Category Archives: chemistry in the news

Bacteria can help us to extract drinking water and mining minerals from the ocean?!


Figure 1: The global water crisis. Author: MrGauravBhosle from Wikimedia. Source:

Nowadays, people around the globe are facing a huge problem with the clean water crisis. More than 36 countries in the world cannot provide drinkable water resources to their citizens. However, the good news is scientists have already found a technique to extract drinkable water from seawater, which saves many people around the world.

The basic idea of this technique is called “seawater reverse osmosis.” By using energy to force the seawater pass through a special membrane which can only allow water molecules to go through, the clean drinking water can be extracted from the general seawater. Furthermore, the remaining salt and other types of heavy metals or minerals will be left on the other side of the membrane. However, the biggest problem is that in the remaining salts and metals solution, which also called “Brine” solution, is highly toxic, and can also cause serious damaging to the local environment. Figuring out how to deal with this problem had been the biggest challenge for Chemists and Ecologists for decades.


Figure 2: The seawater reverse osmosis system. Description:” A – Applied pressure B – Seawater in C – Contaminants D – Semi-permeable membrane E – Potable water out F – Distribution.” Author: Colby Fisher from Wikimedia. Source :

Recently, the problem had been solved by the finding of one special type of Bactria. Such bacteria will create electrical charges during metabolism. If we can mix the bacteria with the Brine solution, the electrical charges can combine with the metals which usually carry positive charges in the aqueous environment. After accumulating and precipitation, the metals can be extracted from the brine solution, and the remaining materials are safe again to be released back to the ocean without damaging the environments.

However, the remaining metals which had been accumulated and precipitated by the bacteria can be used in so many ways. In the seawater, more than 40 types of minerals and metals are present, and most of them are very precious for many industries and medical companies. Also, in a lot of countries that have less natural resources, such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, UK…etc. Mining metals can cost a serious amount of money. For example, Mining Magnesium in Singapore can cost 4.5 billion dollars a year, which is a huge part of the outcome.

By using bacteria to accumulate metals from seawater, much less money can be spent, and the percentage yield of this technique is also very high. Pure products can be achieved without risking miners’ life, which is also a big improvement in our modern society.

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In the future, more and more biomining techniques will be applied to our daily life, and the win-win situation can also be achieved. Not only can we solve the global water crisis problem, but also can help many countries to use a cheaper price to have more mining resources.


  1. Components of Seawater:
  2. Biomining costs:
  3. TED Talks — Damian Palin:

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Instant Noodles

Nowadays, the working pressure of many people has been increased sharply in modern times. In order to save time, it has been a common habit to eat instant noodles in our daily life. Therefore, instant noodles are a kind of essential food. However, instant noodles have always been regarded as junk food without any nutrition. In fact, many people are not sure at all about whether instant noodles have nutrition or not.
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The content of oil contained in instant noodles takes up about 16% to 20% with less than 10% of protein, but the rest is starch. All the content of vitamin B and minerals comes from flour. However, the content of vitamin B and minerals contained in processed instant noodles is less than that contained in flour. That is to say that the nutrients contained in instant noodles are much less than those contained in ordinary cooked wheaten foods like steamed bread or baked pancakes. However, the content of oil in instant noodles is much higher.(1)
Last year, The Washington Post had reported of a South Korean study conducted on the effects of instant noodles on human health. According the study, “Although instant noodles is a convenient and delicious food, there could be an increased risk for metabolic syndrome given [the food’s] high sodium, unhealthy saturated fat and glycemic loads,” said Hyun Shin, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health and a co-author of the study. “Women who ate instant noodles twice a week or more had a higher risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate less, or not at all, regardless of whether their diet style fell into the traditional or fast-food category, ” as published in The Washington Post.
The study concluded that excessive instant noodle consumption can not only trigger obesity but also metabolic ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart problems and so on.
In the other hand, the instant noodles are convenient enough to save more time, and it is easy to bring outside especially when you are travelling or camping. It is the best choice to fill your energy since it Is easy to cook.
In conclusion, if you have enough time, cooking the original food is the best; otherwise, you can choose the instant noodles even it is much better than the junk food with the high energy.

