Category Archives: Issues in Chemistry

Fingerprints Tell All: The Fastest Drug Detection Method

Cocaine is the second most illicit trafficked drug around the world, with a global production of 866 metric tonnes in 2016, and is currently on the rise in many regions of Europe. For current techniques to determine this illegal substance in a person’s system, specialists must conduct blood or urine testing procedures that require laboratory resources and long wait periods. However, in 2017 researchers at the University of Surrey proposed a method of taking fingerprint tests that can trace cocaine in the system within a matter of minutes.

Fig. 1: Cocaine in Powder Form Drawn into lines Source: Pixabay

Dr. Catia Costa, Dr. Melanie Bailey and their team took fingerprints from patients seeking rehabilitation. Fingerprints were analyzed using chromatography paper, a paper spray mass spectrometry technique, looking at concentrations of cocaine, benzoylegonine (BZE) and methylegonine (EME). Both substances are excreted from the fingertips when the body metabolizes the drug.

Cocaine is a highly addictive substance, derived from the South American coca plant, that inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. This results in higher concentrations of these neurotransmitters in the brain providing the user with increase levels of euphoria, energy and elevated mood. The drug is so potent that the metabolites can stay in the system for 2-4 days.

Fig. 2: Chemical Structure of Cocaine             Source: Wikimedia Commons

The paper is first prepared by applying a internal standard, spray solvent and then a voltage. After the fingerprint have been pressed, silver nitrate fingerprint development solution is added and exposed to ultraviolet light that will enhance black ridge fingerprint marks on the paper. Oral fluid results of cocaine had a detection limit of 1ng/mL. They found that 98.7% of the results gave a true positive while 2.5% gave a false positive with a single fingerprint.

Fig. 4: 12 Participants in the rehabilitation centre and the Amount of Cocaine found in their Oral Fluid Results

The oral fluid results were then compared with fingerprint analysis and the researchers found every finger except one gave positive results for one substance.

Fig. 5: 12 Participants (same from Fig. 4) and at least one substance (Cocaine, BZE, EME) detected on fingerprints

Law enforcement, prisons, courts, and drug rehabilitation centres can utilize this technique for a faster and more effective process of collecting drug. It takes 4 minutes per sample but research continues to look for faster techniques that can possibly take only a matter of seconds to develop in the near future.

– Tiffany Liew


Becue, A.; Moret, S.; Champod, C.; Margot, P. Use of stains to detect fingermarks. Biotech Histochem. 2011, 86, 140-160.

Costa, C.; Webb, R.; Palitsin, V.; Ismail, M.; dePuit M.; Atkinson, S.; Bailey M.J. Rapid, Secure Drug Testing Using Fingerprint Development and Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry. Clin. Chem. 2017, 11, 1745-1752.

Kuwayama, K.; Miyaguchi, H.; Yamamuro, T.; Tsujikawa, K.; Kanamori, T.; Iwata, Y.T.; Inoue, Hiroyuki. Effectiveness of saliva and fingerprints as alternative specimens to urine and blood in forensic drug testing. Drug Test. Analysis. 2016, 8, 644-651.

Mejia, D.; Posada, C.E. Cocaine Production and Trafficking: What Do We Know? World Bank Group. [Online] 2008, 4618 (accessed Mar 5, 2018).

Shen, L.; Zhang, J.; Yang, Q.; Manicke, N.E.; Ouyang, Z. High throughput paper spray mass spectrometry analysis. Clin. Chim. Acta. 2013, 420, 28-33.

Preschool Children Are Not Being Taught Enough Science

Young children are not being exposed enough to science. Photo: Ole Haug,

A new study revealed preschool teachers in the US are not effectively teaching science to their young students, a problem that likely contributes to the country’s poor global performance in the subject.

Researchers from Michigan State University have shown that teacher’s engagement with science instruction in the classroom is much lower than literacy or math. In a paper recently published in the journal Early Education and Development, researchers found that early school teachers lack the knowledge, skills and confidence required to effectively teach science to young children.

The study shows that although 99% of preschool teachers studied will instruct literacy three to four times a week, the number drops to 75% for math and 42% for science. This is particularly concerning as American students were found to be behind other developed nations in terms of academic achievement in the sciences. Improving quality education in science at early stages of child development can be crucial to better academic results later on.

