Category Archives: Popular Science

Deep Brain Stimulation on Patients with Parkinson Disease

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a form of neurological stimulation and is used as a form of treatment for those suffering from Parkinson’s Diesease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative brain disorder which hinders dopaminergic neurons, resulting in impaired mobility. DBS involves a surgical process of implanting a small battery operated device and a electrodes into the brain.

Figure 1 – Deep Brain Stimulation Retrieved from – GAPS

This study published in August 2006 highlights the efficacy of DBS. 156 patients were randomly paired (78 pairs) and were subjected to different treatments. One was subjected to treatment from pharmaceuticals and the other underwent DBS. To test the efficacy of DBS, the patients’ quality of life was assessed using the Parkinson’s Disease Questionaire (PDQ-39). Additionally, numerous symptoms associated with PD were measured using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, part III (UPDRS-III).

Efficacy of DBS

Out of the 78 pairs of patients, the patient who underwent DBS in 50 of the pairs saw an improvement in their PDQ-39 and UPDRS-III scores compared to their partner who was only provided with pharmaceutical drugs.

Figure 2 – How DBS and Pharmaceuticals affected the PDQ-39 and UPDRS-III scores in patients immediately after treatment. In 50 of the 78 pairs, those who underwent DBS showed improvement in their scores compared to their partners who took medication. Data from Deuschl et al.

Furthermore, the patients were assessed again in six months. Those who underwent DBS saw a 25% increase (a lower score) to their PDQ-39 score, while there we no significant changes to those who took medication.

Figure 3 – PDQ-39 Scores immediately after treatment (baseline), and 6 months after treatment. Error Bars represent standard deviation. Data adapted from Table 3 of Deuschl et al.

Benefit of DBS Compared to Medication on Treating Depression

There are additional benefits of DBS on other aspects of PD. This study published in March of 2005 highlights how DBS is able to treat depression, which is a symptom associated with PD. Patients who were treated by DBS noted a decrease in depression-like symptoms 1 month after treatment, and up to 1 year. In contrast, medication can only treat depression in the short-term.

Figure 4 – A visual interpretation of depression Retrieved from – ConsumerReport

So why is DBS better than Prescription Medication?

The results of both studies indicate that DBS is capable to treating PD with a higher efficacy compared to medication. Additionally, medication is kept constant and can be used to treat one specific issue. In contrast, the strength of DBS can be altered (stronger/weaker pulses) to treat different symptoms that may arise. Consequently, DBS results in long-term benefits, while medication is only able to provide short-term benefits.

-Jackson Kuan

Re-wiring Your Brain For Sugar Craving

Have you ever wondered why we have desires for sweet food but not bitter food? Dr. Li Wang and other scientists at Columbia University have discovered that mammalian brains for tasting can be re-patterned or erased by performing a series of experiments on mice. This study has significance for future studies in eating disorders and weight management.

The taste sensory system 

Mammalians have a developed sensory system for identifying tastes and associating tastes with mechanisms of reward and aversion. This sensory system has two main parts: the tongue and the brain. There are many sensory neurons in our tongues. These sensory neurons, the detectors of the five basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami), signal our brains and turn on the amygdala of the brains responsible for identifying and interpreting tastes. Dr. Li Wang and her team have confirmed that neurons in the sweet-responsive cortex project to a different area compared to those in the bitter-responsive cortex. The strong segregation of neuron projection transmits desirable, or aversive taste signals, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Therefore, we cannot stop eating sweets since our amygdala associate sweets with appetitive, desirable signals.

Figure 1. b and c show the active bitter taste cortex and active sweet taste cortex respectively. Source: “Nature Journal”


Figure 2. Licks per second (Licks rate) of mice upon photostimulation of the sweet and bitter cortexes. Adapted from “Nature Journal

Rewiring the brain on taste

Dr. Wang and her team rewound the brain of mice on taste by using a drug to silence the neurons in the sweet-responsive cortex and the bitter-responsive cortex, respectively. The team used licks per second to quantify and verify the appetitive and aversive responses of the mice upon photo-stimulating the sweet and bitter cortexes independently. The team found out that by silencing the neurons in the sweet cortex, the lick rate decreased, according to Figure3. This showed that the mice could not recognize sweet when the neurons were silenced by the drug. This confirmed that the taste specific neurons are essential to recognize tastes.