1. Marlene Leung, Ramen risks: Why instant noodles are bad for your health, Published Tuesday, August 19, 2014 10:40AM EDT

Is antibacterial soap really effective or just risky?


Figure 1: Common Antibacterial soap sold at grocery stores. Author: Joe Raedle from Getty Images. Source:

If consumers are given the choice of plain soap or antibacterial soap, the majority of the consumers would prefer to purchase antibacterial soap. It is because antibacterial soap is known to control the spread of germs. However, antibacterial soaps will soon no longer be found in grocery stores in the United States. The U.S Food and Drug association (FDA) has officially banned 19 soap ingredients that are known to be the “germ killers” (1). However, Jane Woodcock, the director of FDA’s Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research, claims there is no supportive evidence that antibacterial soap is more effective in killing germs than plain soap and water (1).

Blaise Boles, a microbiologist from the University of Michigan, conducted a study showing triclosan(2), an ingredient commonly found in antibacterial soaps, increases the risk of people getting staph infection (4). Staph infection is caused by staphylococcus bacteria that can be found in the nose or on the skin of an individual (4) Boles and his colleagues swabbed 90 people’s noses to collect samples. The results showed 37 people had triclosan present in their nasal secretions, and 64% of these people were infected with staph(3). The researchers were surprised by the findings of the study because triclosan is previously acknowledged to reduce bacteria contamination. FDA expresses their concerns over the health risks associated with long-term use of antibacterial soaps. The chance of one getting pneumonia increases when they are infected with staph.

There are not many studies showing triclosan-resistant bacteria poses any major health risks to consumers. However, FDA decides to ban retail stores from selling antibacterial soaps to the general public in U.S unless the manufacturers can provide supportive evidence that antibacterial soap is capable of killing bacteria. The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructs citizens to scrub their hands with plain soap for at least 20 seconds before washing under running water (5). An alternative way to reduce the spread of germs and avoid getting sick is using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (5).

The take home message is that antibacterial soap does not necessary halt the spread of germs more effectively than regular soap. As long as the general public uses the regular soap to wash their hands as instructed by CDC, the regular soap can also reduce the spread of germs. Therefore, the consumers do not have to spend a dollar or more on purchasing the antibacterial soap.

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The following video shows the proper way of washing hands:

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  1. Science News for Students. Science & Society, Microbes: U.S. to outlaw antibacterial soaps. (accessed on Oct 22nd, 2016).
  2. David Suzuki Foundation. Triclosan.—triclosan/ (accessed on Oct 23rd, 2016).
  3. MOLE, B. (2014). Body & brain: Triclosan aids nasal invasions by staph: Antimicrobial compound may help bacteria stick around. Science News185(10), 12. doi:10.1002/scin.5591851011
  4. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Disease and Conditions: Staph infections. (accessed on Oct 24th, 2016).
  5. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Hand washing: Clean Hands Save Lives. (accessed on Oct 22nd, 2016).

Photo source:

  1. Copyright information:

Does overnight food kill us?

Someone may have told you not to eat any overnight food even if it is stored in fridge, because it causes cancer, and you may wonder whether this is true. In general overnight food refers to the food that has been stored for hours after cooking, and here comes the question, is it safe to eat overnight food?

I think it is very important to verify this statement because many people have the habit of eating overnight food. Many white-collar workers are too busy to prepare a breakfast in the morning, therefore they may eat the leftover from last night as breakfast. Besides, when someone make a dinner for the whole family, it is possible that they don’t finish all of the food, as a result, the remaining of the food will be stored in the fridge. In fact, overnight is common among daily life; therefore, it is highly relevant to our health.

It is not doubtful that food is not edible if it stays too long at room temperature. Without any additives, bacteria grow rapidly inside the food at room temperature.  Fortunately, we have fridges that store food at low temperature so that bacteria grow slowly. However, it is possible that other species rather than bacteria may form in overnight food, and what we want to find out is whether other species form or not.

