Tag Archives: sustainable


Why Biofuels Can’t Replace Transportation Fuels

Agitation regarding rising greenhouse emissions and petroleum costs has drawn focus to biofuels as renewable source of transportation fuel. However, a study published in Angewandte Chemie  argued that crops should not be harvested for biofuel due to their reduced photosynthetic efficiency (percent light converted to stored energy) and annexation of agricultural land from food plants.  

Biofuels require a massive energy input espoused as transportation costs, fertilizer production and agriculture machinery that amounts to 50% of the energy that biofuels contain. The energy investment is extricated from fossil fuels, leading scientists to believe that the net reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from biofuel production is marginal.

Moreover, repurposing arable land for fuel crop harvest will decrease food production thereby inflaming food prices.

Alternative renewable energy such as photovoltaic cells, which are used to generate solar power, are 150 times more efficient at harnessing energy than plants. Moreover, combustion engines powered by biofuels have 20% thermal efficiency compared to electrical engines, which utilize 80% stored chemical energy in batteries.

Hence, harnessing solar generated electricity to charge electric cars is found to optimize land usage 600 times more efficiently than producing biofuels to power internal combustion engines.

The Biofuel Lifecycle Credit source: Wikipedia

Biomass differs from other renewable sources since its energy is stored as chemical bonds in carbohydrates that are broken down to ethanol to power cars.  

Photosynthetic pigments in plants absorb light, and electrons and protons (negatively and positively charged particles) transfer the radiant energy to reactor centres. Subsequent reactions synthesize ATP,  a biological energy carrier, which assimilates carbon dioxide from the air and converts it to carbohydrate.

As a result of biological inefficacies in electron movement, limited reaction rates, and maximal sunlight absorption of 20% by photosynthetic pigments, only 1% photosynthetic efficiency is observed for most plants. Using the yield of biofuel per unit area of land, the photosynthetic efficiency was calculated for various fuel crops.

Photosynthetic Efficiency for Different Fuel Crops Data Source- Sustainable Energy – without the hot air

Given that biomass is a source of carbon, researchers believe that biomass is best utilized for manufacturing chemicals that are synthesized from petroleum. Leftover plant residues and compost can be used for generating heat and electricity.

Planting trees would fix 2.7 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter,whereas biofeuls with 1% photosynthetic efficiency would produce 0.31 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter when combusted.

Sarrah Putwa


Vennestrøm, P. N. R., Osmundsen, C. M., Christensen, C. H. and Taarning, E. (2011), Beyond Petrochemicals: The Renewable Chemicals Industry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50: 10502–10509. doi:10.1002/anie.201102117

David Mackay. Sustainable Energy – without the hot air http://www.withouthotair.com/c6/page_43.shtml (accessed Feb 28, 2018).

Michel, H. (2012), Editorial: The Nonsense of Biofuels. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51: 2516–2518. doi:10.1002/anie.201200218


The Future is Solar

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology will change the way humanity views power. It differs from other energy sources in one crucial way: it doesn’t generate power at one specific location, it’s accessible for harvest anywhere and anytime the sun hits.

Solar technology that we have right now is done in industrial scale. It uses fields of mirrors to focus sunlight and heat up a thermal fluid, where heat is then passed through an exchanger to produce steam that is used in a turbine to produce electricity. However, this so-called “solar farm” requires a tremendous amount of energy to build and maintain, is an incredibly pervasive feature, and the resulting power is not distributed evenly.

Fields of solar panels

Now imagine a world where power generation is completely integrated into the fabric of society, in infrastructure, transportation, clothes, and even our skin. This is possible when PV technology is highly diffused and scalable to our specific needs. Current research in this field achieved just that.

Back in February 2016, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created the lightest, thinnest solar cells ever produced. It is so lightweight that they could drape a working cell atop a soap bubble, without popping it. According to Vladimir Bulović, MIT’s associate dean for innovation, the key is to make all the components in a single process: “The innovative step is the realization that you can grow the substrate at the same time you grow the device.”

Placing PV Cell atop a soap bubble. Photo: Joel Jean and Anna Osherov (MIT)

Unlike industrial-scale PV manufacturing, this new process takes place in a temperature-controlled vacuum chamber without the use of harsh chemicals, and components of the solar cell are “grown” by chemical vapor deposition technique. Chemical engineering professor, Karen Gleason, said that this process is akin to soot deposit from a light source. It can be tuned to accommodate more delicate materials, such as organic polymers. This allows researchers to deposit the PV cells on just about any material. Similar models were tested on multiple surfaces and a team of scientists in South Korea have made one flexible enough to bend around a pencil tip (Applied Physics Letter). PV cells will no longer be restricted to rigid crystalline silicon mega-structures.

Flexible, ultra-thin solar cells wrapped around a 1mm-thick glass panel

However, efficiency needs to be considered. Will a micro-scale solar cell be powerful enough to satisfy energy needs? Results concluded that these ultra-thin PV modules has the highest power-to-weight ratio ever created, about 400 times higher than a conventional solar cell, their lack in energy density is balanced out by their ubiquity.

Following this trajectory in PV research, solar energy can and will be more integrated and omnipresent. It might just alleviate the energy crisis, preventing monopoly, distributing it evenly to impoverished areas around the world.