Figure 3 also showed another interesting phenomenon that the team made the animals think they were tasting sweet, even when the animal was drinking water. In Figure3, without the presence of the sweet neuron silencer, the lick rate of the mice with their sweet cortex stimulated was two times higher compared to the mice without the stimulation. The increase in the lick rate in Figure 3. showed that neurons in the amygdala control an animal’s sensory perception of taste.

Figure 3. Photostimulated sweet cortex in the presence or absence of sweet neuron inhibitor. Adapted from “Nature Journal”

The finding that animals’ brains can be manipulated and rewound to change the perceptions of taste has implications in future studies in weight management and eating disorders. By using small drugs to target these taste-specific neurons, we may say no for eating more and more sweets.


Li Wang. The coding of valence and identity in the mammalian taste system. Nature Journal, 2018; 558, 127-131. DOI:




Don’t Let Stress Get The Best of You

You may have heard of the saying, “diamonds are made under pressure”, especially from people working last-minute to meet deadlines. However, a study found that the stress accompanying our seemingly never-ending tasks actually decreases our ability to produce high-quality work, or to perform well on exams.

The study showed that upon chronic stress, neurons shrink in the hippocampus, which is the region in the brain that controls our memory; this equates to a weaker memory. Furthermore, neurons end up growing in the amygdala, which is the region in the brain that reinforces our fears; this translates to an increase in anxiety levels.

Figure 1. Chronic stress promotes the growth of neurons in the amygdala (a), and leads to the shrinkage of neurons in the hippocampus (b). Created by Athena Wang. Adapted from Davidson and McEwen (2012).

Therefore, instead of studying a week before exams when stress levels are the highest, you should space out your studying throughout the semester to retain as much information as possible while also being more calm.


A bit of stress can be good for us; acute stress triggers our fight-or-flight response, and helps us overcome short-term stressors. However, chronic stress weakens our immune system, and leads to even more troubles, such as mental health and cardiovascular problems. Therefore, stress should be dealt with before it escalates.


Good time-management skills are important, so that you don’t end up with a plethora of assignments due at the same time. Designate and follow the allotted times for your tasks, and hopefully having a better control over your time will decrease stress.

Another way is to practice mindfulness. This type of meditation makes you embrace your current situation and not dwell on unnecessary worries, which then allows you to feel less stressed. Lastly, incorporate enjoyable activities in your schedule to improve your mood and help you relax.

The next time you’re feeling stressed out, don’t let it get the best of you. Take a deep breath, and remember that you’ve got this!

Any additional tips? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

-Athena Wang

Stress and Grey Hair: An Answer to a Biological Mystery

Everyone has heard that too much stress will cause grey hair. This is easily seen in former president of the United States, Barack Obama, whose hair could not escape the stress of the Oval Office! But what exactly links grey hair and stress? This year, researchers at Harvard University found that the nervous system eliminates pigment-regenerating stem cells responsible for coloring our hair!

Barack Obama’s hair color at the start of his presidency versus seven years after. Credits:

the root of the problem

When you are stressed, your body responds in three distinct ways: the activation of your immune system, the activation of your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the release of cortisol, an energy-stimulating hormone. All these responses put your body into a “fight or flight” mode; increasing heart rate and blood pressure. The challenge for Zhang’s team was to sort through these three responses and determine which caused grey hair.

Zhang’s team tackled this problem by performing a series of experiments on black-furred mice. They first tested if immune system activation was the cause by seeing if the fur greyed under stress, even when the immune system was deactivated. They indeed found that stressed immune-deficient mice still greyed, indicating that stress causes greying, independent of an immune response.

They also ran similar experiments using mice mutated to not respond to cortisol or noradrenaline, a molecule involved in SNS activation. The idea being that if  a response was involved, stress should not cause the fur to grey if it was removed. In mice lacking response to cortisol, the fur still greyed; however, in mice lacking the response to noradrenaline, their fur remained black! This indicated that the SNS was the main driver in hair greying.

