My Summer Job at Ogilvy Africa and Matter

One of Airtel (Telecommunication Company) Adverts
I took part in Learning the process of creating this Advert. The local language Kiswahili is used to target the local Tanzanian Market.

The class of October 9th 2013, was one my favorite lectures in marketing as it gave me the opportunity to learn about the different techniques used for effective marketing. This lecture made me reflect on my summer job.

This year’s summer truly changed my definition of marketing. I was fortunate to work with such a prestigious company as Ogilvy Africa and Matter, an agency that works under Scangroup. Ogilvy Africa and Matter is the largest network agency in the continent of Africa, operating in 27 countries throughout the sub-Saharan Africa. As an assistant in the creative department I was responsible for developing and designing advertisements. During this learning process I was introduced to the principles of effective marketing. However, at that time I was not aware of the names to these principles as: commitment, consistency, liking, scarcity, authority, reciprocity and social validation. Through our lecture I was able to make a better connection between my work experience and learning in class.

Before being exposed to these techniques I thought of marketing as always relating to advertising however, there is much more behind the bright colors and catchy slogans that make these adverts very effective. These techniques directly affect consumer behavior due to their psychological effect on the minds of the viewers. During my summer job, the advertisements that my team and I worked together were created using the strategies and principles learnt in class. We would brainstorm these techniques step by step and use this together with our skills to create effective advertisements. The media department was responsible to research the target market and ensure the adverts we create reach the market at the correct time of the day using a variety of targeted media. I was amazed how the whole cycle worked. The true definition of marketing is creating, communicating and delivering value to the customers. Good marketing requires thoughtful planning and a strong understanding of the targeted market keeping in mind these principles.

About Shahista Kassam

Sauder School of Business
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