Recently, I noticed an article show up in my various social media newsfeeds. The articles each talk about different larger corporations that are working towards creating reusable and more sustainable product packaging. The strategy is not only aimed towards being more sustainable but also towards creating an efficient lifecycle. For any company, the containers their product comes in is a lost cost to producing each time if it is not somehow reused back into the world somehow. Not to mention reusable and easy to return containers play a large role in the external cost of the product related to the environment. As consumers get more conscious about how they consume and the companies they consume from, managing the whole lifecycle will only be of more concern for large manufacturers. This is evident more today with company products that claim to be recyclable, but that is not as easily recycled, if even at all. Its my belief that an easy system for creating a shift in consumer behaviour back to the “milk-man”  style of container collection and drop off would be possible through modern delivery services. Consumers want more convenience in their daily lives, and by having manufacturers create better and more efficient use of their products seems like an easy switch. However, will manufactures hold up to these promises?

The reason this Blog Post was sparked in my mind was related to something we have talked about many times in class. Will consumers easily and willing to make the switch in their normal consumer behavior?

The company that has been working with the big names we all know and use is called LOOP. LOOP is working with companies like P&G, Unilever, Nestlé, PepsiCo, Danone, Mars Petcare, Mondelēz International. This is a huge step in the right direction for these huge players in the consumer goods industry. The products they sell reach far across the planet and have just as wide an impact. However, my question lies with if consumers will adapt, and how.



Burrows, S. (2019, January 31). 25 Major Brands Commit To Selling Products in Refillable Containers. Retrieved February 25, 2019, from

LOOP. (n.d.). Loop – Launching 2019. Retrieved February 25, 2019, from