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RUBS: The Interesection of Music and Materials Science.

RUBS: The Interesection of Music and Materials Science.

Most people would never envision a direct connection between current scientific knowledge and modern performing arts.  Developed in 2017 by researchers at University of British Columbia and University fo Michigan, the Responsive User Body Suit (RUBS) shows the influence modern materials science in contemporary performing arts.

RUBS suit, 2017 prototype — used with permission of Dr. Bob Prtichard.

Dr. Bob Pritchard (UBC) and Kara Bhumber (U of Michigan), developed the RUBS using fabrics electrically conductive fabrics.   These fabrics allow dancers to choreograph movement that can be converted into audio-visual outputs during live performances.   Polymers are used to coat the material that yield the electrically conductive and resistive properties of the body suit.  These polymer coatings allow the suit to act as a potentiometer, an electronic device that is used to vary resistance in a circuit.

An electric circuit is completed when the dancer’s hands make contact with the body suit, sending an electronic signal that can be processed by an external computer.   When the dancer moves his or her hands on the suit, the dancer can change the generated audio-visual output sensed by the audience by altering detected current processed by the computer.

Polymers, such as polyaniline and polypyrrole, have been developed into coatings commercially available “smart textiles.”   Conductive polymers  are usually organic molecules that allow for easy electron flow.   Reactions are used to change the electronic structure of the molecules, allowing for scientists to engineer specific conductive properties in these coatings.

Outside of RUBS, conductive-polymer coated fabrics are used in chemical sensing systems.  These fabrics are used in a wide range of applications due to low operational power and cost requirements .   New personal health-care and athletic equipment often use conductive fabrics in developing increasingly light and powerful monitoring equipment.

Silver-nanofibre conductive fabric. Source: LessEMF , used with permission.

Current research challenges in the design of the RUBS include the design of a polymer coating that optimizes the electrical resistance of the conductive fabric, so that the signal current does not overload the computer processors.    Additional research include the development of metal nano-fibres that can be woven into material with specific conductive properties.

— Aydan Con



Are we at the risk of global starvation? Scientists at the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict that in 30-40 years, there won’t be enough mined phosphorus to feed the planet.  

Nations around the world have committed to ensuring food security in alignment with UN Sustainable Development and Millennium Development goals. Exponential population growth, evolution of societal food habits, disproportionate fertilizer usage and absence of phosphorous recycling practices from organic waste has diminished our supply and put us at risk of a global food scarcity. 

Phosphorus Rock Remaining                                  Image Credits: Phosphorus Futures

From the composition of your DNA and bones to plant biomass, this overlooked element is a vital ingredient for survival of organisms. 

Phosphorous based fertilizers sparked the “Green Revolution”, which improved crop yields to feed the 4.2 billion population rise since 1950. The global demand for phosphorus is forecasted to rise by 50-100%. 

Alterations in food habits such as increased preference of dairy and meat-based diets over plant material, has put a strain on phosphorus demands. Studies show that livestock requires double the phosphorus for plant fecundation.

Historically, phosphorus enriched human detritus, decaying plant matter and manure was an  added stimulant for crop yields. Urbanization and innovation of household flush toilets meant human excreta was now disposed in water bodies and waste facilities.

Distribution of World Phosphorous Image credits : Phosphorous Futures

Currently,  the dominant reserves of phosphorous are exclusive to US, China, Morocco, Jordan and South Africa, leaving the mineral trade subject to international and geopolitical influences.

China has levied 135% duty on its phosphorus exports to secure its own domestic supply of the mineral. Morocco is subject to sanctions due to its transgressions of human rights. USA’s primary reserves in California are projected to dry up in approximately 30 years, whereas western European nations and India are utterly devoid of the element, forcing all three regions to heavily rely on imports.

An integrated global effort is imperative to resolve the phosphate scarcity.

Urbanization has birthed population dense cities brimming with phosphorus hotbeds since humans excrete nearly 100% of the phosphorus they consume, yet, only 10% of the waste is recirculated for fecundation. Government initiatives are in motion in European countries and China to extract the mineral from sewage treatment facilities. 

Furthermore, only 50% of phosphorous produced by animal waste and 40% of food residues is agriculturally recirculated. There is increasing movement to minimize phosphorus losses by recycling  plant and animal byproducts for soil nourishment.

Societal changes in food habits, such as ingesting more plant intensive diets and diminishing food wastage, are crucial in avoiding the impending calamity of food insecurity.

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Elser, J; White, S. Peak Phosphorus, and Why It Matters. Foreign Policy. 2010 

Cordell, D.; Drangert, J.-O.; White, S. Global Environmental Change 2009, 19 (2), 292–305.

SAAP-148: Could New Peptide Gel Be Turning Point in the Antibiotics Arms Race?

Drug-resistance in bacteria has become a top threat to global public health. With antibiotic developments becoming slower than the drug-resistance increases in bacteria, will humankind ever gain the advantage?

Figure 1: Timeline of Antibiotic Discovery Dates. As it currently stands, no new discoveries of antibiotics have been made since 1987                                                 Source: Review on Antimicrobial Resistance

Luckily, new research from the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands may bring this war to its much-needed turning point. Researchers successfully created an antibiotic gel containing synthetic anti-microbial and anti-biofilm peptides, SAAP-148. The research proved it was effective against five different antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains.

Published on January 10th in Science Translational Medicine, SAAP-148 gel was first created then tested against the group of antibiotic-resistant ESKAPE pathogens, an acronym for Enterococcus faecium, S aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, P aeruginosa, and Enterobacter.