The graph below shows the disparity in frequency of teaching across literacy, science and math.

Frequency of teaching different subjects in preschool classrooms studied. Data from Gerde et al., 2017.

The teacher’s self-efficacy in each subject was also analysed. Self-efficacy is the teacher’s belief in their ability or competence in a certain subject. This is important as it has implications for teaching practices and learning outcomes. The study found that the teacher’s self-efficacy was highest for literacy, significantly lower for science, and lowest for math, indicating that the teacher’s perceived ability in a subject can be a barrier in teaching that subject.

The study also points out that teachers may feel pressured by policymakers and school administrators to focus on literacy development. This, combined with lack of science content and skills screening in kindergarten readiness, leads to teachers prioritising literacy to the point of almost excluding science in the classroom.

It is important to ensure that preschool teachers are qualified, confident, and well trained in scientific literacy. This will allow them to have all the necessary tools required to educate young minds to become critical thinkers from a very young age. However, policymakers and schools need to value scientific education more if these changes are to be effective.

– Ana Brunner


BANDURA, ALBERT, 1982. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American Psychologist. 37 (2): 122–147.

DESILVER, D., Feb 15, 2017-last update, U.S. students’ academic achievement still lags peers in many other countries [Homepage of ACI Information Group], [Online]. Available: [March 4, 2018].

GERDE, H.K., PIERCE, S.J., LEE, K. and VAN EGEREN, L.A., 2018. Early Childhood Educators’ Self-Efficacy in Science, Math, and Literacy Instruction and Science Practice in the Classroom. Early Education and Development, 29(1), pp. 70.

Photo by Ole Haug.


Why Biofuels Can’t Replace Transportation Fuels

Agitation regarding rising greenhouse emissions and petroleum costs has drawn focus to biofuels as renewable source of transportation fuel. However, a study published in Angewandte Chemie  argued that crops should not be harvested for biofuel due to their reduced photosynthetic efficiency (percent light converted to stored energy) and annexation of agricultural land from food plants.  

Biofuels require a massive energy input espoused as transportation costs, fertilizer production and agriculture machinery that amounts to 50% of the energy that biofuels contain. The energy investment is extricated from fossil fuels, leading scientists to believe that the net reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from biofuel production is marginal.

Moreover, repurposing arable land for fuel crop harvest will decrease food production thereby inflaming food prices.

Alternative renewable energy such as photovoltaic cells, which are used to generate solar power, are 150 times more efficient at harnessing energy than plants. Moreover, combustion engines powered by biofuels have 20% thermal efficiency compared to electrical engines, which utilize 80% stored chemical energy in batteries.

Hence, harnessing solar generated electricity to charge electric cars is found to optimize land usage 600 times more efficiently than producing biofuels to power internal combustion engines.

The Biofuel Lifecycle Credit source: Wikipedia

Biomass differs from other renewable sources since its energy is stored as chemical bonds in carbohydrates that are broken down to ethanol to power cars.  

Photosynthetic pigments in plants absorb light, and electrons and protons (negatively and positively charged particles) transfer the radiant energy to reactor centres. Subsequent reactions synthesize ATP,  a biological energy carrier, which assimilates carbon dioxide from the air and converts it to carbohydrate.

As a result of biological inefficacies in electron movement, limited reaction rates, and maximal sunlight absorption of 20% by photosynthetic pigments, only 1% photosynthetic efficiency is observed for most plants. Using the yield of biofuel per unit area of land, the photosynthetic efficiency was calculated for various fuel crops.

Photosynthetic Efficiency for Different Fuel Crops Data Source- Sustainable Energy – without the hot air

Given that biomass is a source of carbon, researchers believe that biomass is best utilized for manufacturing chemicals that are synthesized from petroleum. Leftover plant residues and compost can be used for generating heat and electricity.

Planting trees would fix 2.7 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter,whereas biofeuls with 1% photosynthetic efficiency would produce 0.31 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter when combusted.

Sarrah Putwa


Vennestrøm, P. N. R., Osmundsen, C. M., Christensen, C. H. and Taarning, E. (2011), Beyond Petrochemicals: The Renewable Chemicals Industry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50: 10502–10509. doi:10.1002/anie.201102117

David Mackay. Sustainable Energy – without the hot air (accessed Feb 28, 2018).

