Introductory Materials

WEEKLY SCHEDULE – Comm 390 Bowker January 2015



Syllabus Comm390 FLEX Bowker Term 2_2015

Syllabus Comm390 January 2016_Bowker ABORIGINAL TOPICS


You will submit all major assignments, including Drafts for Peer Evaluation to

turnitin logo

Your class ID Aboriginal Topics is:  11362094

Your class ID for Flex is:  11362100

And your password for both is:  Bowker2016

If you are looking for comments on your marked worked, this image will show you where to look:

turnitin – find comments

Note, January 7:  These IDs are confirmed. If you are unable to access turnitin with these numbers please contact Sauder IT for assistance. In the short term you can email your assignment if you must.


The Comm 390 Canacord Learning Commons page has information that will you assist you in completing your assignments, in particular you will find guidance on the research necessary for major assignments.CLC



The Peer Evaluation Rubric will help you provide better feedback. Please also ask me if you are unsure how to offer value.

The Grading Rubric is available by clicking here.

A rubric or  Breakdown of Class Activity Grades is available here.



There a number of ways and a lot of resources available for you to improve your writing skills.

Additional Student Resources include grammar websites and other materials that will assist you in your writing. You can find them in the sidebar of Connect under “Student Resources.”

The Writing Improvement Program (WIP) provides one on one coaching from a professional business writer. Bring a paper or business document you are working on and business writing professionals will coach through what aspects of your work can be improved and what you can do to improve your overall writing. For this free service, sign up on COOL, or drop in to CLC219, Monday-Thursday from 1:00pm-4:00pmoffers additional help with your writing. More information: WIP, LPI, AGW Schedule Fall 2015

Advanced Grammar Workshops
Eight (8) advanced grammar workshop sessions will be offered beginning September 22 at the following two times:
Tuesday 4:30pm-6:00pm and 6:00pm-7:30pm, HA296
Wednesday 4:30pm-6:00pm, HA339
Sign up on COOL or drop in. For more information, email Professor Barb Duzy (
Academic Success Coaching
The Canaccord Learning Commons provides coaching on academic challenges such as managing your time, studying better or dealing with stress. Sign up for coaching appointments on COOL, or drop-in.


Here are some more resources that can help you improve your writing:   resourceshelp

15 words you should eliminate from your vocabulary to sound smarter


Harvard’s Ten Principles of Writing

Bullet Points

Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling