Daylight Saving Time and Heart Attacks!

Monday, November 7, 2016. The standard time has returned and we gained an hour of our time back. It is nice to sleep in and have one more hour of sleep, but have you wondered why we do this?  George Hudson first proposed Daylight Saving Time (DST) a century ago and countries adapted this system to save energy (1). Now you must be wondering: how does changing the time on a clock save energy?


Figure 1: The clock is moved forward an hour (left) in March.  It is called the Daylight Saving Time (DST).  When the time is moved back an hour (right) in November, it is called the Standard Time.  Photos and edits by Daniel FR, Plenz (Original by Daniel FR, SVG by Plenz) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Let’s say the sun is shining from 8 AM to 6 PM.  By moving the clock forward, now the the sunlight hours become 9 AM to 7 PM.  Now sunlight lasts until 7 PM (which is later than 6 PM), creating an illusion of longer sunlight hours even though the total hours of sunlight have not changed.  Countries adapted DST thinking if it was bright outside until late night, it would encourage people to go outside and enjoy the sun instead of using electricity in their homes.  Also, if the sun was up until late night, people wouldn’t bother turning on the lights because it was already bright, further reducing the energy consumption.  However, does DST really save energy?


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It turns out that this question is very hard to answer.  Many scientists disagree with each other: some say it does and some say it does not.  However, the consensus is that the effects of DST on electricity usage is minimal (0.5-2%) (2).  Scientists also concluded that DST also does not encourage physical activities (3) in any way.  Clearly, DST is not serving its purpose; however, there is something that scientists suspect that DST may be responsible for.

According to a study conducted in 2014, the day following the DST in the spring (the clock is moved forward and we lose an hour of our time), the number of heart attacks increased by 24% (4).  Vice versa, when the clock was moved backward and we gained an hour of our time, the number of heart attacks decreased by 21% (4).  The hours of sleep and sleep quality are deeply correlated with heart attacks (5) and scientists suspect suddenly losing an hour of our sleep in the spring caused this increase.  On the other hand, gaining an hour of sleep is thought to be decrease the number of heart attacks after DST in fall.  Many other studies came to the same conclusion (6, 7) that DST may be influencing the number of heart attacks.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) seems like another ridiculous tradition that just does not work any more for our modern society.  Its ability to decrease energy consumption is questionable and it may put people at higher risks of heart attacks.  Plus, no one needs more confusion calculating the time difference between time zones.  Although I love gaining one hour of sleep in the fall, it’s clear it is time to ditch DST.

-Jay Park


1. CGP Grey,. Daylight Saving Time Explained (accessed Nov 7, 2016).

2. Aries, M.Newsham, G. Effect of daylight saving time on lighting energy use: A literature review (accessed Nov 7, 2016).

3. Zick, C. Does Daylight Savings Time Encourage Physical Activity?: Journal of Physical Activity and Health: Vol 11, No 5 (accessed Nov 7, 2016).

4. Sandhu, A.; Seth, M.; Gurm, H. Daylight savings time and myocardial infarction (accessed Nov 7, 2016).

5. Andrechuk, C. Ceolim, M. Sleep quality and adverse outcomes for patients with acute myocardial infarction J Clin Nurs 2015, 25, 223-230.

6. Kirchberger, I.; Wolf, K.; Heier, M.; Kuch, B.; von Scheidt, W.; Peters, A.; Meisinger, C. BMC Public Health 2015, 15.

(7) Toro, W.; Tigre, R.; Sampaio, B. Daylight Saving Time and incidence of myocardial infarction: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design. Economics Letters 2015, 136, 1-4.

Diamonds In the Sky

As you may have already realized, living in Vancouver means it’s gloomy, cold, and wet 10 out of the 12 months each year. As a Vancouverite, an umbrella is an essential item to take with you when leaving your house.  But imagine, one day you’re walking down the street and a giant, sparkling diamond falls from the sky and lands right before you. How is this possible? Is it… raining diamonds?!

This is quite impossible on planet Earth, however, it may be the case for our gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, and ice giants, Uranus and Neptune. Study shows that the atmosphere of these distant planets are filled with methane gas, a gas molecule with the molecular formula CH4, and have the ideal conditions for diamond formation. However, the proportions of methane gas in Jupiter’s and Saturn’s atmosphere is significantly lower than Uranus’s and Neptune’s atmosphere.