Michel, H. (2012), Editorial: The Nonsense of Biofuels. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51: 2516–2518. doi:10.1002/anie.201200218


Artificial Photosynthesis as an Energy Source – Revised

For centuries, fossil fuels have been the most common energy source in the world, and are still used extensively. However, with the growing problem of climate change due to climbing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, combined with the prospect of limited sources of fossil fuels available, interest in renewable and more environmentally friendly sources of energy is growing.

Sunlight is a well-known source of natural energy, and can be converted into usable energy sources. Probably the most well-known method is the use of solar cells to produce electricity from sunlight, as cells have been in use for decades, in applications ranging from satellites to calculators. Today, research in renewable energy continues, as scientists investigate the possibilities of using sunlight to produce other usable energy sources besides electricity.

In photosynthesis, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, which are combined with carbon dioxide to build biochemical molecules. Within the last half a century, laboratory processes have replicated the splitting, imitating photosynthesis in plants. The hydrogen can be collected and used immediately as a fuel, e.g. in rocket engines, or used to make other fuels. The most basic of such methods involves using electricity passed between two electrodes in water, producing hydrogen and oxygen gas at the electrodes, as shown below(1). This method does not use sunlight directly, but the electricity could be supplied from solar cells. An alternative method of water splitting uses a solar cell containing a Titanium Oxide (TiO2) electrode to absorb sunlight and produce hydrogen and oxygen on the cell surface. However, the energy conversion of this method is highly inefficient, and is therefore not widely used (2).

Another approach to artificial photosynthesis involves a closer imitation of its biological analogue, using both water and carbon dioxide to produce fuels. One known method, also using a TiO2 catalyst, converts water and CO2 to oxygen and small hydrocarbon molecules including methane and methanol. Both of these are common fuels. The Titanium catalyst can be modified with elements such as copper, platinum or silicon to make the production of hydrocarbons more selective. For example, adding platinum to the catalyst increases the preference of methane over methanol eight times higher than before (3). Despite the useful carbon compounds produced in these process, carbon monoxide (CO), a toxic gas, is also produced. However, the amount of CO produced can be decreased by further catalyst modification, but not entirely eliminated.

These catalytic methods are beneficial in producing useful fuels from clean and renewable energy sources and consume a greenhouse gas (CO2) in the process. This provides a favourable solution to both climate change as well as an energy crisis. The downsides of these methods are the expense and inefficiency, and thus are not yet used in mass production of fuels.


  1. (Accessed 08/02/2018.)
  2. Bard, Allen J., and Marye Anne Fox. “Artificial photosynthesis: solar splitting of water to hydrogen and oxygen.” Accounts of Chemical Research 28.3 (1995): 141-145.
  3. Mul, Guido et al. “Artificial photosynthesis over crystalline TiO2-based catalysts: fact or fiction?.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 132.24 (2010): 8398-8406.


Are we at the risk of global starvation? Scientists at the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict that in 30-40 years, there won’t be enough mined phosphorus to feed the planet.  

Nations around the world have committed to ensuring food security in alignment with UN Sustainable Development and Millennium Development goals. Exponential population growth, evolution of societal food habits, disproportionate fertilizer usage and absence of phosphorous recycling practices from organic waste has diminished our supply and put us at risk of a global food scarcity. 

Phosphorus Rock Remaining                                  Image Credits: Phosphorus Futures

From the composition of your DNA and bones to plant biomass, this overlooked element is a vital ingredient for survival of organisms. 

Phosphorous based fertilizers sparked the “Green Revolution”, which improved crop yields to feed the 4.2 billion population rise since 1950. The global demand for phosphorus is forecasted to rise by 50-100%. 

Alterations in food habits such as increased preference of dairy and meat-based diets over plant material, has put a strain on phosphorus demands. Studies show that livestock requires double the phosphorus for plant fecundation.

Historically, phosphorus enriched human detritus, decaying plant matter and manure was an  added stimulant for crop yields. Urbanization and innovation of household flush toilets meant human excreta was now disposed in water bodies and waste facilities.

Distribution of World Phosphorous Image credits : Phosphorous Futures

Currently,  the dominant reserves of phosphorous are exclusive to US, China, Morocco, Jordan and South Africa, leaving the mineral trade subject to international and geopolitical influences.

