Winter is coming.

Let’s face it; summer is over. The cold months approach us, and unfortunately so do the infamous waves of common colds and viruses, too. Time to prepare for battle. But don’t worry; the fight against illness isn’t actually as vigorous as you might think. All we have to do is—pause for dramatic effect—wash our hands! It sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Well, luckily for everyone—for once in our undergraduate lives—it really is as easy as it seems!

At the University of Colorado, a study involving 430 students from 4 different residence halls investigated the efficacy of a hand-washing campaign as well as the use of alcohol gel hand-sanitizer in the fight against upper-respiratory illness (1). According to, upper-respiratory illness includes symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, a runny nose, fever, and a sore throat, to name a few (2).  The study involved dividing the students into control and product groups, and statistically analyzed them for differences in illness rates, symptoms, and the number of absences from classes.  For the product groups, alcohol gel hand–sanitizer dispensers were mounted in every room, bathroom, and dining hall, and a hand washing message campaign covered bulletin boards throughout the residence halls, which carried weekly messages regarding hand washing hygiene. The control group was told they were participating in a wellness study but received no sanitizer dispensers or campaigning bulletin boards.

The study presented significant results. Although the data consisted of only self-reported symptoms and not clinically obtained information, the results displayed a recognizable increase in hand-washing and use of hand-sanitizer from the product groups, and thence a noticeable decrease in the amount of illness, absences, and symptoms of upper-respiratory illness as well.

Additionally, a study performed on children in Karachi, Pakistan also resulted with respiratory infections substantially decreasing after months of promoted hand washing (3).

Another article, in The New England Journal of Medicine, researched the transmission of rhinovirus infections (4). Rhinovirus infections cause 1/3 or more of the common colds, and proliferates primarily in the nose. Fortunately, the symptoms that arise are unlike the cartoon shown.

The investigation found that the virus is spread from the hands of the infected individual to either direct contact with another individual’s hands, or indirect contact via an intermediate surface. The recipient unknowingly spreads the infection by touching their face, eyes, or mouth, and contracts the virus. This video explains how the common cold works.

The moral of this story is to wash your hands before ever touching your face, eyes, or mouth!

However, squeezing soap on your hands and rinsing it off doesn’t suffice. In order to fully remove the bacteria, you must be thorough. Fortunately, some public washrooms show you how! An example of a sign showing efficient hand washing procedure is depicted below.

There you have it, folks. Keep it clean. Wash your hands as often as necessary; it’s probably the easiest way to fight against that nasty cold we all dread!


  1. White, C.; Kolble, R.; Carlson, R.; Lipson, N. Journal of American College Health 2005, 53 (4), 175–181.
  2. FACEP, J. R. B. D. O.; MPH, S. N. N. M. D. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Treatment (accessed Oct 11, 2016).
  3. Luby, S. P.; Agboatwalla, M.; Feikin, D. R.; Painter, J.; Billhimer, W.; Altaf, A.; Hoekstra, R. M. The Lancet 2005, 366 (9481), 225–233.
  4. Hendley, J. O.; Wenzel, R. P.; Gwaltney, J. M. New England Journal of Medicine 1973, 288 (26), 1361–1364.

Oxygen Water and Reasons to Avoid it

Have you heard of “oxygen water?” This self-explanatory drink contains a higher concentration of oxygen than normal water. The manufacturers of oxygen water such as GP8 oxygen water and OXiGEN all claim their products have many health benefits such as an improvement in an athlete’s performance; however, is this true? In short it isn’t.


When people are vigorously exercising, they are always out of breath. Why is that? Oxygen is an essential fuel needed to generate energy (ATP) in the human body. This process of making energy in our bodies is known as cellular respiration.

Simple Overview of Cellular Respiration. It requires oxygen, sugar (food) to make energy, carbon dioxide and water. As shown above, oxygen is a necessary component in the process. Image created by Jay Park, public domain source:

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When people are breathing hard, they are trying to get more oxygen in their lungs to fuel their bodies into motion. What if there was an alternate way of getting oxygen inside your body than breathing? Oxygen water manufacturers claim that drinking their product will increase the oxygen levels in your body. Unfortunately, this is no where near the truth.