Saturn Source: Flickr

Despite this difference in methane availability, spacecraft Cassini has reported sightings of lightning storms in the upper atmospheric region of Saturn. The presence of lightning can break up methane gas into soot (the carbon source for diamonds); similar storms are apparent on Jupiter.  As soot sinks deeper into the atmosphere, pressure also increases. The increase in pressure converts soot into graphite. Once graphite is made, it continues to fall deeper and deeper towards the planet’s core; with increasing temperature and pressure, diamonds are formed!

However, as the solid diamonds fall closer to the core of Jupiter and Saturn, the temperature also increases dramatically to approximately 12 000⁰K. This temperature is well above the melting point of diamonds, approximately 3800⁰K, thus creating a sea of diamond liquid. Albeit, the temperature on Uranus and Neptune is much cooler in comparison. As a result, diamonds formed in these planets stay in their solid state.


Diamond in its solid state Source: Flickr

The possible size of these diamonds formed also vary. Just like rain, when the diamonds fall deeper into the atmosphere, they are capable of growth. When falling, some of the precious gems can grow so large that they can be classified as “diamond-bergs” (the size of an iceberg!).

Before you get all excited and wowed by this, I must say that is indeed not a fact. Unfortunately, this is only a theory from NASA and their scientists from observing the conditions and properties of these planets. We can only infer since we are restricted with the ability to travel to either Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune to formally further investigate this research topic. Perhaps one day, technology will be advanced enough for us to send robots, or maybe even humans farther than Mars and investigate extraterrestrial phenomena and their precious secrets held within.

A video of how diamonds are formed on Earth:

-Katrina Lim


  1. National Geographic. Diamonds stud the atmospheres of Saturn and Jupiter. (accessed Nov. 5th 2016)
  2. Cassini: unlocking Saturn’s secrets. (accessed Nov 5th 2016)

Biofuels: From You to Toilets to Cars

Have you ever wondered where your human wastes travel to when you flush the toilet? Probably not, I mean why would anyone think about that after doing their “business” in the washroom?  It is common knowledge that what we flush down the toilet end up in the sewers, but where do they go after? Sewage wastes are treated to separate wastewater and sludge. The wastewater can then be further treated to be reused, but what can we do with the remaining sewage sludge? The U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has researched a method to convert sewage wastes to biofuel.

Sewage sludge wastes being transported, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Sewage sludge wastes being transported, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Biofuels are fuels extracted from biomass, a renewable energy source composed of organic materials. There are many methods to convert biomass to biofuels. The following video provides some background on biofuels and commonly used methods to make them:

Autombile exhaust wastes from fossil fuels, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Autombile exhaust wastes from fossil fuels, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Biofuels can be a suitable substitute for conventional fossil fuels, coal and gas, when supplying energy to devices and vehicles. The development of biofuels is important for the purpose of reducing the use of fossil fuels. Since fossil fuels produces many wastes when burned. These wastes include air pollution, which is harmful to human health, and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming. The use of biofuels can reduce the production of theses harmful wastes.

So how do we convert our human wastes to biofuel. The Department of Energy found that using hydrothermal liquefaction can break down human wastes to simpler chemical compounds. Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is the process of breaking down wet biomass to crude-like oil under high pressure and temperature. In this case the wastes are pressurized to 3,000 pounds per square inch and 300 degrees Celsius. This process gives biocrude and a liquid phase. These parts can be treated to create fuel. Any other solid by-products from the creation of fuel are used for fertilizer, due to high nutrient content.

Personally, I think processing biofuel via sewage wastes is an ingenious method to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, we produce high quality fuel that can replace fossil fuels. This will lower the production of greenhouse gases and pollution, thus improving the environment. Secondly, it will be very cost-efficient for the government, as any other sewage processing, transport and disposal are no longer necessary. Lastly, this process produces no unusable by-products, as the fuel and remaining organic matter can be used for many purposes.

– Nelson Yu


Fuel from sewage is the future – and it’s closer than you think. (accessed November 5, 2016).

What are Biofuels?. (accessed November 5, 2016).

Hydrothermal liquefaction — the most promising path to a sustainable bio-oil production. (accessed November 5, 2016).

