Just a couple of reminders!

Hi class,

Just thought of reminding you of 2 things:

1) Your ethics blog is due on Monday, Sep.23. I have already read some of your blogs and they are good, so keep up with the good work. For this simple assignment, all you have to do is to write 300 words on an issue related to marketing that you feel is unethical. For e.g., have you ever seen a poster, commercial, tabloid that you believe is “wrong”? if yes, then write about it.

2) The recommendation is for you to form your own teams for the group project. It is of you interest to find a team that you work best with. If you cannot form your team by the end of next week, then I’ll randomly assign you to one (which is NOT of your best interest). One of the key things I want you to learn in Marketing is to be proactive and outgoing (you cannot afford to be “shy” if you want to do Marketing!)

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