Studies have shown that nitrite is produced in cooked vegetables that are stored overnight. Many green vegetables contain nitrates, and very little amount of bacteria are needed to convert the nitrates into nitrites, and this is how nitrites forms in overnight vegetables. Nitrite is indeed a cancer-causing agent, however, studies shows that the amount of nitrites present in cooked vegetable is so small that much more is needed if it wants to become a cancer-causing agent. As a result, nitrites in cooked vegetables are not threatening to our life. Moreover, we can prevent the formation of nitrites by storing it in a vacuum container because bacteria cannot survive without air. Although it is impossible to create a perfect vacuum even if we try to suck all the air out from the container, the concentration of air still decreases significantly, and the rate of growth of bacteria will be controlled effectively after the container is stored in fridge.


fig1, nitrate composition in some vegetables. Don’t worry, this amount is far from killing someone

No evidence suggests that nitrite will be produced in overnight rice or bread, so as long as they are not moldy, it is safe to eat overnight rice or food. Overnight protein such as meat and egg does produce some nitrites, but processed meat contains much more nitrites and they are not labeled as dangerous food, therefore we do not need to worry about nitrites in overnight meat, either.


fig2, processed meat. They actually contains much more nitrites than any form of overnight food

In conclusion, the rumor of nitrites in the overnight food is cancer causing is a lie. If you are still worried about it, store the food properly will prevent any formation of nitrites.





What Colour Is Pluto?

On July 14, 2015, after nearly 10 years and three billion miles traveled though our solar system, NASA’s New Horizons space probe made history when it performed the first flyby of Pluto and captured the most detailed pictures of the dwarf planet to date.

Since then, New Horizons has been transmitting data back to Earth, providing planetary scientists with incredible discoveries. Among these discoveries is Pluto’s colour.


New Horizons’ view of Pluto, courtesy of NASA (link)

Seen clearly above, Pluto is reddish brown. This is remarkable considering that when picturing Pluto, we often imagine an icy-blue, rock world.

This marks Pluto as the second red planet in our solar system, next to Mars. However, unlike Mars, Pluto’s colour is not the result of iron oxide. Instead, Pluto is red due to the formation of complex organic molecules called tholins.

Tholins are composed of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, and while they do not form naturally here on Earth, they have been found on many icy bodies in the outer Solar System, including Neptune’s moon Triton, and Saturn’s moon Titan.

The formation of tholins is believed to be the product of ultraviolet light driving a reaction between methane (CH4) and nitrogen gas (N2) in the planet’s thin atmosphere. The resulting tholins then fall to Pluto’s surface, giving it a reddish appearance.


The Hörst Laboratory has synthesised tholins. Credit to Chao He, Xinting Yu, Sydney Riemer, and Sarah Hörst of Johns Hopkins University.

The structure of tholins is undefined. The term was coined by Dr. Sagan and Dr. Khare in their 1979 paper when a new term was required to describe the varying organic products created by subjecting gases abundant on Titan to ultraviolet light [3]. In their paper, they define tholin to be “complex organic solids formed by the interaction of energy”. [3].

To give a more ralatable explanation, planetary Scientist Dr Sarah Hörst – who has made studying tholins part of her research – compares the word ‘tholin’ to ‘salad’ as both are nonspecific and describe “a mixture of a number of different compounds and spans a fairly broad range of materials” [4].

As for the New Horizons space craft, it will continue to push further into the Kuiper Belt where its next scheduled destination is 2014 MU69 in January, 2019.

– Kevin O’Connor


  1. NASA’s Three-Billion-Mile Journey to Pluto Reaches Historic Encounter. (access October 22, 2016).
  2. Pluto: The ‘Other’ Red Planet. (access October 22, 2016).
  3. Sagan, C.; Khare, B. Tholins: organic chemistry of interstellar grains and gas. Nature, 1979, 277
  4. What in the world(s) are tholins? (access October 22, 2016).