With the popularity of oxygen water growing in both professional and amateur athletes, a few teams of scientists decided to challenge the science behind oxygen water. One of those scientists was Dr. Piantadosi who tested whether or not consuming oxygen water improved athletic performance. The study concluded that oxygen water did not improve any athletic abilities. Many other studies that tested oxygen water’s ability to enhance athletic ability all came to the same conclusion.

Unlike the aforementioned studies, Schoenberg and his team were determined to figure out if oxygen water was harmful by investigating the relationship between oxygen water and oxygen radicals. Oxygen radicals are a type of free radicals.  Free radicals have an unpaired electron and this makes the radicals highly unstable and reactive. When they are present in our body, they can damage and even kill the cells they come in contact with; therefore, having high levels of oxygen radicals is harmful.

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The scientists hypothesized that participants who drank oxygen water will have more oxygen radicals in their blood.  Their hypothesis was correct. Volunteers who drank oxygen water had higher blood oxygen radical levels than normal for thirty minutes after drinking oxygen water. With this finding, the team concluded that oxygen water may be harmful to the consumer.

The scientific community has made it clear that oxygen water is not what it claims to be. Hopefully with the power of science behind your back, you will avoid wasting your money on oxygen water!


Jay Park.

1. Haque, Rabiul. Free Radical Injury (HD). 2015. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.
2. Piantadosi, C A. “”Oxygenated” Water and Athletic Performance * COMMENTARY”. British Journal of Sports Medicine 40.9 (2006): 740-741. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.
3. Schoenberg MH, et al. “The Generation Of Oxygen Radicals After Drinking Of Oxygenated Water. – Pubmed – NCBI”. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.
4. Teacher’s Pet. Cellular Respiration. 2014. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.

Black Holes Don’t Suck!

As a mega fan of sci-fi movies and astronomy I am always confronted with the bitter taste of space ignorance. One of the most common misconceptions–not only in sci-fi movies but also in our pop culture–is about black holes. Ever heard of the phrase “getting sucked into a black hole?” Newton’s law of gravitation tells us that masses in gravitational fields orbit each other in ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas. Notice how “sucking” isn’t on this list.

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For us to have a better understanding of the universe we live in, we must get rid of misconceptions in science and replace them with facts. So if a black hole doesn’t “suck” then what does really happen at a black hole?

Before we can take this journey through space together, some elements need to be defined for the less nerdy astronomy readers.

Black holes are the remaining cores of massive stars. So, basically a lot of mass squeezed into a tiny space, which results in a strong gravitational pull. This strong gravitational pull arises from the curvature of space. Imagine if the universe was a giant rubber sheet with objects of different masses spread throughout it. Heavier objects would curve the rubber sheet more than lighter objects. A black hole on this sheet would be like a bottomless pit—a hole in the observable universe.

On the left, an optical image from the Digitized Sky Survey shows Cygnus X-1, outlined in a red box. Cygnus X-1 is located near large active regions of star formation in the Milky Way, as seen in this image that spans some 700 light years across. An artist's illustration on the right depicts what astronomers think is happening within the Cygnus X-1 system. Cygnus X-1 is a so-called stellar-mass black hole, a class of black holes that comes from the collapse of a massive star. New studies with data from Chandra and several other telescopes have determined the black hole's spin, mass, and distance with unprecedented accuracy. Credits: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss Source:

An artist’s drawing of the black hole Cygnus X-1, pulling in matter from a nearby blue star. Credits: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss Source:


An illustration of the “rubber sheet” 2-D simplification of gravity’s effect on space-time, with a 1-D profile of the shape of the curve along any one direction. Image Credit: BenRG, public domain Source:

An illustration of the “rubber sheet” 2-D simplification of gravity’s effect on space-time, with a 1-D profile of the shape of the curve along any one direction.
Image Credit: BenRG, public domain

So passing by a black hole we wouldn’t get sucked in, unless we were unfortunate enough to get pulled into its gravitational field. If we did managed to get pulled in, we would disappear from the observable universe. This is because the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape a black hole. Thus being given the name “black” hole.

To our friends outside the black hole it may seem that we did in fact get sucked in because we vanished from sight. But we know this isn’t true, and sadly we can never leave the black hole to tell our friends. So as we frantically wave our arms and call out to our friends for help, they head back home and tell everyone that black holes do in fact suck. 🙁

Until our next journey, live long and prosper.