A Universe is Born

A century ago the topic, the birth of the universe, was considered unfit for scientific study. It wasn’t until Hubble’s discovery that the universe was expanding, that this topic was scientifically investigated1. The expansion of the universe led to idea that the universe sprang to existence from a single point in time, in an event called the Big Bang.

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With the advancement of science and technology we have been able to investigate our universe within fractions of a second after the Big Bang. By exploring the early universe we can gain new insight on how our universe was shaped and what the universe could look like in the future.

Figure 1. Solar system formation outline Source: (accessed Nov 6, 2016).

Figure 1. Solar System Formation Outline
Source: (accessed Nov 6, 2016).

The study of the early universe is called the Big Bang Theory1. A second after the big bang the universe was a 10 billion degree sea of protons, neutrons, electrons and other particles2. At the first fraction of a second the universe was so hot that particles were constantly being created and annihilated, preventing the formation of stable and neutral atoms. It wasn’t until about 10-10 seconds after the Big Bang, that it became “cool” enough for atoms to actually form1. Putting this into perspective, the “cool” temperature was about 1012 kelvins1.

Figure 2. Particle creation (a)and annihilation (b). Particles being converted to photons, and vice versa.  Source: Wesley, A. Nuclear Energy. (accessed Nov 6, 2016). Copyright by Wesley, A.

Figure 2. Particle Creation (a) and Annihilation (b). Particles being converted to photons, and vice versa.
Source: Wesley, A. Nuclear Energy. (accessed Nov 6, 2016). Copyright by Wesley, A.

However, even at this point the atoms created weren’t stable. Finally, five minutes after the Big Bang, when the temperature of the universe was about a billion kelvins (10k), the protons and neutrons were able to fuse together to form heavier nuclei1. For about 380,000 years the universe was a mush of opaque hot plasma2. According to NASA, the early universe wasn’t transparent because “the free electrons […] caused light (photons) to scatter, the way sunlight scatters from the water droplets in clouds3.”

Figure 3: Summary of the Big Bang Theory Source: The Birth of the Universe; The Kingfisher Young People's Book of space. (accessed Nov 6, 2016)

Figure 3: Summary of The Big Bang Theory
Source: The Birth of the Universe; The Kingfisher Young People’s Book of space. (accessed Nov 6, 2016)

Although a lot of questions about our universe are still unanswered, having some insight on the first few seconds and minutes after the Big Bang is incredible. This insight is what allowed us to determine the age of our universe. We all know from thermodynamics that our universe is constantly becoming more disordered, perhaps with further research we can understand this disorder and investigate the birth of our universe more and possibly determine the future of our universe.

Until our next Journey, live long and prosper.

By Flora Iranmanesh


  1. Bennet; Donahue; Schneider; Voit. The Cosmic Perspective: Stars & Galaxies; Pearson Learning Solutions, Boston, 2015; pp 306-325.
  2. NASA Science Beta. Universe: The Big Bang. (accessed Nov 6, 2016)
  3. com. What is the Big Bang Theory. (accessed Nov 6, 2016)





Alzheimer’s disease: An Irreversible Brain Degeneration

Alzheimer’s disease was first discovered back in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer. It is a degenerative brain disease which is predicted to effect up to 5 million people in the US alone. This disease effect an individual’s cognitive ability, emotion, behavior, physical abilities, and could ultimately lead to death. The following video provides a summary of the Alzheimer’s disease:

Even though this disease was discovered for over a century ago, scientists around the world are still unable to fully understand or discover any cure for the disease. However, they found traces of two forms of proteins known as ‘Plaques’ and ‘Tau’ protein which is believed to be associated with Alzheimer disease.

Normal brain and a brain with Alzheimer's disease

Healthy brain Vs. Brain with Alzheimer’s disease – Plaque and Tangle proteins. <>. Photo credit: Jefferson Hospital.

Plaque protein are created from smaller proteins that sticks together and form a clump shape, this protein may block the connection between nervous cells and interfere with the communication network in our brain. In some cases, our body detects that the cell cannot function normally and hence our body started to destroy our own cells. Another protein associated with Alzheimer disease are called ‘tau’ protein, a protein that involved in the process of transporting nutrients to nervous cells. In Alzheimer patients these proteins collapse and form another form of non-functioning protein known as ‘Tangles’ protein. This results in the lack of nutrients being transported to the cell leading to cell death. Both of these abnormal form of proteins interferes with the nervous system in the brain and causes several of symptoms associated to Alzheimer.

