Author Archives: Athena Wang

68Ga and H2hox: A Dynamic Duo

Not every molecule gets to find their best partner in life. Luckily, in 2019, Orvig and his team at the University of British Columbia made a perfect partner for Gallium-68 (68Ga) to improve the results of medical imaging.

Medical imaging encompasses tests such as X-rays and ultrasound, and these tests allow doctors to look inside of our bodies to determine if there are any problems, or to monitor any changes post-surgery. Therefore, it is important that the science and technique behind the imaging is advanced, and that the results can be obtained quickly and accurately.


68Ga, is an imaging tracer used in positron emission tomography (PET) scan, which is a type of imaging test. With a relatively short half-life, 68Ga wants to perform to the best of its ability during the test, and it yearns for an efficient partner to help show activity within the tissues. However, current partners present limitations in terms of synthesis and performance.

H2hox: IS IT THE ONE? 

Therefore, researchers created a molecule named H2hox. Unlike previous candidates for 68Ga, H2hox was easily synthesized within two steps. The team saw how strongly attracted H2hox was to 68Ga, and that only mild conditions and low concentrations of H2hox were needed for the two to bind together.

Figure 1. The chemical structure of H2hox. Adapted from Wang et al. (2019).

Once bound, the team found that a highly stable metal complex, [68Ga(hox)]+, was formed within the pH range of 1 to 11. Furthermore, this complex only existed as a single species, and did not require further purification. Because these combined characteristics were impossible to achieve with previous partners, the researchers thought that H2hox could be the one for 68Ga.


To test how well this complex worked in real life, the researchers conducted a PET/computed tomography (CT) scan in mice. The group witnessed high stability of the metal complex in mice, and more importantly, they observed that the metal complex was rapidly excreted from the mice. 

Furthermore, because the fluorescence intensity of H2hox increased upon complexing with 68Ga, the team thought that the complex could be used to analyze intracellular distribution and stability studies.

Figure 2. The fluorescence intensity of H2hox increased by fourfold when it was part of the [Ga(hox)]+complex. Adapted from Wang et al. (2019).


Since the researchers also observed a fast heart uptake of the complex in mice, they suggested that H2hox could form the basis for tracers in heart imaging. Additionally, the team proposed that this complex could benefit fluorescence-directed surgery.

With this many unprecedented advantages, we cannot wait to see what else this dynamic duo has to offer the world.


Story source

Wang, X.; Jaraquemada-Pelaez, M. d. G.; Cao, Y.; Pan, J.; Lin, K.-S.; Patrick, B.O., Orvig, C. H2hox: Dual-Channel Oxine-Derived Acyclic Chelating Ligand for 68Ga Radiopharmaceuticals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 58, 2275-2285

-Athena Wang



The Power of Acceptance

When life throws us curveballs, we’re often told to hit them out of the park. However, in a recent study, researchers at Yale University found that when individuals were presented with negative stimuli, those who merely accepted their situations experienced less pain and unpleasant emotion than those who reacted naturally to the stimuli.

First, the researchers introduced participants to the concept of mindfulness, which practices the acceptance of a situation. Then, participants were placed in two different groups: one subject to high heat on the forearm, and the other subject to negative images.

Through brain scans, the team observed that participants who practiced mindfulness had reduced activity in regions of the brain concomitant to pain response and negative emotion upon stimuli compared to those who reacted. Furthermore, the participants self-reported that they experienced significantly less negative affects when they accepted their situations.

Figure 1. Participants (n=16) experienced more negative affects upon seeing negative vs. neutral images (a), and upon feeling hot vs. warm temperatures (b) when they chose to react instead of accepting. The * indicates p<0.05, *** indicates p<0.0001, and error bars indicate standard error. (Credits: Kober et al. (2020))

Mindfulness is already practiced by patients suffering from chronic pain and depression, but these findings show the power that acceptance has even on individuals who have never meditated, and the team believes that mindfulness is a good way to temporarily regulate the intensity of pain and negative emotions.


Scientists are still unsure of how meditation elicits responses in the brain; perhaps mindfulness allows us to feel more in control of our circumstances when we’re having negative experiences, or it reminds us that we have enough strength to make it through whatever. Nonetheless with this technique added to our repertoire, the next time life throws us a curveball we will be more prepared to deal with it.

-Athena Wang

Don’t Let Stress Get The Best of You

You may have heard of the saying, “diamonds are made under pressure”, especially from people working last-minute to meet deadlines. However, a study found that the stress accompanying our seemingly never-ending tasks actually decreases our ability to produce high-quality work, or to perform well on exams.

The study showed that upon chronic stress, neurons shrink in the hippocampus, which is the region in the brain that controls our memory; this equates to a weaker memory. Furthermore, neurons end up growing in the amygdala, which is the region in the brain that reinforces our fears; this translates to an increase in anxiety levels.