Figure 1. The results of the experiments described above are shown. Note that mice unable to respond to SNS activation do not grey under stress. “Control” refers to unmutated mice. Also note that a different type of control (non-stressed vs stressed) was ran in the immune-deficient case. (Sample size = 6 for each condition, standard error bars). Credits: Adapted from Zhang et al.’s data.

Zooming in further…

With the culprit in hand, Zhang’s team didn’t just stop there! Through further experimentation, they illustrated that the SNS over-stimulates MeSC, the stem cells involved with hair pigmentation. During hair growth, these MeSC cells transform into pigment-producing cells and color the hair. Under stress, the SNS causes these MeSC cells to transform at an abnormally high rate, quickly depleting these cells and leading to grey hair.

The reason behind this link?

In truth, the reason why this MeSC and SNS interaction exists is unclear. Zhang’s team suggests an evolutionary perspective. Since octopuses, a distant relative to mice and humans, can modify pigmentation of their skin using the SNS, they hypothesize that this interaction was simply conserved. Whatever the reasons may be, this just further shows that the mystery has yet to be completely solved!

-Kenny Lin

Antibiotics found to kill bacteria in a new way!


Fig1.Antibiotics source

Antibiotic is the most powerful “weapon” to fight against bacterial infections. However, according to the World Health Organization, there are more than 700000 people die every year due to antibiotic resistance. On Feb 13th, 2020, Research team from the David Braley center for Antibiotic Discovery, University of McMaster posted an article on nature. Newly found corbomycin and complestatin would kill bacteria in a brand-new way. The discovery of these new groups of antibiotics would be the clinical candidate in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Fig2,Antibiotic resistance strategies in bacteria. source:Courtesy of E. Gullberg.


Antibiotics are the revolution of the pharmaceutical study in the 20th century. They are the most important type of antibacterial agent which either kills or inhibit the growth of bacterial cell walls. Alexander Fleming discovered modern antibiotic medicine – penicillin in 1928, which saved thousands of people’s life.

What does old antibiotics also bring you?

The enormous benefits of antibiotics also lead to new problems such as over-usage and resistance. Bacteria soon formed resistance toward these antibiotics and caused the ineffectiveness of the medicine. The resistance of antibiotics had become a new-rise problem. The World Health Organization announced: “serious threat is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone.”

Fig2.image of corbomycin

Fig2.image of corbomycin. source

The newly found corbomycin and complestatin have brand new way to attack bacteria. It is discovered from a glycopeptide family, and the new approach appears no significant resistance toward bacteria. “Antibiotics like penicillin kill bacteria by preventing the building of the wall, but the antibiotics that we found actually work by doing the opposite – they prevent the wall form being broken down. This is critical for cell to divide.” Said Beth Culp, a PhD candidate in biochemistry at McMaster.

Why do we know about these?

“We hypothesized that if the genes that made these antibiotics were different, maybe the way they killed the bacteria was also different”, Culp explained. The “unique approach” to kill bacteria is a new mechanism that is worthy of studying. Scientists might be able to find the new family of antibiotics which have a completely different way to attack bacteria. These new antibiotics will be the revolution of modern biochemistry which will be powerful to fight against antibiotic-resistant.


Scientists believed that the observation of corbomycin and complestatin would open the “new door” in the field of antibiotics. People will be able to investigate more antiobiotics to fight against resistance in the glycopeptide family. This study will eventually benefit thousands of people suffering in antibiotic-resistant and give them hope to survive!

–Vicky Gu


Dogs resemble their owners, finds study

Dog and his owner. Photo by Thomas Hawk on Flickr

Have you ever heard the adage “Dogs resemble their owners?”

A psychological study by Michael Roy and Nicholas Christenfeld published in 2004 by Psychology Science  found that our canine companions actually look like us!


The study concluded that pure-bred dogs can be correctly identified to their humans significantly more than mixed breed dogs.

Figure 2 shows the results of the study that focused on pure-bred dogs. It shows that strangers (the ‘judges’) were able to identify the correct dog to it’s owner 16 out of 25 times (64%). Also, it showed the judges were able to decide between the dogs and no ties were shown.

