Author Archives: amanda fogh

Painting the town colourful with stretchable cellulose nanocrystals!

Just a few months ago, Dr. MacLachlan and his research group from the University of British Columbia discovered some extraordinary new properties of an elastomer made with cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), which is a biomass-derived substance. These CNCs are everywhere, and can even be obtained by “tak[ing] a piece of paper and treat[ing] [it] with sulfuric acid for 45 minutes,” as Dr. MacLachlan explained. When this abundant and environmentally friendly material was added to the elastomer, it gave the elastomer its optical properties. In other words, when it is stretched under cross-polarizers, the CNC-elastomer changed colour, depending on how much it was stretched!

Stretching the CNC-elastomer under cross-polarizers. Source: Nature Communications

The MacLachlan group started working with CNCs for their optical properties by accident, or as Dr.MacLachlan said, “Serendipity in Science.” When they were looking into cellulose nanocrystals for storing hydrogen, one of the hundreds of samples came out with a red colour, which initiated Dr. Maclachlan’s invested research on cellulose nanocrystals.

Colourful thin films made with cellulose nanocrystals. Source: Chemistry World

The research group was interested in incorporating CNCs into elastomers since previous studies demonstrated that CNC-incorporated materials, such as silica and resins, proved to be inflexible and fragile when stretched. Therefore, the research team decided to investigate different methods that could synthesize a uniform CNC/elastomer structure, which can be stretched and returned to its original form once removing the applied force. The CNCs were successfully incorporated into the elastomer with the help of a sugar additive that helps stabilize the elastomer through evaporation of the solvent. With the success of incorporating elastomer with CNC, this CNC elastomeric material can be further studied for its optical properties.

The MacLachlan group was able to see fascinating optical properties when putting the elastomer under crossed-polarizers. These crossed polarizers permit only one plane of light to hit the elastomer. This is what allows you to see the birefringent optical properties. Birefringence can occur when light enters a material with a very ordered structure. Due to this order, the light is bent into a different plane, while travelling at a variety of speeds. This is the reason why we see the light scattering off from the highly ordered structures in the stretched CNC-elastomer.

Under a high-powered scanning electron microscope, they were able to determine that the cellulose nanocrystals were arranged in a helical shape in the unstretched elastomer, and would start to unwind when the elastomer was stretched. This unwinding elastomer gives rise to unique optical properties.  

When light interacts with the elastomeric material, it gets reflected and bent in different directions, depending on how much the cellulose nanocrystals helical structure unwinds. The extent to which the structure is unwound determines what new colours are visible in the material. In other words, the amount the material is stretched directly related to the colour that we see!

A simple depiction of how the elastomer was made by EISA (evaporation induced self-assembly) and how the cellulose nanocrystals change when stretched in the material. Source: Nature Communications

When the light interacts with the material, it gets reflected and bent in different directions, depending on how much the cellulose nanocrystals helical structure unwinds. The different degrees of unwound structure results in a new colour that we can see in the material. This means that the amount the material is stretched is directly related to the colour that we see!

The observed spectrum of colour we see in inversed when the analyzer is parallel with the polarizers. We see the complementary colours. Source: Nature Communications

The discovery of the optical properties in CNC-elastomer is a significant step in the right direction, which can later be used in many applications. The MacLachlan group is currently making a CNC-elastomer that does not require crossed polarizers so we would be able to see the colour change with our naked eye! This new optical property would open up new possibilities for how this material can be used in our daily lives.

Some future applications include applying a thin layer of CNC-elastomer onto bridge supports and buildings. This would be a major benefit for the residents in Vancouver, as we are in a high-risk earthquake zone. As a result, the thin film could help us determine if our buildings are structurally intact with a simple colour change.

Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge. Source: Flickr

Another high impact example would be to coat the shipping boxes with this CNC-elastomer. Ideally, any tampering or damage done to the shipping boxes would be indicated by a colour change in the CNC-elastomer. So say good-bye to damaged Amazon deliveries and hello to a whole new world of satisfied internet customers.

Source: Flickr

This CNC-elastomer and future generations of it will result in endless applications, ranging from sensors in smartphones to incorporating it into helmets for impact sensing – it can do it all! In the 21st century, we live in a very visual society and respond strongly to visual changes like a colour. The impact of a material can have on your life by telling you a lot of information in an eye-catching way, which can bring home the important messages that it may be telling you.  Imagine a future world where a simple colour change contains so many information like we see in a sci-fi movie. It is somewhere we want to live, and we believe that CNCs-elastomer’s have the potential to bring us there!

