Response to “Tell me a story, maybe?” by Fidele Armstrong

Fidele Armstrong’s marketing blog, “Tell me a story, maybe?” reminded me of Dove’s campaign for real beauty. I agree to Fidele, “storytelling is a very powerful way of connecting to your customers”. Similar to TenTree commercial that Fidele talks about in his blog, the Dove real beauty sketches video aims to relate to its consumers through storytelling. Effective brand storytelling is done when marketers integrate the company’s values to consumers so that these consumers can draw connections between how the business is done, and their own beliefs (7 ways to integrate more Brand storytelling).

The use of storytelling in the above video is effective through the comparison of the two sketches; which relate very well to the slogan of the campaign that is: “you are more beautiful than you think”. The women have described themselves as less beautiful in comparison to what they have been described and perceived by others in the second sketch. As a consumer this makes me reflect upon the definition of beauty; ultimately affecting my perception towards Dove and its products

The real beauty campaign was designed keeping in mind the vision. The campaign aims “to broaden the definition of beauty and portraying it as something that is inclusive, attainable and rooted in taking good care of one’s self” (Dove Our Brands).  The commercial clearly reveals this by sharing stories and experiences of different women to the world. These stories and experiences together with the pleasing sound and simplicity of the video images draw our attention. Despite the controversy placed on the unethical implementation of the campaign, it has gained much popularity due to its emotional appeal to the target consumers. As Fidele says in his blog “connecting with customers should be focal to a company’s marketing efforts”, Dove understands this and thus portrays this through the emotional appeal of the campaign.

About Shahista Kassam

Sauder School of Business
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