Figure 2: Judges results for pure-bred dogs (n=2). Chart created by Chantell Jansz, data from “Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners”

Figure 3 shows the results of the study that focused on mixed-breed dogs. The judges were only able to identify the correct dogs to it’s owner 7 out of 20 times (35%) . Additionally, the judges were more indecisive in their decision as there is a greater proportion of ties for mixed dogs.

Figure 3: Judges results for mixed breed dogs (n=20) Chart created by Chantell Jansz, data from “Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners”

The mechanism as to where the resemblance comes from is still uncertain. However, Dr. Christenfeld suggests,“It’s not people coming to look like their dogs when they live together. Instead it’s that people pick a dog that resembles them … but with a mutt you don’t know what it’s going to look like [when it grows up].”


The researchers took pictures of 45 dogs (25 pure-bred, 20 mixed) and their owners from 3 different dog parks. The pictures were taken with care, to ensure the judges could not match the dogs to their owners based on the background of the photos.

The judges (a group of 28 unknowing undergraduates) were shown 3 pictures at a time. The 3 pictures were a dog, the dog’s owner, and another dog from the same park. The judges were asked to pick which dog out of the two, belonged to the owner pictured in front of them. This process was repeated for all 45 dog owners to produce the results (shown above).

Clearly, the results show a trend in the ability of a random individual to identify a dog to it’s owner. However, the study was only done on 45 dogs, limiting the results.


Our furry friends can resemble us more than just physically, found Psychologists at Michigan State University. The paper published in the Journal of Research in Personality in 2019 studied 1681 dogs belonging to 50 breeds, aged between a few months and 15 years.

The study found that dogs’ personalities match their owners. For example, owners high in agreeableness, conscientiousness, and open-mindedness rated their dogs as less fearful, more excitable, and less aggressive. While, owners high in negative emotions rated their dogs as more fearful and excitable, and less responsive to training.


Chances are, if you have a dog it probably resembles you physically if not, emotionally!


– Chantell Jansz


Strategic Dating: The 37% Rule

Dating and settle down are big problems for a lot of people, especially for many scientists, who spend their entire life in labs. For rich people, dating can be easily solved by economics. However, for the poor, dating is a metaphysics problem. How can we dating and settle down efficiently? It turns out that there are many mathematical rules that tell you how long you ought to search, and when you should stop searching and settle down.

Secretary problem

The secretary problem is a problem that demonstrates a scenario involving optimal stopping theory. In the secretary problem, an administrator is interviewing n applicants in turn to help the company to hire a best secretary. A decision must be made immediately after each interview, and once the interviewee has been rejected, it cannot be recalled. The question is about the optimal strategy to maximize the probability of selecting the best applicant.

Similarly, for dating and marriage, you must decide whether to settle down with your current boyfriend or girlfriend at some time points. This can be solved by the secretary problem. For example, assuming you have 3 different boyfriends in your lifetime, and you need to choose one to marry him. The best strategy for you is to break up with your first boyfriend regardless of how excellent he is, try the second one. If the second one is better than the first one, marry him, or try the third one. In this case, you have ½ probability to choose the best guy, which is more probable than choosing randomly.

Demonstration on the scenario talked above.

The 37% Rule

However, in the real life. The sample size is unpredictable, and largely depends on a lot of things. How large the sample size should be and how many boyfriends should you “try” before you make the decision?

First, we can make an assumption: There are n boys chasing you, you try first k (k<n) boys but reject all of them. From the k+1 boy, settling down if he is better than the previous ones. For example, when n=4, there’re 4 possible k values: k=0, 1, 2, 3. By listing all possible cases, we got when k=1, P(1)=11/24, which is the best strategy for you to choose the “Mr. Right”.

Possible cases for Sample size=4. (Source: DataGenentics)

More generally, for a very large sample size, the probability can be calculated from Riemann integral and its derivative:Which means you should settle down immediately when you meet the “best boy” after you try first 36.8% guys in your life.

Comparing with choosing randomly, it is obvious that when the sample size is larger than 2, using The 37% Rule is much more possible to settle down with your “Mr. Right”.