Figure 1. Chronic stress promotes the growth of neurons in the amygdala (a), and leads to the shrinkage of neurons in the hippocampus (b). Created by Athena Wang. Adapted from Davidson and McEwen (2012).

Therefore, instead of studying a week before exams when stress levels are the highest, you should space out your studying throughout the semester to retain as much information as possible while also being more calm.


A bit of stress can be good for us; acute stress triggers our fight-or-flight response, and helps us overcome short-term stressors. However, chronic stress weakens our immune system, and leads to even more troubles, such as mental health and cardiovascular problems. Therefore, stress should be dealt with before it escalates.


Good time-management skills are important, so that you don’t end up with a plethora of assignments due at the same time. Designate and follow the allotted times for your tasks, and hopefully having a better control over your time will decrease stress.

Another way is to practice mindfulness. This type of meditation makes you embrace your current situation and not dwell on unnecessary worries, which then allows you to feel less stressed. Lastly, incorporate enjoyable activities in your schedule to improve your mood and help you relax.

The next time you’re feeling stressed out, don’t let it get the best of you. Take a deep breath, and remember that you’ve got this!

Any additional tips? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

-Athena Wang

Revised: Is Your Headache “Normal”?

If you experience a sudden and severe headache, be careful! It could be an intracranial aneurysm. An intracranial aneurysm is the ballooning of a weakened blood vessel in the brain, which causes an intense headache upon rupturing. In 2011, a study suggested that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be an alternative to surgical repair, which is currently the only treatment for aneurysms.

Unruptured aneurysm (left) vs. Ruptured aneurysm (right)
(Credit: Mayo Clinic)

How can NSAIDs help combat aneurysms?

Inflammation is a major problem for intracranial aneurysms, as it can lead to their growth and rupture – but there is a solution! NSAIDs reduce inflammation by inhibiting the enzymes that promote inflammation and enlarge intracranial aneurysms. The study tested NSAIDs in mice and found decreased formation of intracranial aneurysms in the mice. 

Risks associated with NSAIDs and surgical repair

Although this treatment seems promising, long-term use of NSAIDs may lead to cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects. There are two surgical options to treating aneurysms: endovascular coiling and clipping. A major risk for coiling is that it may develop vasospasm, which occurs when the vessel constricts and leads to tissue death; whereas clipping increases the risk of infection and death, as it is an open surgery.

Two surgical procedures: Coiling an unruptured aneurysm (left) vs. Clipping a ruptured aneurysm (right)
(Created by Athena Wang)

Lifestyle changes to prevent rupture

With around 3% of the population having unruptured aneurysms, it is beneficial to know what lifestyle changes can prevent these ruptures. Eating a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding recreational drugs can all decrease risk factors that trigger ruptured aneurysms.

How is this headache different from a “normal” one?

Normal headaches such as those caused by tension or migraines is less intense than that of an aneurysm, which is described as a thunderclap headache. More importantly, this headache may be accompanied by a stiff neck, vomit, or even a loss of consciousness.

So, the next time you feel like you’re having the worst headache of your life, seek help fast – it could be an aneurysm!

-Athena Wang

Is Your Headache “Normal”?

If you experience a sudden and severe headache, be careful! It could be an intracranial aneurysm. An intracranial aneurysm is the ballooning of a weakened blood vessel in the brain, which causes an intense headache upon rupturing. Around 3% of the population have unruptured aneurysms, which should be treated before they rupture. In 2011, Aoki’s group at Kyoto University suggested that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be an alternative to surgical repair, which is currently the only treatment for aneurysms.

Unruptured aneurysm (left) vs. Ruptured aneurysm (right)
(Credit: Mayo Clinic)

Mechanism of NSAIDs

Inflammation leads to the growth and rupture of intracranial aneurysms, but NSAIDs reduce inflammation by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, specifically the COX-2 pathway. When this pathway is activated by inflammatory stimuli, the COX-2 enzyme converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandin, which then upregulates sequential reactions to promote inflammation, and enlarges intracranial aneurysms. Aoki’s team observed that NSAIDs decreased the formation of intracranial aneurysms in mice within the first six weeks.

Risks associated with NSAIDs and surgical repair

Although this treatment seems promising, long-term use of NSAIDs may lead to cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects. There are two surgical options to treating aneurysms: endovascular coiling and clipping. A major risk for coiling is that it may develop vasospasm, which occurs when the vessel constricts and leads to tissue death; whereas clipping increases the risk of infection and death, as it is an open surgery.

Two surgical procedures: Coiling an unruptured aneurysm (left) vs. Clipping a ruptured aneurysm (right)
(Created with Notability)

Both surgical and potential pharmacological treatments come with their risks, but hopefully our advancing knowledge will soon bring forth safer therapies.


Athena Wang