When Facebook friends ‘share’ questionable things

Everyone has at least one friend on Facebook who has ‘shared’ something questionable to your News Feed. Sometimes it’s a girl from high school sharing a link about how essential oils are the to cure cancer and sometimes its a distant relative posting an article making outlandish claims about a politician.


Facebook is often a social media platform where misinformation is easily spread. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.  

What always shocked me was just how little the people posting this content knew about the subject.  Recently, a Facebook friend shared a picture that caught my attention. It showed someone holding up an information sheet about the flu vaccine and it read,

Here are some things in the insert not on the store’s sheet:
1. The single dose vial contains mercury at ≤1mcg (This is called a “trace amount” by the industry.) (The multi-vial contains 25 mcg.)
2. People with egg allergies are contraindicated.
3. “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under four. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. This vaccine should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. It is not known whether fluvarin is excreted in human milk.”
4. “Fluvarin has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.”
5. “Antibody response is low in the geriatric population.”
6. “Serious reactions, including anaphylactic shock, have been observed.”
7. “There are no data to assess the concomitant administration of flu vaccine with other vaccines.”
8. “The vaccine has been associated with an increased frequency of Guillain-Barre syndrome.”
9. “In some studies, fluvarin protected up to 50% of subjects.”


Now obviously the woman who originally made this post chose those points because she thought they highlighted some ugly hidden facts about vaccines that “Big Pharma” wouldn’t like people to know. I’m not an expert in vaccines, but a few years of school and the little bit of common sense I have made a few of those points seem ridiculously obvious.


A commonly discussed topic on Facebook is the efficacy and possible side effects of vaccines, too often without any scientific evidence referenced. Image courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to care to fact check what they share and a lot of misinformation ends up being spread like wildfire. I wanted to see just how easy it would be to find out more about each of the points made in her post. Turns out, it was really easy. Much to my chagrin I must admit, I became a bit of a keyboard warrior.

Now I should point out that this post is by far one of the tamer ones I’ve seen get passed around. No one is claiming that our government is deliberately giving us cancer by infecting our water sources or that global warming is a conspiracy fabricated by the Chinese (yes I’m referring to Drumpf supporters). It’s not even outright stating vaccines are bad. It is however, trying to shine a negative light on vaccines without any scientific research to back it up.

So Facebook friends, PLEASE don’t believe everything you read, and DO fact check before spreading what could be falsehoods. Google is an amazing tool and the world wide web is at your fingertips, so you don’t have any excuses. In the meantime, please feel free to forward this video to any Facebook friends who insist on sharing anti-vaccine posts.

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Montreal Protocol amendment limits hydrofluorocarbon manufacture

In 1987, after the hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica, an international treaty called the Montreal Protocol was agreed to. This treaty basically ended chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) manufacture all over the globe. CFCs were widely-used refrigerants used in refrigerators and air conditioning. CFCs were replaced by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). This treaty was a success – a couple of years ago, the ozone layer was clearly showing signs of recovering. However, since 1987 it has been found that while it varies from chemical to chemical, HFCs as a whole tend to be just as bad as CFCs. This is why, a few days ago in Rwanda, delegates from the 197 countries involved in the treaty agreed to an amendment that aims to cut down on HFC production.

An example of a CFC an an HFC.

An example of a CFC an an HFC. HFCs contain hydrogen instead of chlorine. Both are gases used as refrigerants, and are greenhouse gases and harmful to the ozone layer.
This public domain image is courtesy of Wikimedia and the original can be found at

According to this new agreement, the richest countries such as the US, Canada, and the EU countries are required to begin cutting down by 2019, developing countries such as China and Latin American countries begin in 2024, and some of the poorest countries such as Pakistan and Iran do not need to begin until 2028. However, China and India already say they will actually begin phasing out HFCs later than they agreed to in the treaty. India doesn’t have widespread use of air conditioning or refrigeration, but China produces the most HFCs in the world.

