assignment reflection

Our team for the marketing plan assignment is just amazing! Everyone is committed to the assignment and communicated efficiently during team discussion. Throughout this term, we worked together for writing marketing plans, making decisions about the research content and also making the final video to present our work. Our team is really diversified: people are from different cultures and having different personalities and working habits. It is really amazing to have the opportunity and real experienes working with such different people in a teamwork setting. It let me know how I should communicate and work with others in such a circumstance in the future.

The first two assignments that ask us to do specific research for the company we chooses and came up with marketing strategies and target market gives me a general feeling of how people in the marketing industry’s work like. When doing the assignments, I imagined myself as a marketing person who wrote the real marketing plan for the company. The difference is that I had to go back to textbook to make sure every detail is expressed in a professional way. When working for these assignments, we assigned different parts to each team members, in such a way we can come up with general frame and  content more efficiently. And then we help each other by asking questions to test each statement and providing further research. Through discussion, we perfected our statements and research in the end.

For the video project, we did that in the clc and we expected to spend the whole day videoing it. But fortunately, we only used three hours for the videoing process. The reason behind that is we already had two meetings ahead of the real videoing. We already had a plan about how the video is going to proceed and we had finished the scripts for each part. I am really proud that our team prepared for the final project sufficiently by having several meetings and communications on goolge-doc instead of working on it right before the deadline. It teaches me a lesson that preparation will never fail you.

If there is one thing I could change , that would be the choice of the company we worked on, Bell .It is not that the company is not workable, it’s just take a lot more time and effort for our team to do the actual research and to come up with a reasonable strategy for a company that larger and a company that we really lack of common knowledge. Other team who choose a clothing industry or pepsi just seems easier. But, all these difficulties teach me how to do real research  how to do strategies without personally knowing the company well. I guess all the efforts are worth it in that way.

In general, I love my team!!!!!

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