By: Flora Iranmanesh

DNA Evidence – Not so airtight after all

March 2009. Police departments across Europe have been searching for a serial killer known as the Phantom of Heilbronn. Her DNA had been found at crime scenes all over the subcontinent. Other than the DNA, police had no other clues to her identity. Finally, a break, but not exactly what authorities were looking for. They had found an individual with matching DNA, only it was a man. Stumped as to how their profile was matching to a man – a genetic impossibility – investigators re-examined the evidence. They eventually determined that the Phantom of Heilbronn was just that, a phantom. The DNA belonged to a worker in the factory that manufactured the cotton swabs used by the forensic officers. The swabs had contained minor contamination from the worker, but had been used to collect samples at crime scenes. When analyzing the swabs, investigators found the DNA profile of the worker, instead of that of the culprit.

Every cell with a nucleus contains molecules of DNA, which function as the blueprint of life. Cells read the code in DNA and use it to construct and operate the body of the organism. Humans share 99.9% of their DNA sequence, but there is variation in the code. Modern technology can read an entire DNA sequence and isolate the parts in which there is known to be variation, known as loci. The variation at all loci produces a DNA profile that is as unique to an individual as a fingerprint. Forensic analysts working with police departments then use this to match a suspect’s DNA to that found as evidence at a crime scene.

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How DNA analysis works. Source: The National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC)

Media and popular culture would have you believe that DNA fingerprinting technology is infallible. As the case of the Phantom demonstrates, it most certainly is not. Since with modern technology DNA can be extracted from only a few cells, post-crime contamination during crime scene handling is becoming increasingly problematic. Cells from anywhere or anyone can end up on pieces of vital evidence and be misidentified as the cells of the criminal. Sometimes, as in the case of the phantom, this wastes valuable time and resources. Other times, such as in the controversial Amanda Knox case, it can land the wrong person in jail.


Crime scenes are at high risk of DNA contamination  Source: Wikimedia commons, By Tex Texin from Blogosphere, Cyberspace – “Crime Scene Do Not Cross” tape, CC BY 2.0

Crime scene contamination, along with other ways DNA evidence can be corrupted, cast doubt on the perceived faultless technique of DNA fingerprinting. Sometimes, even if with a DNA match cannot prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Megan Wolf

If Organic Molecules Were Human: NanoPutians

Although killer clown sightings are the main topic of discussion these past few weeks, there is one thing aspect in chemistry that is just as weird and creepy (because it is Halloween month): NanoPutians. NanoPutians were first introduced to me in my Chem 218 class and are defined as synthetic organic molecules that resemble human forms which include but are not limited to: athletes, monarchs, bakers, and chefs.

The process begins with the synthesis of a NanoKid which provides the structural backbone for the various forms of NanoPutians. This is carried out in two multistep reactions with the upper portion which includes the head and body and the lower portion which includes the waist and legs synthesized separately as shown (1):



The upper and the lower portions are then joined via a Pd/Cu catalyzed coupling reaction to yield the NanoKid as shown (1):


Microwave radiation, in the presence of a 1,2 or a 1,3 diol, is the methodology for the “head-conversion reaction” of a NanoKid to yield the series of NanoPutians (1). Depending on the reaction conditions, the NanoPutian could resemble that of an athlete (NanoAthlete), a pilgrim (NanoPilgrim), a Green Beret (NanoGreenBeret), a jester (NanoJester), a monarch (NanoMonarch), a Texan (NanoTexan), a scholar (NanoScholar), a baker (NanoBaker), or a chef (NanoChef) as shown (1):


Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with the diversity, miscellaneous reactions that do not implement a NanoKid backbone can yield NanoToddlers and NanoBalletDancers. A NanoPutian Chain can also be synthesized, with modifications to the synthesis of the upper portion of the NanoPutian to yield an AB polymer configuration, to resemble individual NanoPutians “holding hands” and to symbolize multinanolism and peace on NanoEarth (okay I’ll admit I made that up) as shown (1):


Now you may ask yourself: “Who funds this kind of research?”, “Why would anyone invest their time on this?”, or “What is the significance in learning about NanoPutians to the scientific community?”. Truth be told, there is no known significance (yet), in terms of chemical and practical applications, which may explain the limited research in this area (2). However, the synthesis of NanoPutians contributes a significant role in aspiring the younger generations in science and more specifically, the field of chemistry (2). And sometimes, we tend to forget how important that really is. If scientific advancements are to be made in the future (and one can only predict what the future will look like), the younger generations must be inspired by science and motivated to learn more in order to solve the problems and answer the questions, that we could not, about the world we live in.