Experts estimated that this treaty will lessen atmospheric CO2 by 70 billion tons by 2050 – this may not be enough to reduce global warming by 0.5 degrees as hoped, but it is no small feat. It must have been hard for 197 nations to come to an agreement, although I’m a little disappointed it took them seven years of negotiation to do it. Overall, though, I think this is pretty exciting.

~ Nat Shipp



BBC – “Climate Change: ‘Monumental’ deal to cut HFCs, fastest growing greenhouse gases”

Euronews – “‘Historic’ climate change deal reached in Rwanda”

Business Standard – “Global deal on climate-changing refrigeration gases sealed in Rwanda”

Bits of Science – “Transition from CFCs to HFCs under Montreal Protocol hurts climate – adjustment required”

BBC – “Ozone layer showing ‘signs of recovery,’ UN says”


Under the Helmet

October is finally upon us, therefore ’tis the season of hockey. We Canadians have this strange obsession with hockey. We enjoy the sight of a bone-crushing hit followed by a scuffle between the players involved or the entirety of the two teams. The adrenaline rush we get from watching players tackle each other is exhilarating. However, as we watch comfortably on our couches, the players under the helmet are at risk of obtaining a concussion, leading to neurological side-effects. The professional athletes we watch have many medical specialists tending to their injuries so that the repercussions may be minimized, but what about the young athletes playing in these contact sports?

Figure 1. MLB player, Yadier Molina, after suffering a mild concussion, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

MLB player, Yadier Molina, after suffering a mild concussion, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Neil Goldenberg and Dr. Patrick Mularoni of John Hopkins All Children’s Hospitial are teaming up with adolescent athletes to investigate methods to treat and diagnose concussion, providing safer conditions for young athletes. The researchers are given a $500.000 grant from All Children’s Hospital Foundation to perform this three-year study.

Firstly, what is a concussion? A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) that causes damage to the brain. Concussions are commonly generated after an impact to that head that quickly shakes the head and brain back and forth.

How a concussion is caused, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

How a concussion is caused, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated about 2.5 million people in the United States that visited hospitals for concussion diagnosis. Concussion symptoms vary depending on the severity of the injury; most of the symptoms subside relatively quickly. However, the long term effects require more studies to understand. A brief John Hopkins 2015 study of retired NFL players shows brain injury in the regions that regulate mood and verbal memory. Additionally, the players performed poorly on a memory test.

To prevent the potential long-term effects of concussions and protect young athletes, Dr. Goldenberg and Dr. Mularoni are determined to study changes in the brain functions of athletes in high school. Dr. George Jallo, Director of Brain Protection Sciences at John Hopkins, stated: “It’s very important for us to do a study in adolescents because that’s when their brain is developing and that’s when they’re going to have these head injuries.”

In my opinion, this study is a step in the right direction towards protecting youth in sports. As a former high school basketball player myself, I’ve experienced concussions due to errant elbows to the head. Being a stubborn person, I refused to stop and acted as if I was healthy. Although, I experienced minimal symptoms for a short period of time, it is unknown if the growth of my brain was affected at the time. Since I’ve suffered only one or two concussions it is unlikely to affect me in the long-term, but for the young athletes in hockey and football, contact is abundant, they might suffer through brain injuries that may change their livelihood forever.

-Nelson Yu


Researchers and Athletes Team Up to Study Concussion. (accessed Oct.16,2016)

Hedin, M. Johns Hopkins study of retired NFL players sheds light on concussion-related brain damage. (accessed Oct.16,2016)

Kivi, R. and Carey, E. Concussion. (accessed Oct.16,2016)


Primates help advance HIV treatment

Rhesus macaque on which treatment testing was performed.

Rhesus macaque on which treatment testing was performed.

An international research team based out of the German Primate Center has developed an effective treatment regime against the HIV-like Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) in rhesus macaques.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)  affects more than 36 million people worldwide, it is a sexually transmitted disease which infects vital immune response cells, called helper T cells. By invading these cells, the virus forces the body to kill the helper T cells, thus weakening the host immune system. This environment is ideal for life-threatening infections and cancers to thrive in. Once the number of helper T cells in the blood is below a certain threshold, the patient is diagnosed with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. At this point the body is no longer able to sustain immunity and the patient succumbs to his infections or cancer. The most common cause of death among patients with AIDS is tuberculosis.