China has levied 135% duty on its phosphorus exports to secure its own domestic supply of the mineral. Morocco is subject to sanctions due to its transgressions of human rights. USA’s primary reserves in California are projected to dry up in approximately 30 years, whereas western European nations and India are utterly devoid of the element, forcing all three regions to heavily rely on imports.

An integrated global effort is imperative to resolve the phosphate scarcity.

Urbanization has birthed population dense cities brimming with phosphorus hotbeds since humans excrete nearly 100% of the phosphorus they consume, yet, only 10% of the waste is recirculated for fecundation. Government initiatives are in motion in European countries and China to extract the mineral from sewage treatment facilities. 

Furthermore, only 50% of phosphorous produced by animal waste and 40% of food residues is agriculturally recirculated. There is increasing movement to minimize phosphorus losses by recycling  plant and animal byproducts for soil nourishment.

Societal changes in food habits, such as ingesting more plant intensive diets and diminishing food wastage, are crucial in avoiding the impending calamity of food insecurity.

Video attributes:


Elser, J; White, S. Peak Phosphorus, and Why It Matters. Foreign Policy. 2010 

Cordell, D.; Drangert, J.-O.; White, S. Global Environmental Change 2009, 19 (2), 292–305.

SAAP-148: Could New Peptide Gel Be Turning Point in the Antibiotics Arms Race?

Drug-resistance in bacteria has become a top threat to global public health. With antibiotic developments becoming slower than the drug-resistance increases in bacteria, will humankind ever gain the advantage?

Figure 1: Timeline of Antibiotic Discovery Dates. As it currently stands, no new discoveries of antibiotics have been made since 1987                                                 Source: Review on Antimicrobial Resistance

Luckily, new research from the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands may bring this war to its much-needed turning point. Researchers successfully created an antibiotic gel containing synthetic anti-microbial and anti-biofilm peptides, SAAP-148. The research proved it was effective against five different antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains.

Published on January 10th in Science Translational Medicine, SAAP-148 gel was first created then tested against the group of antibiotic-resistant ESKAPE pathogens, an acronym for Enterococcus faecium, S aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, P aeruginosa, and Enterobacter.

When the SAAP-148 gel was used multiple times for each bacterium, no drug-resistance was developed. Co-author Anna de Breij claims this is because of how fast the peptide kills the bacteria.

SAAP-148 is a modification of the bacteria-fighting peptide LL-37 that is found in the human body.  Researchers discovered its bacteria-killing capabilities better than all other derivatives they made. Compared to the other modifications, SAAP-148 was the most powerful when it was tested in conditions similar to the human body.

This research is deemed important as The Infectious Diseases Society of America stated that antibiotic development is urgently needed for the ESKAPE pathogens. This conclusion is reached because of cases caused by the said strains being frequently reported in healthcare environments.

Since bacteria are becoming more immune to the current antibiotics available, finding new treatment and remedies to this issue is crucial. With these results, there is an opportunity for discovering a new class and generation of antibiotics that can help fight even the most resistant of bacteria.

Researchers are now planning clinical trials for the SAAP-148 gel, hoping to treat patients suffering from skin infections. Along with the researchers, the company Madam Therapeutics is working to create an injectable SAAP-148 formulation to treat bacterial infections inside the body.

-Brandon Kato

Figure 2: World Map of Current Mortality Rates From Antibiotic Resisting Bacteria Source: Review on Antimicrobial Resistance


Breij, A. D.; Riool, M.; Cordfunke, R. A.; Malanovic, N.; Boer, L. D.; Koning, R. I.; Ravensbergen, E.; Franken, M.; Heijde, T. V. D.; Boekema, B. K.; Kwakman, P. H. S.; Kamp, N.; Ghalbzouri, A. E.; Lohner, K.; Zaat, S. A. J.; Drijfhout, J. W.; Nibbering, P. H. Science Translational Medicine 2018, 10 (423).

Boucher, H. W.; Talbot, G. H.; Bradley, J. S.; Edwards, J. E.; Gilbert, D.; Rice, L. B.; Scheld, M.; Spellberg, B.; Bartlett, J. Bad Bugs, No Drugs: No ESKAPE! An Update from the Infectious Diseases Society of America. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

About IDSA. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

Madam Therapeutics. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

Infographics. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).