-Andrew Siu

Chem 300 Section 109


Chanteau, S., Tour, J. Synthesis of Anthropomorphic Molecules: The NanoPutians. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2003, 68, 8750.

NanoPutians. Wikipedia. (accessed Oct. 8, 2016).







Graphene Batteries: A Better Alternative

There’s been a lot of fuss recently regarding the new phones. The Samsung Note 7 and the iPhone 7, particularly, seem to exhibit a major flaw: They tend to explode. Well, exploding may be overstating the actual situation, as most of the time they just catch on fire, but it is still quite a major inconvenience.

So why is this happening? Its not like lithium-ion batteries are a new technology, right?

Well, it is true that companies have been using these batteries for a long time now, but the problem has to do with how companies have began to stretch out the limits of the design in order to satisfy its customers.

The lithium-ion batteries work like this:


Simplified diagram of a Lithium-ion battery. (Image courtesy of Sustainable-nano.)

Where the solution inside the battery helps move the electric charge in and out of the battery.

This these batteries, there are certain limits such as size and charge that dictate the safety and stability of the battery. Therefore, when the companies begin to push the limits of the battery design so that they can give a longer charge, and use less space. What this creates is a very unstable battery, and a very unhappy customer.

So what can we do to fix this?

Meet the Graphene battery.

Graphene is a material that has many wonderful properties. It’s lightweight, conducts electricity extremely well, and is incredibly stable, forming a sturdy yet flexible material. The best part is: it is found in everyday items such as pencils and charcoal, so it won’t be a limited resource either.

Graphene batteries work by using layers of graphene to act as the plates that move electricity in and out of the battery. By using graphene instead of lithium or other metal plates, we fix two major problems:

  1. Graphene holds a much larger amount of charge, and is able to charge up in just a fraction of the time. Pictured below is the G-King graphene battery. At the size of a regular smartphone, it holds more than 3 times the charge of a regular phone battery. Best of all, it can be fully charged in fifteen minutes.


    The G-King, in all its glory. (Image courtesy of Graphene-info.)

  2. Since graphene is so safe and flexible, it opens up new venues of battery design. Graphene batteries are made in all sorts of shapes and sizes, enabling batteries in all sorts of convenient places.


    A bag strap with an attached graphene battery inside as a easy to use recharging station. (Image courtesy of Graphene-info.)

Although most graphene products are still under development, expect to see some great results coming through the next couple of years. I, for one, will be sure to pick these up as soon as they hit the general market. In the meantime, you can watch this video about the unveiling of the G-King battery.

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-Dennis Lin, Undergrad Chemistry

Using medicine to reduce the risk of addictive gambling ?

Addictive gambling can have severely negative effects on a person’s lives. Because of such addiction, many people suffer from unemployment, financial debts and even families separation. Long time ago, a lot of scientists were really confused about why and how can the general public get so addicted to gambling, in a way similar to drug and many other types of addictions. This question had been solved by the study about pleasure centre, which began in 1954.


(Graph 1: Gambling.  Author: jeniferanne Source: pictures uploaded by the original photographer)

“Pleasure center” is a part of our brain that is located below the fronted end of Corpus Callosum (As shown in Graph 2 ). When we feel happy, this area will release a chemical called “dopamine”, which is also a type of neurotransmitters that can stimulate our brains and induce the feelings of pleasure.

interhemispheric_auditory_pathways_fnhum-08-00055-g001(Graph 2: The location of corpus Callosum) Author: Saskia Steinmann, Gregor Leicht and Christoph Mulert Source: pictures uploaded by the original photographer.

