External Blog: Louise Kennedy

Think about a product that you thought was so interesting but you just could not pronounce the name or wondered “why such a weird name?” Most of you reading this blog are unlikely to buy such a product and perhaps not even remember the name after the first glance through the product. Have you ever thought about what actually makes a brilliant brand name?

The blog titled “It’s all in the name- what makes a brand name brilliant?” by Louise Kennedy addresses how an appealing product name is such an important marketing strategy to attract customers. A great product is certain to not sell in the market if it has a poor name. An example used in the blog is of a product named Inhibitif – a hair removal product given a chemical name (See Below).

Kennedy further talks of the different techniques that should be kept in mind before creating a product’s name, which caught my attention. A product’s name should be unique and eye catchy. It should reveal to customers its usefulness, function and reliability.  Additionally, customers should be able to read, spell and relate to the name. The name should also be made keeping in mind the culture and language barriers of different regions and nations. Above all this, a brilliant name should be such that it portrays an emotional connection. The product name should create a symbolic value for the customers in order to attract them to purchase. This last point made by Louise Kennedy reminded me of a research I had done before my summer interview on the Advertising Guru: Rory Sutherland. In a TED talk “Life Lessons from an Ad man”, Rory Sutherland talks that the key to powerful advertising is to create intangible value (See Above). “Intangible value constitutes greater to the overall value” because it affects the perception towards a product thus attracting customers to buy the product.

Ultimately, I was amazed with the thought process that marketers and advertisers go through before creating a name for a product.

About Shahista Kassam

Sauder School of Business
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