Author Archives: NaysillaDayanara

Hummingbirds: World’s Best Athlete

Beneath the ethereal dainty figure of a hummingbird is a powerhouse of energy. Hummingbirds have an average of 80 wingbeats per second, 1000 heartbeats per minute, and consume 40 milliliters of oxygen per gram per hour. For comparison, the world’s top athletes reach peak oxygen consumption of a measly 4 milliliters per gram per hour.

Figure 1: A hovering hummingbird burns energy faster than any mammal

Kenneth C. Welch Jr. at the University of Toronto, has made hummingbirds his life’s work, and his most recent publication found out that during strenuous hovering flight, bigger hummingbirds are more efficient energy users than small ones.

“A hummingbird can easily hit 40 milliliters of oxygen per gram per hour. And if I ask the hummingbird to do extra, if I give it a little bit of extra weight to wear, that can go up to well above 60. So, their tissues are using oxygen at rates that are many, many times what we can possibly achieve,” Welch said to the New York Times.

This data is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, showing a positive relationship between flight efficiency and body mass. 

Figure 2 The relationship between body mass and hovering metabolic rates using Phylogenetic generalized least-squares regression analysis.

Table 1 Regression coefficient for the relationship between body mass (g) and hovering metabolic rate. All variables were logarithmically transformed before analysis. 95% confidence intervals are provided with the slopes within the brackets.

But why do hummingbirds need this much oxygen in the first place? Well, they need it to metabolize the delicious sugary nectar in their diet, and here’s how it works.

Hummingbirds are better than most animals (including us, mere humans) in switching between fat and sugars to power their muscles. Since they feed on nectar that is equal parts fructose and glucose, they have evolved a way to send the fructose directly to their muscles. Humans, on the other hand, mainly fuel our bodies with glucose, and fructose goes straight to fat.

Hummingbirds have streamlined this process by immediately burning sugars that they have just swallowed.

Welch converted this into human-scale, “Ok, if I scale one of my hummingbirds up to adult male human size, my size, how much sugar would I need to drink per minute if I were theoretically a hovering hummingbird? It turned out to be right around the amount of sugar that’s in a can of Coca-cola per minute.” (New York Times)

This makes hummingbirds extremely efficient in converting sugars to spent energy, the best compared to any other bird or mammal. However, at night, its metabolism slowed to a crawl. It’s in a state called “torpor”. Heartbeat and temperature dropped so low that the bird is using 2% of the energy it would used for flying around during the day. This mechanism evolved as a way to survive, otherwise they would starve to death in the hours they spent resting.

With this extremely efficient streamlined process, Hummingbirds are indeed the World’s best athlete.


Arctic Report Card: Unprecedented Decline in Arctic Sea Ice

The Arctic Ocean has been observed to reliably freeze every winter, however the rise in Arctic temperature just now caught up with the rate of ice forming in this region. This results in the most unprecedented transformation of the Arctic environment since the dawn of human civilization: It no longer freezes.

The latest Arctic Report, published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), shows that in recent years a warming trend persisted, showing “no sign of returning to reliably frozen region of recent past decades”. Scientists determined that the warming will continue to increase at double the rate of global temperature increase.

2017 saw a historical low for maximum sea ice extent. The Arctic experienced “the largest magnitude decline in sea ice, and the greatest sustained rate in sea ice decline in that 1,500-year record,” said Emily Osborne, a NOAA scientist, citing a study by Kinnard et al. This means that in recent years less and less of the Arctic ocean freezes during peak winter. This is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Reconstruction of approximately 5-year mean sea ice extent (Kinnard et al., 2011) spanning the last 1,500 years

How does this look for 2018? Meteorologist Eric Holthaus said “the middle of February is the usual time of the annual low for the planet’s sea ice.” The National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reported that current Arctic sea-ice extent is even lower than 2017 data, despite experiencing one of the coldest winters in recent years. This trend is shown in the graph below.