“You lose your memory. Step by step, you turn into a person you don’t know anymore. And the one you knew disappears.”- Richard Taylor, Former psychology professor, Alzheimer patient.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. <>.

Due to the facts that this disease targets the nervous system especially in the brain the symptoms may involve the loss of memories, abnormal behavior and changes in personality. The disease will slowly move from one region of the brain to another, along the way it kills nerve cells and started to alter the brain function. It can be seen that as the disease migrate throughout the brain, different symptoms will start to emerge, from unable to form normal speech to emotional control, hallucination, memories lost, the inability to perform everyday tasks and ultimately destroying the regulatory region of the brain leading to death.

“Most people are aware of the problem— I hope — but I don’t think people get just how serious Alzheimer’s is until it happens to somebody they love, and that’s happening more and more.” – Dr. Christopher Ochner, Ph.D. clinical psychology, Columbia University.

Personally, I think Alzheimer’s disease is extremely dangerous and a worldwide threat. It’s a disease that does not only affect one individual but the whole family. More scientific funding is required for research in this field. To prevent the death toll from rising due to Alzheimer, it is crucial for the cause and a cure for this disease to be found.

Acupuncture as an Alternative Hypertension Treatment

Hypertension, most often known as high blood pressure is a widespread heart condition affecting 5.3 million Canadians. Arteries can become narrowed or blocked, which increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. High blood pressure can be caused by numerous factors including stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, age and family history.

Hypertension further explained (source: Khan Academy)

The most common treatment for hypertension is the administration of diuretics or “water pills”. These pills act to eliminate excess water and salt through the urine which reduces the overall volume of blood pumped by the heart, thus easing stress and strain on the heart. But like with any other drug, diuretic use comes with an array of side effects. Frequent urination and arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm) are most commonly experienced when taking diuretics but can also be accompanied by electrolyte imbalance and general weakness.

Despite the successes of pharmacological hypertension treatments, an alternative, non-chemical approach has proven effective, electro-acupuncture.

Just as it sounds, electro-acupuncture is a medicinal technique where the patient’s skin is penetrated by thin needles delivering 10-80 mA of current to stimulate specific acupoints.  These points are usually found at nerve-muscle junctions, muscle midpoints or at bone-muscle junctions.

A group of researchers from the University of California determined that by performing electro-acupuncture, the body forms excess enkephalin, an opioid peptide, which saturates the brains opioid receptors and lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and lowering heart rate. Generally, opioid drugs such as morphine and oxycodone minimize pain by reducing the intensity of pain signals travelling to the brain.

Their study showed that hypertension in mice was controlled for up to three days after electro-acupuncture.

I am a firm believer in alternative medical techniques, especially if they reduce the intake of pharmaceuticals, and this research is a promising replacement for traditional chemical approaches to treating clinical hypertension.

  • Scarlett Liaifer


Li, M., Tjen-A-Looi, S., Guo, Z., Longhurst, J. Repetitive Electroacupuncture Attenuates Cold-Induced Hypertension through Enkephalin in the Rostral Ventral Lateral Medulla. Nature. [Online] 20166, 1-11

Shortcuts to Weight Loss: The Risk-Benefit Analysis of Weight Loss Supplements

With the busy lives that humans now occupy within society, like post-secondary students during exam season for example, balanced and nutritional dietary and exercise are often disregarded or not of a major priority. As a result, the body begins to accumulate fats to act as a storage for excess energy from the foods we eat and thus leads to a case in what society would call “overweight”. The extreme case would result in obesity and this has been a growing concern (and a rather sensitive topic to some) over the past years because excessive body weight is associated with various cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, and overall, a reduction in life expectancy. However, there is one suggestion that is portrayed by media and human society that is supposedly a shortcut to this problem: weight loss supplements.

Weight loss supplements contain common active ingredients such as bitter orange (synephrine), chromium, guar gum, and Hoodia(1). Synephrine, the main composition of bitter orange, works to suppress appetite and increase the rate of metabolism, thus increasing the number of calories burned (1). Chromium is a mineral that helps to regulate insulin and helps promote muscle growth and fat reduction and guar gum helps block absorption of fats in the body and increase the feeling of fullness whereas Hoodia temporarily suppresses your appetite (1).

