wight become energy independent is quite encouraging. Environmental sustainability: The Isle of Green | The Economist Companies involved include Southern Water, ITM Power, IBM and local businesses who aim to contribute to the sustainability by cutting-edged technology and management systems, which is an important part of what we talk about as business ethics.
    Why do these profit-pursuing companies join this kind of low or non-profit program? Is it merely an outcome of social conscience and business ethics? Is it so essential for firms to conform to the rules and expectations of the public? Personally, business ethics is not only concerned with the decision maker’s personality but also helps a lot to form the values of the enterprise itself. As the beneficiary who earns profits from the society consuming the energy and resources, it’s affordable and reasonable to give back and promote a sustainable development in the world. To follow business ethics also helps win reputation among its customers and commitment of its employees to the company so as to reap long-term benefits. Precisely, it’s related to morality but absolutely goes far beyond this.
    Business ethics is anyway a key component and criterion of a truly successful enterprise as well as its stakeholders.

  • zhongxian(James)luo 12:23 am on September 12, 2013
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    Fonterra, a New Zealand dairy company, has just recently recalled batches of whey protein off the Chinese market. The company has found traces of bacteria that are responsible for causing botulism inside the recalled product. The recall has cost Fonterra dearly. The well-known reputation and market share of Fonterra in China have shrunk due to […]

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  • francisching 12:20 am on September 12, 2013
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    Tags: business ethics   

    Virgin Atlantic unveils plan to use green fuel http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/oct/11/virgin-atlantic-green-fuel A strong rebuttal to Sir karl kraus’ statement- ‘You want to study business ethics? Then study either one or the other!’ The innovative plan of Virgin Atlantic had proven that fulfilling social responsibility in extra costs does not simply contradict profit maximization, but both the latter […]

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  • huayuzhou 11:07 pm on September 11, 2013
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    When we judge whether it’s a ethical problem or not, we usually go through the situation or opportunity that requires a person to choose from among several actions that may be considered as ethical or unethical. The behaviors like lying and abusing are typical misconduct.

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  • Tianchang Ning 10:58 pm on September 11, 2013
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    http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/01/tech/mobile/apple-ceo-apologizes-china/index.htmlIn China, APPLE replaces all the parts of iPhone but not the back cover for Chinese customers during the warranty period. CCTV, the official broadcaster keeps reporting this news. Meanwhile, several APPLE STORE are close down in China. After that APPLE realized that the situation is worse than they thought and the CEO of APPLE […]

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    • jeremyxu 12:27 am on September 12, 2013 | Log in to Reply

      I like the point u made about “not only losing profit” while reading your blog, it came to my realization that china is also a huge market

  • yitaixiong 10:56 pm on September 11, 2013
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    The article by Brian X. Chen and Eric Ffanner told us that the cheaper IPhone, IPhone 5c, is making its way to the market and its price will be cheaper than the “traditional” IPhones. However, the cost of this phone will be $700 more in China compared to the price in the United States. The […]

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    • jasonw 1:11 am on September 12, 2013 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting point you made about going for higher prices and therefore more profit, over a greater volume of sales.

  • alideng 10:44 pm on September 11, 2013
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    In traditional Chinese society, the social status of businessman is low. The reason is quit simple, most of them think business people are pretty widely mistrusted and all relentlessly selfish and calculating. Needless to say, the interest is the first element of the company to consider,but in the mid 90’s, the pace of change increased […]

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    • jasonw 1:13 am on September 12, 2013 | Log in to Reply

      Good claim with the businessman status, but some facts and sources would be even better.

  • milky 9:37 pm on September 11, 2013
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    Johnson & Johnson has recalled 200,000 bottles of Motrin Infants formula, a children’s medication that treats fevers, aches and pains. According to the FDA’s website, the medicine could contain tiny plastic particles, causing a potential hazard, that were identified in a different lot during manufacturing. The company warned that the medicine may be contaminated with […]

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  • widyapurnawan 9:00 pm on September 11, 2013
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  • Yuna Wang 8:54 pm on September 11, 2013
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      Equality is a term heavily employed in today’s society. Discrimination due to gender, race, or other differences in the home, public, or workplace is prohibited, and North America as a whole is moving towards a culture of acceptance and freedom for all.   This raises the issue of safety concerning Iowa State’s decision to […]

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  • Paula Bieler 3:31 pm on September 10, 2013
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  • Wengqiuzi Chen 3:31 pm on September 10, 2013
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    1.Expensive when you first buy it 2.not that common and popular in the market. The products are few. 3.not very convenient to get the fuels perhaps.

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