Figure 2 Data collected by NSIDC and NASA

Area is calculated from NSIDC sea ice concentration data, measuring a grid cell covered in sea ice of 15% concentration or more. As of now, the planet is covered in just under 16 million square kilometers of sea-ice, 1.36 million square kilometers below the 1981–2010 average:

Sea Ice Extent as of January 2018 (National Snow and Ice Data Center)

Jeremy Mathis, director of the Arctic Research Program for NOAA described his field research in the Arctic region:

“When I started going to the Arctic in 2003, it was a very different environment that it is today. Back in 2003, we were breaking ice everywhere we went, from pretty much starting in the Bering Strait moving all the way up into the study areas north of Alaska and into the central Arctic basin. There was ice that was very thick and it was very extensive. This year in 2017, during a 25-day cruise in the Arctic, we didn’t see a single piece of ice. We were sailing around on a coast guard icebreaker in blue water that could have been anywhere in the world. And it certainly didn’t look like the Arctic.”

CNN: Greenland, Summer 2017. Iceberg fragments floating off the coast.


The impact of this change will affect the entire world. As ice melts, less heat is reflected off from Earth’s surface. Sunlight entering the atmosphere will instead be absorbed by thinner darker ice, which accelerates the rate of ice melting even further.

Scientists are pessimistic for the future, observing no end for this trend in sight.




Beitler, J. (2018). Sea ice tracking low in both hemispheres | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2018].

CBC (2017). Arctic report card: Permafrost thawing, sea ice melting faster than before. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2018].

Kinnard, C., Zdanowicz, C., Fisher, D., Isaksson, E., de Vernal, A. and Thompson, L. (2011). Reconstructed changes in Arctic sea ice over the past 1,450 years. Nature, [online] 479(7374), pp.509-512. Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2018].

Smith-Spark, L. (2017). Warmer Arctic temperatures the ‘new normal’. [online] CNN. Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2018].

J. Richter-Menge, J. E. Overland, J. T. Mathis, and E. Osborne, Eds., 2017: Arctic Report Card 2017,


The Future is Solar

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology will change the way humanity views power. It differs from other energy sources in one crucial way: it doesn’t generate power at one specific location, it’s accessible for harvest anywhere and anytime the sun hits.

Solar technology that we have right now is done in industrial scale. It uses fields of mirrors to focus sunlight and heat up a thermal fluid, where heat is then passed through an exchanger to produce steam that is used in a turbine to produce electricity. However, this so-called “solar farm” requires a tremendous amount of energy to build and maintain, is an incredibly pervasive feature, and the resulting power is not distributed evenly.

Fields of solar panels

Now imagine a world where power generation is completely integrated into the fabric of society, in infrastructure, transportation, clothes, and even our skin. This is possible when PV technology is highly diffused and scalable to our specific needs. Current research in this field achieved just that.

Back in February 2016, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created the lightest, thinnest solar cells ever produced. It is so lightweight that they could drape a working cell atop a soap bubble, without popping it. According to Vladimir Bulović, MIT’s associate dean for innovation, the key is to make all the components in a single process: “The innovative step is the realization that you can grow the substrate at the same time you grow the device.”

Placing PV Cell atop a soap bubble. Photo: Joel Jean and Anna Osherov (MIT)

Unlike industrial-scale PV manufacturing, this new process takes place in a temperature-controlled vacuum chamber without the use of harsh chemicals, and components of the solar cell are “grown” by chemical vapor deposition technique. Chemical engineering professor, Karen Gleason, said that this process is akin to soot deposit from a light source. It can be tuned to accommodate more delicate materials, such as organic polymers. This allows researchers to deposit the PV cells on just about any material. Similar models were tested on multiple surfaces and a team of scientists in South Korea have made one flexible enough to bend around a pencil tip (Applied Physics Letter). PV cells will no longer be restricted to rigid crystalline silicon mega-structures.

Flexible, ultra-thin solar cells wrapped around a 1mm-thick glass panel

However, efficiency needs to be considered. Will a micro-scale solar cell be powerful enough to satisfy energy needs? Results concluded that these ultra-thin PV modules has the highest power-to-weight ratio ever created, about 400 times higher than a conventional solar cell, their lack in energy density is balanced out by their ubiquity.

Following this trajectory in PV research, solar energy can and will be more integrated and omnipresent. It might just alleviate the energy crisis, preventing monopoly, distributing it evenly to impoverished areas around the world.