When the SAAP-148 gel was used multiple times for each bacterium, no drug-resistance was developed. Co-author Anna de Breij claims this is because of how fast the peptide kills the bacteria.

SAAP-148 is a modification of the bacteria-fighting peptide LL-37 that is found in the human body.  Researchers discovered its bacteria-killing capabilities better than all other derivatives they made. Compared to the other modifications, SAAP-148 was the most powerful when it was tested in conditions similar to the human body.

This research is deemed important as The Infectious Diseases Society of America stated that antibiotic development is urgently needed for the ESKAPE pathogens. This conclusion is reached because of cases caused by the said strains being frequently reported in healthcare environments.

Since bacteria are becoming more immune to the current antibiotics available, finding new treatment and remedies to this issue is crucial. With these results, there is an opportunity for discovering a new class and generation of antibiotics that can help fight even the most resistant of bacteria.

Researchers are now planning clinical trials for the SAAP-148 gel, hoping to treat patients suffering from skin infections. Along with the researchers, the company Madam Therapeutics is working to create an injectable SAAP-148 formulation to treat bacterial infections inside the body.

-Brandon Kato

Figure 2: World Map of Current Mortality Rates From Antibiotic Resisting Bacteria Source: Review on Antimicrobial Resistance


Breij, A. D.; Riool, M.; Cordfunke, R. A.; Malanovic, N.; Boer, L. D.; Koning, R. I.; Ravensbergen, E.; Franken, M.; Heijde, T. V. D.; Boekema, B. K.; Kwakman, P. H. S.; Kamp, N.; Ghalbzouri, A. E.; Lohner, K.; Zaat, S. A. J.; Drijfhout, J. W.; Nibbering, P. H. Science Translational Medicine 2018, 10 (423).

Boucher, H. W.; Talbot, G. H.; Bradley, J. S.; Edwards, J. E.; Gilbert, D.; Rice, L. B.; Scheld, M.; Spellberg, B.; Bartlett, J. Bad Bugs, No Drugs: No ESKAPE! An Update from the Infectious Diseases Society of America. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

About IDSA. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

Madam Therapeutics. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

Infographics. (accessed Feb 8, 2018).

Human Adaptation to High Altitudes

Tibetans. Image courtesy of: reurinkjan on Flickr

Have you ever climbed up a mountain and found it more difficult to breathe as you got closer to the summit? Tibetans do not have this problem because they have a gene that makes it easy for them to live at high altitudes. They got this gene from an extinct species of human known as Denisovans.

At high altitudes, people get altitude sickness because of the thinner air. When the body is unable to get the oxygen it needs, you start to breathe faster. Symptoms such as headache and loss of appetite start to appear and remain until your body gets used to the elevation change. Tibetans, however, are able to live at altitudes above 4,000 meters. They never experience altitude sickness despite having less hemoglobin in their blood than the average person.

In 2010, researchers found several genes that give Tibetans the ability to efficiently use low concentrations of oxygen. One gene, known as EPAS1, causes the regulation of hemoglobin production. The EPAS1 gene was sequenced from 40 Tibetans and 40 Han Chinese because they were once part of the same population 2,750 to 5,500 years ago. Emilia Huerta-Sánchez and colleagues found all of the Tibetans and two of the Han Chinese had a segment identical to the EPAS1 gene. The researchers searched genome databases and were unable to find anyone living with the same gene.

With no one living available, they compared the gene with sequences from extinct humans such as Denisovans and Neanderthals. There was a match with the Tibetan gene and Denisovan gene. Researchers checked that Tibetans got the gene from Denisovans by looking at sequenced genes from different parts of the world. They found that Tibetans inherited the gene in the last 40,000 years from Homo heidelbergensis, who passed the gene onto modern humans and Denisovans.

The evolution and geographic spread of Denisovans compared to Neanderthals and modern humans. Image courtesy of: John D. Croft on Wikipedia

Emilia Huerta-Sánchez and colleagues found that Tibetans and the Han Chinese got the EPAS1 gene by mating with Denisovans. This was possible because modern humans were not the only existing humans at the time. Denisovan fossils were found among modern human and Neanderthal fossils showing that all three species interacted with each other.

So why did all forty of the Tibetans sequenced have the EPAS1 gene, but only two of the forty Han Chinese have it? The gene was not beneficial for the Han Chinese because they did not settle in high altitude areas like Tibetans so they lost the gene over time. However, Han Chinese have been found to mate with Tibetans which is why the gene is still found in some of them. The gene was beneficial for Tibetans and through natural selection, the gene proliferated among their population causing their ability to thrive in high-altitude environments.

Want to know more about how Denisovans and Neanderthals relate to the modern human? Check out the video above!

– Sara Djondovic


  1. Davis, C. P. Hemoglobin (Low and High Range Causes). MedicineNet. Published November 8, 2017. Accessed January 13, 2018.
  2. Gibbons, A. Tibetans inherited high-altitude gene from ancient human. Science. Published July 2, 2014. Accessed January 13, 2018.
  3. Healthwise Staff. Altitude Sickness. HealthLinkBC. Published May 7, 2017. Accessed January 13, 2018.
  4. Huerta-Sánchez, E. et al. 2014. Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA. Nature. 0: 1-4.
  5. N.A. EPAS1 gene. U.S. National Library of Medicine Published January 9, 2018. Accessed January 13, 2018.
  6. Wee, R. Y. Who Are The Han Chinese People? World Atlas. Published April 25, 2017. Accessed January 13, 2018.