The classic experiment regarding pleasure centre is “Rats and Rewards”. In 1950, two psychological researchers, whose names are James Olds and Peter Milner, implanted several electrodes into rats’ brains to release small electric pulses, which can stimulate specific areas of the brain. Olds and Milner found out that when they place the electrodes onto the location where below the fronted end of Corpus Callosum (As shown in Graph 2 ), which also known as the pleasure centre in the future, rats would keep pushing the panel without eating and drinking. In the end, these rats died from hunger and thirst. Based on this experiment, other scientists further discovered dopamine and the study of classical learning.

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This type of addictive behaviour, as exhibited by the rats in the above experiment, is very similar to gambling. It can force people to forget about their real lives and maintain their addictive activities.

However, what if we can find a type of medicine that can inhibit the production of dopamine, and to help people quit gambling? In the Centre for Gambling Research at UBC, many researchers and scientists are experimenting to develop a new type of medicine which could regulate the pleasure centre and reduce the amount of dopamine emitted. They are also researching psychological methods to examine and control decision-making. The experimental methods are mainly about giving different groups of test subjects many types of medicine, and their heart rates, hormone levels or other types of physiological signals are measured. Higher heart rates or hormone levels imply higher releasing of dopamine. Base on such reaction, scientists can test about how can a specific of medicine can lower the physiological signals, which can eventually inhibit the pleasurable feelings of addictions. If this research can be achieved, many people in the world who suffer from gambling problems can be saved and also start a brand new life.

–Xiaochen Liang


What’s pleasure center and the famous rat experiment ?

The UBC gambling research


Graph 1

Author: jeniferanne Source: pictures uploaded by the original photographer


Graph 2

Author: Saskia Steinmann, Gregor Leicht and Christoph Mulert Source: pictures uploaded by the original photographer.

Video:[/youtube] Youtube Uploaded by Kanaal van teaching psychology   Sources: Unknown





Over consumption of sugar- the real enemy of your health


When talking about eating healthy and keeping fit, what people think of in general is to avoid food with high calories and fat.  A lot of people do not seem to see sugar as a threat to our health, in reality, eating too much sugar will cause much more serious problems than most people thought, sugar is actually the biggest threat to our health. What makes the situation worse is that a lot of people consume too much sugar nowadays because many types of food and drinks contain sugar.

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It is not a good idea to refuse eating sugar, either, because it is a necessary source of nutrition that keeps a person alive. The over-consumption of sugar is the real problem.  One of the most serious problems it will cause is diabetes.  Not all patient gets diabetes because of having too much sugar, but studies have shown that it will significantly the risk of getting diabetes. Diabetes is the disease due to the high blood sugar level that cannot be controlled because of the dysfunction of insulin, which is essential for controlling the blood sugar level.  Over-consumption of sugar will increase the work load of insulin, and this will increase the risk of its dysfunction, thus causes diabetes.


Fig1: type 2 diabetes due to the dysfunction of insulin, your blood sugar level will not be controlled properly if insulin does not work 

Eating too much sugar will also damage a person’s nervous system. Although sugar is a main source of energy that makes our brains work, it requires no more than 40mg per day. Massive amount of sugar will damages the brain, causes poor memory formation, learning disorders and depression. This is the reason professional sportsmen and sportswomen are asked to strictly control the amount of sugar they consume every day. In order to give their best performance on the court, there nervous system must be in the best condition, and too much sugar will not help them with that. Dwight Howard, a NBA basketball star, had a terrible performance in the season of 2012-2013, except for being recovered from back injury; failure to control the amount sugar consumption was another reason for his poor performance.

Nutritionists suggested that in general an adult should eat no more than 25g of refined sugar per day. Many people eat more sugar than they actually need because they eat a lot of processed food, and many processed foods contain a lot of sugar within it .  Besides soft drinks and desserts, some breakfast cereals, which is considered as healthy food, contains a massive amount of sugar, too. If you really want to reduce the consumption of sugar, it is a good idea to start to avoid processed food, eat more natural food instead.


Fig 2;sugar composition of some soft drinks. Remember, a adult need no more than 25 grams of refined sugar per day


Fig3: Nutrition facts of ice-cream


Fig4: Nutrition facts of fruit loops, a type of breakfast cereal, it is surprising to know that this contains a lot of sugar, too.

Over-consumption of sugar will bring a lot of health-related problems besides increasing weight. Controlling the amount of sugar (especially the refined sugar) you eat every day is as important as controlling the calories.  It may be a good idea to have a look at the nutrition table before you eat something so that you know how much you are allowed to eat to keep a healthy sugar level.