T helper cell count as compared to HIV and AIDS progression.

T helper cell count as compared to HIV and AIDS progression.


There is not yet a cure for HIV and AIDS, but a combination of medications are used to fight the HIV infection. Patients are prescribed a regime of six drug classes which prevents the virus from multiplying in the patient’s body, allowing the immune system to recover and protect the patient from infections and cancers. This antiretroviral therapy (ART) controls the virus so that patients can live longer and healthier lives and reduces the risk of transmitting HIV to others.

HIV was originally transmitted as SIV when humans made contact with the blood of chimpanzees while hunting for bushmeat in Africa. In their natural hosts, chimpanzees, SIV is harmless even at high circulating levels, but if a rhesus macaque becomes infected, it will develop SIV, which has nearly identical characteristics as HIV.

In their study, the research team treated SIV-infected rhesus macaques with an antiretroviral drug regime similar to one a human patient would be prescribed if diagnosed with HIV. The macaques were also injected with Vedolizumab, a therapeutic drug used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases in humans such as Crohn’s disease, where the T helper cells also play a vital role.

After finishing the therapy, the macaques had almost no SI virus in their blood and near normal T helper cell levels. Scientists worldwide are testing to see whether a combination of antiretroviral therapy with Vedolizumab would have the same effect in humans infected with HIV.

By pushing the boundaries of effective HIV treatments, some of the adverse effects accompanied by administering continuous antiretroviral drugs such as chronic inflammation and accelerated aging can be reduced or eliminated.

Scarlett Liaifer

Mad Cow Disease: An Inevitable Death

A disease that has no cure and leads to an inevitable death. ‘Mad Cow Disease’ was first discovered in United Kingdom back in 1986, and for nearly 15 years the outbreak has infected up to 180,000 cattle and damaged many farm communities in the area.

Mad Cow Disease is also known as ‘Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)’, which the name itself suggests a spongy form of the cow’s brain. BSE is a slow progressing disease which targets the central nervous system of the cow causing it to act abnormally and eventually lead to its death. For unknown reasons a protein, known as ‘prion’, located in the brain of a cow, starts to change its conformation. This creates a signal which changes the conformation of other prions like a chain reaction and leads to the slow degradation of the brain. The following video provides a summary of the mad cow disease:
“Mad Cow Disease is an infectious disease of cattle transmitted but by virus or bacteria, but by an abnormal form of type of protein called a prion”- Dr. Linda L. Walsh, Dept. of Psychology, University of Iowa

Transmission of this disease to human will lead to certain death, although the time length for each cases can vary from about 6 months to many years. The form of mad cow disease infected in human is known as ‘variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease’ or vCJD.


Structure of normal and abnormal prion protein, and its effect on human brain.

This disease causes a slow degradation of the brain, creating small holes, and destroying the nervous system. As such, the symptom of this disease may consist of memory lost, lack of coordination, personality change, psychiatric issues, movements, speak and death. The transmission of this disease occurs from the direct consumption of meat infected with the abnormal prions, and possibly from blood transfusion.

“Another risk is the spread of vCJD through blood transfusions – and it is still not known exactly how many people are carriers of the disease.”  – Professor Graham Medley, University of Warwick

Although, many countries started to separate the brain, and other parts of nervous system, from the main food supply after the outbreak in the late 1990. It is possible that there are infected people who are unaware of it. Thus it increases the risk of transmitting this disease to others via blood transfusion.

“We are pretty sure that there are people out there who are infected but don’t have the disease”Professor Graham Medley, University of Warwick

Personally, I feel that there is a higher demand for research regarding prions and a cure for mad cow disease. The cause for this disease is still unknown and because of this, it is extremely difficult to prevent an outbreak from happening or to protect people against it.


Poramat Sucharit