Author Archives: griffin bare

Life Saving Improvements to Blood Transfusions

Previously thought impossible, researchers have found a way to create O type blood from other blood types. Since O is a universal donor, these other blood types can now be used as universal donors, potentially saving countless lives.

A team of biochemists from the University of British Columbia, lead by doctor Stephen Withers, have turned A positive and A negative type blood into the universal O type blood. These findings were published in June of 2019 in the journal “Nature Microbiology.”[1]

Before these findings, the 8 major blood types were not all compatible with each other. This meant that if a blood transfusion were needed for a patient, a specific type of blood maybe be needed, with no other type working.

A chart of what blood types can donate or receive other blood types.[2]

This problem has existed since blood transfusions were first scientifically achieved, and scientists have been looking for a solution for just as long. It turns out the solution was hiding right under our noses; inside our stomachs, to be specific!

Inside the human gut are thousands of microscopic bacteria which we use to digest food and convert it into energy. As it turns out, these bacteria are very good at safely interacting with the human body in helpful ways. The researchers extracted these microorganisms through human feces and found they could be used in exactly the way they were hoping.

“Why would they be looking in our stomachs for this solution?” you might ask. The Withers group were on a hunt for a special kind of protein called an enzyme. Enzymes are produced by the body with a very specific task, and that task varies based on what the body wants in to do. In the below picture, notice how the enzyme matches perfectly the substrate. This is because enzymes are made for specific purposes, and only match specific molecules in the body. Since our gut has the ability to process blood and turn it into energy, Withers and his team decided to see if these enzymes could be harnessed for their research.  As it turns out, they were completely correct.

An enzyme interacting with a specific molecule (known as the substrate) in the body.[3]

Future Impacts

 In the United States and Canada alone, 4.5 million patients need blood transfusions every year.[4] This high demand means that often times, the supply cannot meet the demand. With this new discovery, more blood types are compatible, which means more people can be helped.

While the process has been completed in the lab, it has yet to be scaled up to convert massive amounts of blood at a time.  This may take some time to accomplish. However, it is impossible to quantify exactly how many people this new method will help, or even how many lives it will save. One thing is for certain,  is that the world of blood donations will forever feel the impact of these findings. 


  1. Rahfeld, P., Sim, L., Moon, H., Constantinescu, I., Morgan-Lang, C., Steven, J. H., Kizhakkedathu, J. N., Withers, S. G.; An enzymatic pathway in the human gut microbiome that converts A to universal O type blood. Nature Microbiology. 2019, 1475-1485.
  2. Canadian Blood Services. Do You Know Your Blood Type? (accessed March 21, 2020)
  3. Western Oregon University: Chemistry. CH450 and CH451: Biochemistry – Defining Life at the Molecular Level. Chapter 6: Enzyme Principles and Biotechnological Applications. (accessed Mar 21, 2020)
  4. Community Blood Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York. 56 facts about blood. (accessed March 22, 2020)

Teaching Resonance to Undergrads: How Hard Can It Be?

Resonance structures are a tough concept for chemistry students to understand, and the way they’re being taught has a significant impact on how well they retain the concept. A pair of researchers from the University of Nebraska and the University of Virginia’s Chemistry departments show that explaining the limitations of resonance drawings gives a better understanding than explaining the benefits.


The study, published March 13th of this year, took 180 students across 2 different organic chemistry classes with 2 different professors. The first professor focused on highlighting how accurate and beneficial resonance drawings are towards the understanding of the deeper chemistry. The second professor focused on the limitations and shortcomings of resonance drawings, and this approach gave a more accurate understanding of the underlying chemistry.

Reliability of Findings

Quantifying a student’s understanding of a concept is no easy task, so the researchers had to cover multiple facets of understanding. They asked students three questions relating to the underlying understandings of resonance contributors of enolates; written description of resonance hybrids, draw the resonance hybrids, and predict the carbon-oxygen bond length. The answers students gave are graphed below, and show that students in Professor 2’s class had a better understanding of all 3 concepts.

Examples of answers for students asked to draw an enolate resonance hybrid: (a) hybrid structure with correct partial charges (correct answer), (b) hybrid structure, (c) major resonance contributor, (d) minor contributor, and (e) example of other structures (incorrect). Source: Xue, D., Stains, M.

Students’ understanding of resonance hybrids between two professors analyzed through (a) written descriptions of the resonance hybrid, (b) drawings of the resonance hybrid, and (c) carbon-oxygen bond length predictions. Source: Xue, D., Stains, M.

This study did a great job of explaining the ways in which students can misunderstand resonance hybrids, and the pitfalls that professors need to stray students away from. However, teaching styles are not quantifiable, only qualitative observations can be made. This makes any differences possibly anecdotal. Further uncertainty is introduced by limiting the categories that a given student’s answer could fall under. This could “round up” some students to appear to understand more than they do, or vice versa.   Professor 2 also had 8 fewer students than Professor 1. This means Professor 1 had 109.4% the number of students that Professor 2 had, making the population sizes of the two groups significantly different in size.