-Xupeng Yang



Zika Virus impairs Infant’s brain development

What is Zika? Zika is a virus passed by a bite of an infected yellow fever mosquito  (1). Adults infected with Zika virus can develop several symptoms. For instance, headache, rash, fever, red eyes and muscle pain. Indeed, not only adults can be infected by the Zika virus. Pregnant women infected with Zika virus can also pass it down to their fetus.

Joseph Gleeson,a neuroscientist from Rockefeller Univeristy in New York City,  suggested infants infected with Zika virus are very likely to be born with abnormally small heads called microcephaly (4). A group of researchers conducted an experiment to understand how Zika virus caused impairment in cerebral cortical development, an area of the brain associated with the function of thoughts and actions. First, the researchers infected both neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and mature cortical neurons with Zika virus (2). Neural progenitor cells, like stem cells, that are capable of differentiating into neural cells (3). While, cortical neurons are nerve cells found in the largest region of the brain that is responsible for the complex activities, such as thoughts, perceptions, voluntary movements and more (3). The experimental results showed there were more cell deaths in infected NPCs than mature cortical neurons. Thus, the scientists claimed the results provide a plausible pathway showing how fetus’s brain is infected by Zika virus.

Figure 1: The comparison of infant's head size without Zika virus versus with Zika virus

Figure 1: The comparison of infant’s normal head size to an infant infected with Zika virus. Author: Tani Source: Picture uploaded by original photographer


Figure 2: The map showing the spread of Zika virus. Author: Lizzie Dearden; Source: Picture uploaded by original photographer

Zika virus has been reported to be an alarming issue in Brazil, Mexico, some areas in the United States and more (1). At this stage, there is no cure or vaccine to treat Zika virus. However, wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants regularly can minimize the chance of getting bitten by a Zika-infected mosquito. In addition, carry insect repellent all the time is another way to avoid getting infected with Zika virus. It is strongly encouraged to consult the doctor for advice if an expectant mother is infected with Zika virus. Lastly, try to avoid traveling to areas reported with active Zika virus transmission.

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1. U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Zika Virus. (accessed on Oct 2nd, 2016).

2.Miner, J.J & Diamond, M.S. Cell Stem Cell: Understanding How Zika Virus Enters and Infects Neural Target Cells. Science Direct. 2016, 18, 559-560.

3. Nature. Neural progenitors. (accessed on Oct 2nd, 2016).

4. Society for Science and the Public. Brain Health: Zika can damage the brains of even adults. (accessed on Oct 2nd, 2016).

Photo source:

1. Copyright information:

2. Copyright information:

What you do not know about the gasoline?

                   What you do not know about the gasoline?
During last summer time back to China, I found out gasoline on the market has different labels such as #90, #93, #95, #97 etc. Most people are using #93 and #97, but the government tries to encourage divers using #92 and #95. What does these number represent? Which number is the best choice for divers? And why does government encourage public purchasing specific numbered gasoline?


According to “Urban Transport And the Environment” article, the number has no relationship with petrol purity, but it refers to the amount of octane is in the petrol. The higher the octane rating is, the less likely explode will occur, because octane burns slower since it has longer-chained hydrocarbon and is more resistant to igniting prematurely. 

Various numbers of petrol are suitable for different types of vehicles, basically the lower compression ratio a vehicle has, the smaller number of petrol it should use. The choice among gasolines is still depends on specifications, if a high numbered petrol used in a low compression ratio vehicle , it could cause incomplete combustion which is harmful for the engine.

Nowadays governments are encouraging public to use #92 instead of #93. This phenomenon is due to sulfur content limit in #92 is reduced from 50 mg per kilogram to 10 mg per kilogram, which means #92 is more friendly to environment. When petrol changing from #93 to #92, even the amount of octane is reduced and the anti-explosion possibility decreased, it becomes better for environment.

As says from a Chinese website that there has no definition about which petrol is good. The best petrol is the one which vehicle could be most adapted.

Picture about gas station Oct 2nd 2016).
The difference between #92 gasoline and #93 Oct 2nd 2016).
Octane Rating Oct 2nd 2016).
What does 92, 95 and 98 on petrol means? Oct 2nd 2016).