Although these active ingredients and their functionality seem to be the solution to obesity, there are many side effects. First of all, synephrine is very similar to ephedrine (see Figure 1), a banned stimulating drug by the Food and Drug Administration due to implications with stroke, heart attacks, and hypertensions, in chemical structure and have many similar characteristics (2).


Figure 1: Chemical structure of synephrine compared to ephedrine

Secondly, although chromium exists naturally in our bodies and certain foods, the intake of excessive chromium is disadvantageous because chromium, like other heavy metals, is rather toxic to the human body even at low concentrations. Moreover, although guar gum and Hoodia (Figure 2) work in synch to suppress the production of fats for excessive energy storage as a result from eating food, the overall results are still not proven and can potentially lead to malnutrition (1).


Figure 2: Chemical structure of guar gum (top) and Hoodia (bottom)

To note, a research by Eichner, Maguire, Shea, and Fete have determined that many weight loss supplements are still on the market today that contain other ingredients that are banned due to psychiatric issues and complications with the cardiovascular and nervous system (3). Other ingredients that are not banned but are subject to caution and consumer knowledge are also present in many weight loss supplements(3).

In conclusion, although shortcuts are available to everyday medical conditions such as obesity, there are also many drawbacks to such methods. The optimum method would be the natural method of weight loss which involves a balanced nutritional dietary and exercise, despite how busy our lives may be or what telemarketers or advertisements tell you.

-Andrew Siu


Eichner, S., Maguire, M., Shea, L.A., and Fete, M. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2016, 5, 538.

Fitday. How do weight loss pills work in the body? (accessed Oct. 31, 2016).

Google Patents. Pharmaceutical compositions having appetite suppressant activity. (accessed Oct. 31, 2016)

Nutrient Journal. Is bitter orange fruit (citrus aurantum as synephrine) new ephedra? (accessed Oct.31, 2016).

Sci-Toys. Guar gum. (accessed Oct. 31, 2016).

Super Batteries


Some people feel like they are always stuck to the outlet because our current batteries cannot hold enough power and degrade quickly. (c) JuralMin, released under Creative Commons CC0

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to charge your phone multiples times a day in order to maintain its battery level? We’ve all probably experienced times when we desperately need to use our phones but the battery is completely drained, with only moderate use throughout the day. Why is it that current cellular device technology has improved significantly, but battery quality has not?

Recently, researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new type of battery that may soon solve this problem and increase the productivity and lifespan of the modern lithium-ion battery. This new type of battery, called the lithium-sulfur battery, takes inspiration from the villi in our digestive intestinal tract. It is predicted that these next-generation batteries could potentially hold up to five times the energy that a tradition lithium-ion battery can, without increasing the size of the battery.


A illustration of what villi look like in the small intestine (c) nobeatsofierce

Villi are finger-like protrusions lining the intestinal tract which increase the surface area needed for the absorption of nutrients. In the battery, zinc oxide wires stick out like villi from the surface of one of the battery’s electrodes, the part of the battery that generates electrons.

In traditional lithium-ion batteries, active material in the battery that break off the flat electrode are lost and lead to the degradation of the battery. This new villus configuration allows precious “battery nutrients” that break off the electrode to be attracted to the villi wires, just like how the villi in the intestines attract and absorb the nutrients on our food. The material attracted by the zinc oxide wires can then be reused for the production of electrochemical energy, greatly increasing the lifespan of the battery.

The lithium-sulfur battery also has a higher energy density than regular lithium-ion batteries due to the ability of sulfur to hold a higher number of lithium-ions than carbon can in the current battery model. To illustrate this, imagine that the battery is a factory and lithium ions are the workers. The carbon factory only has enough capacity for 100 workers. However, the sulfur factory can have >500 workers. Which factory will be more productive? This is why carbon is replaced by sulfur in the new-type battery, due to sulfur’s ability to hold more lithium-ion “workers” to generate more energy.

These breakthrough changes, substituting carbon for sulfur and the addition of zinc oxide “villi”, result in a new type of battery that surpasses the lithium-ion battery in terms of energy capacity as well as battery lifespan.

“By taking our inspiration from the natural world, we were able to come up with a solution that we hope will accelerate the development of next-generation batteries.” said the study’s lead author Teng Zhao.

However, the battery is currently not yet ready for commercial use and will probably not be available without further research and development.