Despite these possible problems with the methodology and certainty of this research, I think we can all empathize with how tough these concepts were at first. And to lighten the tone, I’ll share this analogy that Professor 2 used in his class to help his students learn. Hope it brings a smile to your face!

Analogy used by Professor 2 to teach about resonance. Source: Xue, D., Stains, M.

  • Griffin Bare

Is the World Set to Run Out of Cobalt?

Cobalt is an important part of most batteries, and our global supply is running low. The demand of cobalt in the next 10 years is expected to increase by roughly 300%, and a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology decided to investigate exactly how much of a problem this increased demand could be.

Lithium-ion batteries, such as the ones found in electric cars and most smart phones, require a cathode for the battery to operate, and cobalt is the most common choice due to having a high energy density compared to its competitors. The study focuses on the amount of cobalt we are mining and processing now compared to how much we will need by 2030. By their estimates, the world may require 450 k tonnes per year in cobalt.

Values interpolated from research data. Source: Fu et al.

The researchers employed a methodology of analyzing market trends in the sales of electric cars, which account for roughly 60% of all cobalt use. To determine the amounts of cobalt production, they surveyed mining companies to determine the amount of cobalt being produced in cobalt mines, and as a by-product in non-cobalt mines. With these values as their main metrics, they made projections for the next decade with the hopes of seeing if, and when, our cobalt might run short.


The methodology is not perfect, however; it is a forecast and not a guaranteed trend. Thus, the data presented is largely extrapolated and estimated from general trends. But the goal of the paper was not to draw exact conclusion. Their goal was to investigate how sustainable this resource is in the short term.


The main take-away from their paper are that end-of-life reclamation of cobalt-reliant materials is going to start being more and more necessary. So even with all of our new technologies, the message of sustainability stays the same: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Griffin Bare


Revised: New Method of Water Purification can Clean Out Mercury and Other Harmful Metals

Carbon nanostructures have the potential to be used as a new form of water purification. A team of researches out of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay have shown the potential to clean out Mercury, Cadmium, and Chromium ions safely from drinking water.


The study, which came out at the end of December 2019, shows that three-dimensional nanostructured carbon florets (NCFs) are tightly packed enough to inhibit heavy metal ions such as Hg2+ and Cd2+ form passing through, while allowing the much smaller H2O molecules to pass through easily. This material is particularly good at adsorbing out multiple heavy metal ions simultaneously, making it uniquely qualified for practical use in water filtration systems.

Effectiveness of NCFs

Source: Moronshing et al. (adapted)

As you can see in the above image, the NCFs plug the narrow pathway for the contaminated water to reach the receiving flask. As the water molecules pass through, the pollutants are almost entirely blocked. The chart bellow specifies that as much as 93% of the heavy metals ion are removed from the solution, simply by passing through this NCF filter.

NCF Adsorption Efficiency

Source: Moronshing et al. (adapted)

Ease of Implementation

The most interesting aspect of this discovery is how easy it is to use. No energy is required to enable these filters, the water source simply passes through, and between 80% to 90% of the ions are instantly trapped.  The study further shows that NCFs are easy to reclaim after use and have long lifespans. These structures act very simply as a filter for harmful meta ions; a microscopic filter for atoms.

Synthesis of NCFs

Source: Moronshing et al. (adapted)

Furthermore, these NCFS work on a range of pH 2-13, with no significant drop across this large range. This means it can perform well on most all samples of water, and effectively decontaminate water safely. NCFs are also synthesized in a very simple fashion, requiring only minor modifications to an already common nanomaterial known as DFNS (dendritic fibrous nanosilica).

While there is certainly room for expansion into purification of other heavy metals that pollute water supplies, such as lead, this is a very promising step forwards!

-Griffin Bare


New Method of Water Purification can Clean Out Mercury and Other Harmful Metals

Carbon nanostructures have the potential to be used as a new form of water purification. A team of researches out of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay have shown the potential to clean out Mercury, Cadmium, and Chromium ions safely from drinking water.

The study, which came out at the end of December 2019, shows that three-dimensional nanostructured carbon florets (NCFs) are tightly packed enough to inhibit heavy metal ions such as Hg2+ and Cd2+ from passing through, while allowing the much smaller H2O molecules to pass though easily. This material is particularly good at adsorbing out multiple heavy metal ions simultaneously, making it uniquely qualified for practical use in water filtration systems.

Ease of Implementation

The most interesting aspect of this discovery how easy it is to use. No energy is required to enable these filters, the water source simply passes through and between 80% to 90% of the ions are instantly trapped.  The study further shows that NCFs are easy to reclaim after use and have long lifespans. These structures, while being nanostructures, act very simply as a filter for harmful meta ions.

Furthermore, these NCFS work on a range of pH 2-13, with no significant drop across this large range. This means it can perform well on most all samples of water, and effectively decontaminate water safely. NCFs are also synthesized in a very simple fashion, requiring only minor modifications to an already common nanomaterial known as DFNS (dendritic fibrous nanosilica). 

While there is certainly room for expansion into purification of other heavy metals that pollute water supplies, such as lead, this is a very promising step forwards!

-Griffin Bare