~ Alan, Amanda, Emily and Isabelle

Is Westernized Food Killing Our Gut?

Well not really killing your gut, but the vast and diverse biome of microbes that live in your gut. That’s right, you have around one hundred TRILLION helpful bacteria living inside of you! They have many jobs, ranging from helping break down food, helping with the production of vitamins, are a key component in our immune system and much more.

Studies have shown that when humans migrate from less westernized cultures to North America, their gut’s microbiome was significantly reduced in diversity and was predominated by two bacteria, Bacteroides and Prevotella. This decrease in diversity is shown to increase the inflammation in your gut, leading to gut-related diseases that are skyrocketing in modern society. Some of these are obesity, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, allergies, and asthma, to name a few. This change in our microbiome was shown to be due to the Westernized high protein/fat/sugar diet whereas more developing countries have diets of very high fibre with fewer meats and fats.


Dr. Dan Knights, an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota, has done research on this change of microbiomes using wild monkeys and their captive counterparts to see if there were any differences. He found that the monkeys had much higher microbe diversity in the wild than when they were confined in a zoo.

Shows that the diversity of the primates microbiome decreases significantly when removed from the wild. Error bars indicate SD, and asterisks denote significance at **P<0.01, and ***P<0.001. Source: PNAS

Another exciting result he found was that two different wild monkey species with very different gut microbiomes converged to similar lower diverse microbiomes when captive, even though they did not live in the same zoo, never mind the same continent. They were converging towards the microbiome that modern humans have today.

As primates move from wild to captive, their microbiomes converge in the direction of modern humans. Non-western humans also have higher gut microbiome diversity than humans living in westernized areas. Source: TED

The data also showed that non-western humans followed this trend of having higher microbe diversity and subsequently losing this diversity when moving to the USA. This results in these migrants increasing their risk of obesity, diabetes and other gut-related diseases. These results beg the questions on what this ultimately means for our health? Further, this really makes you wonder, are captive monkeys becoming more like modern-day humans or are we just an example of super-captive primates??

~ Amanda Fogh

Ocean Acidification: Say Good-Bye to the Oceans We Once Knew

Freak snowstorms in Africa, unusually hot winters, and more natural disasters. Events like these are becoming more frequent occurrences than ever before, and so are the words to explain them, Climate Change.

Although natural disasters on land may get more attention, one of the largest concerns should be is what happens in the ocean. Ocean acidification, due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, has one of the most significant impacts. Our ocean is a carbon dioxide sink, as it absorbs over 25% of the carbon dioxide that we emit into the atmosphere.

Due to the ocean dissolving more carbon dioxide, carbonic acid concentrations have also increased, resulting in lowering of the pH. Dr. Trional McGrath is a Chemical oceanographer from the National University of Ireland and she predicts that ocean acidification will increase by 170% by 2100!

Figure 1: The chemical process of Ocean Acidification by increasing carbon dioxide emissions. Source: CeNCOOS

Now, why do we care? We don’t live in the ocean so why would it effect us?

Carbonate ions are essential building blocks for marine life when forming shells. Figure 1 shows that as the H+ concentration increases, more of the carbonate ions are going to be tied up as carbonic acid. This results in less material for marine life to make their shells and other structures from.

Figure 2: A Sea Butterfly (i.e. Limacina helicina). An important food source in the ocean. Source: Mashable


study was done where they placed Sea Butterflies in an ocean environment with the pH that is predicted for 2100. Their shells were essentially dissolved in as little as 45 days! Figure 3 below shows this process over that timeline. Even if only a few species are really effected by the pH change, this could have detrimental impacts all the way up the food chain, eventually effecting human’s supply of food!

Figure 3: The Sea Butterflies shell dissolving over 45 days in the predicted pH of the ocean in 2100. Source: TED

This is only one example of the dramatic effect that ocean acidification can cause, but everything from coral to predators of the sea are at risk. If we don’t do something to help reduce the current rate of carbon dioxide being dissolved into our ocean, then in the not too distant future, we won’t be able to recognize the oceans we once knew.

~ Amanda Fogh

“The excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that is turning the oceans increasingly acid – is a slow but accelerating impact with consequences that will greatly overshadow all the oil spills put together. The warming trend that is CO2-related will overshadow all the oil spills that have ever occurred put together.” ~ Sylvia Earle (Marine Biologist and Explorer)