The new advances in battery technology is exciting and brings hope to all of us who use battery-powered devices. I think it’s about time that the batteries we commonly use now receive an upgrade. Even though this new technology has not yet been perfected, I believe that through the discovery of lithium-sulfur batteries we can move towards developing better batteries for the future.

-Charlie Wei


University of Cambridge. “Next-generation smartphone battery inspired by the gut.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 October 2016. <>.

A new environmentally friendly and healthy method to soften water

Aluminum was reported to be capable for removing mineral in water without involving sodium, according to online Environmental Science & Technology on Oct 4. This new method was motivated because of the negative effect resulted by current sodium-related water soften method, says by study coauthor Arup SenGupta.

As an environmental engineer at Lehigh University in Bethlehem Pa,  Sengupta believes that improving the traditional way of softening water can bring benefits to environment.

Hard water, which is defined as water contains significant amount of mineral ion such like calcium and magnesium , is relevantly difficult to lather by soap and usually form incrustation in containers or tubes.

Introduction to hard and soft water: YouTube Preview Image

The current method for solving problem of hard water is filtering through a tank with glass beads. The sodium ions covering on beads can exchange with mineral ions ,and this leads to soft water.


However, this method has many negative effects. On one hand, the sodium added has negative effect on people’s health, for example, they can raise blood pressure. On the other hand, the system can not solve the problem once and for all, since it needs to be recharged by sodium-based brine regularly.

From the point view of chemistry, SenGupta and his colleagues select aluminum as a substitute of sodium. Actually aluminum ion has three positive charges and that means it is relatively unlikely for aluminum ion to exchange with mineral ions. So why they choose aluminum ion? The reason is that the aluminum can precipitate and gather on beads after exchanging instead of being taken away like sodium. This makes aluminum ions reusable.

The new system of aluminum was tested by researchers’ lab and was found to have better performances than old systems. It’s worth mentioning that the set up used was similar and that can make the possible renewing project in the future easier and cheaper.

So far, this new technique will still be challenged in practical use. “I see these great things all the time, but a lot of them just don’t make it financially,”  said by Steven Duranceau, an environmental engineer at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. On contrary, SenGupta keeps his enthusiasm, as he says “This is not a magic bullet; there are shortcomings, but none of these problems are impossible to overcome.”



J. Li et al. Aluminum-cycle ion exchange process for hardness removal: a new approach for sustainable softening. Environmental Science & Technology. Published online October 4, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03021.

The Yew Tree: From Foe to Friend

For thousands of years, people have used the poisonous materials from the yew tree to fight their battles. Ancient people used the extract from the bark to coat the tips of their war arrows, rendering them deadly. The Romans used the same substance to assassinate political leaders. In the modern era, the yew tree is fighting a new opponent: cancer. A chemical, Taxol, which is derived from the plant is one of the most prevalent chemotherapeutic agents used today to battle cancer.


The poisonous properties of the yew have been known for thousands of years Source: Wikimedia Commons

Taxol, or paclitaxel, is toxic to cells because it disrupts the mitosis process. Mitosis is when a cell splits into two identical daughter cells. It is essential to maintain an healthy and growing organism. When the yew plant is ingested, cells cannot divide because of the these anti-mitotic properties of paclitaxol. Division halts and the cells die, which can eventually result in the death of the whole organism. These anti-mitotic properties are why Taxol works as an agent against cancer. This is because cancerous cells have mutated so that they divide uncontrollably. As Taxol disturbs cell division, it can efficiently kill certain types of cancerous cells such as breast and ovarian cancer.


The Yew Tree                                                           Source: Wikimedia Commons

The yew tree still holds some secrets: unlike many drugs originally derived from plant sources, there is no entirely synthetic pathway that reproduces the naturally derived compound. That is to say, for this chemotherapy to have full effect, it still needs materials acquired from yew trees. As the National Cancer Institute reports, a manufacturing technique has been developed recently which combines synthetic compounds and the chemicals from the yew bark. This has made the drug more accessible and affordable, but Taxol currently used in cancer treatment is still plant-based.

With a chemotherapeutic drug like Taxol, doctors scientists use the same properties of the substance that has been killing us for thousands of years to kill the enemy within us: cancer.

How Taxol Works (Source: Cancer quest)

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-Megan Wolf