A comparison of choosing randomly and choosing by the 37% rule. (Data Source: DataGenentics)

However, in the real world, you never know how large the sample size is. Although we can approximate a n value by combining many factors like economic status, educations, personal experiences, family background, face score and etc. Life is not a game, so settle down in a relationship with your true love when you think he or she is your best choice.

The “AlphaGo” in Chemistry: Organic Retrosynthesis Using Artificial Intelligence

Since the AlphaGo defeated the world Go champion in 2016, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many fields in our life. It has also become a new star in science and opened up new possibilities to solve the most complicated problems by computers.

Not long ago, a group of chemists and computer scientists built the “AlphaGo” in chemistry. Published in Nature, they designed an AI tool that can plan organic retrosynthesis faster than any similar programs. In a double-blind AB test, chemists on average considered the AI-generated routes to be equivalent to reported literature routes. This achievement may shorten the process for drug designs and accelerate pharmaceutical research in the future.

Retrosynthetic analysis is the canonical technique used to plan the synthesis of organic molecules. In the past, scientists have also tried to design retrosynthetic routes by computers. Although this method can improve the synthesis efficiency, the traditional algorisms are slow and have many errors.

However, the AI developed by Segler’s group speeds up this process significantly. Described by Segler, the synthesis of molecules is very similar to playing Go: Each molecule can be constructed by synthons which are the “playing pieces”. Computers then design routes for the synthons and combine them together.

Figure 1. Translation of the traditional chemists’ retrosynthetic route representation to the search tree representation. Source: Nature

In the research, the AI tool learned more than 12 million single-step chemical reactions by the deep neural network. This can help AI predict any chemical reactions in the synthetic sequence. AI can also apply the neutral network repeatedly to plan routes and construct synthons until ending up with accessible starting reagents.

So far, much research focuses on combing deep neural networks with Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS). Monte Carlo tree search is a method widely used in video games to evaluate the movement of an object. After the player moving one step in the game, the computer will simulate infinite possibilities that may occur and choose the best step. Similarly, computers can also use this network to find the optimal method in organic synthesis.

In a trial test, Waller’s group used this algorism to propose a six-step synthesis for a precursor used in Alzheimer’s treatment. It turns out the AI designed the same route as the literature in less than 5.4 seconds

Figure 2. Comparison between the MCTS and two traditional algorisms: Neural and Heuristic Best First Search (BFS). (A) Performance characteristics of the different search algorithms by finding synthesis routes. (B) Amount of time per molecule to find the optimal route. Adapted from: Nature

More surprisingly, the AI can perform as good as organic chemists in predicting synthetic routes for novel drugs. Segler and his team invited 45 world-leading organic chemists from Germany and China to examine two potential synthetic routes for nine molecules. One route was designed by AI and the other by humans. Results show that chemists cannot distinguish between the two methods. 

Figure 3. Double-blind AB testing of AI route (MCTS) against literature and traditional (BFS) routes. AI route is as preferable as literature routes and much better than traditional methods. (Original)

What we have seen here is that this kind of artificial intelligence can capture this expert knowledge,” says Pablo Carbonell, a famous computational chemist at the University of Manchester. He describes the effort as “a landmark paper”. Maybe in the near future, AI will make a revolutionary change in chemical research and industry.

Revised: Should you be worried?—An Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus!

Since December 2019, an unexplained pneumonia epidemic has occurred in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. An investigation found that these were related to Wuhan’s “South China Seafood Market”. Wuhan organized a multi-disciplinary expert consultation survey and used laboratory testing to identify pneumonia in Wuhan as viral pneumonia. On January 8, 2020, a new coronavirus was initially identified as the pathogen of the epidemic. With the outbreak of this novel coronavirus, it is crucial to know how this virus spread and evolved, more importantly, how we can take precautions against it.

The spread of the novel Coronavirus

Sources: National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China; local governments. Note: Data as of 9 p.m E.T., Jan. 27

The outbreak of this infectious disease was first occured in Wuhan in December, 2019 and then spreaded globally since the huge flow og people in Wuhan during lunar new year. According to the New York Timesthere are more than 4,500 people in Asia infected the coronavirus as well as many other are suspected. At least 106 people have died as of Jan. 27, 20.

Evolutionary sources of coronavirus  and molecular pathways for infecting humans

To analyze the evolutionary source and possible natural host of the novel coronavirus, the researchers in this paper analyzed genetic evolution by comparing the novel coronavirus with collected large amount of coronavirus data. It was found that the novel coronavirus of Wuhan belongs to Betacoronavirus which is a RNA virus that parasitizes and infects higher animals (including humans). It is adjacent to the SARS virus and the SARS-like virus group in the position of the evolutionary tree. Therefore, Wuhan coronavirus and SARS or SARS-like coronavirus may share common ancestor. As the evolutionary neighbors and outgroups of Wuhan coronavirus have been found in various types of bats, it is speculated that the natural host of Wuhan coronavirus may also be bats and Wuhan coronavirus is likely to have unknown intermediate host vectors during the transmission from bat to human.

Phylogenetic tree (Source)

The authors used molecular computational simulation methods to perform structural docking studies on Wuhan coronavirus S-protein and human ACE2 protein, and found that although 4 of the 5 key amino acids that bind to ACE2 protein in Wuhan coronavirus S-protein have changed, the amino acids after the change have perfectly maintained the interaction between SARS virus S-protein and ACE2 protein. This result indicates that Wuhan coronavirus infects human respiratory epithelial cells through the molecular mechanism of S-protein interaction with human ACE2 protein, predicitng that Wuhan coronavirus has strong ability to infect humans.

Cα RMSD of 1.45 Å on the RBD domain compared to the SARS-CoV S-protein structure (Source)

Tips for prevention of coronavirus (source):

  • Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching you mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands.
  • Keep a safe distance with people who are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with tissue and throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces

-Xinyue Yang

Posted on Jan. 27th. 2020

Revised: Targeting Oxygen sensitive Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1s) can help cure cancer

The 2019 medicine Nobel Prize winner Dr. Gregg L. Semenza found out that targeting the oxygen-regulated hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1s) in the cells can help cure cancers.

What are HIF-1s?

We all need oxygen to be alive. In our body, only red blood cells that contain hemoglobin can deliver oxygen for all the other cells. During a shortage of oxygen, erythropoietin (EPO) increases the production of red blood cells. Hence, more red blood cells are available to bind and deliver oxygen from the lung to the other parts of the body.

Besides, vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) can stimulate the formation of blood vessels in response to the lack of oxygen. By forming more blood vessels, the body can ensure that oxygen can get to other cells in different parts of the body.

Red blood cells transport. Source: HealthLink Canada


HIFs are the oxygen sensing knob in our bodies. Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1s) are composed of two different subunits-one being an oxygen-regulated HIF alpha subunit and the other being an oxygen insensitive HIF beta subunit.

The alpha subunit of the HIFs can sense the oxygen concentration changes. When the oxygen level is low, the two HIF subunits join to assemble the dimeric HIF-1s. The HIF-1s can then bind to genes that express EPOs and VEGFs. As a result, more EPOs and VEGFs are available to deliver limited oxygen to cells in different parts of the body. Meanwhile, when the oxygen level is high, fewer HIF subunits form the dimeric HIF-1s. Thus, fewer HIF-1s can bind to EPOs and VEGFs genes, which further leads to less EPOs and VEGFs proteins being expressed.

How can the researchers target HIF-1s to cure cancers?
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Nobel Prize Winner, Gregg Semenza on the discovery of HIF-1. Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Cancer is a group of diseases with abnormal cell growth. Many studies have shown that tumor metastasis strongly correlates to the elevated levels of HIF-1s. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells have adaptive responses to hypoxic stress, meaning that they can survive and divide under low oxygen levels.

Therefore, HIF-1s can be targeted to treat cancer. By inhibiting the dimeric HIF-1s, cancer cells will have fewer EPOs and VEGFs. Without the adaptive response to low oxygen level, cancer cells will die. The HIF-1s inhibitors can combine with other anti-cancer drugs to kill off cancer cells.

The discovery of this oxygen-sensitive knob HIF-1s is a milestone in cancer treatments. Cancers perhaps are not that scary.

Journal Reference:

Gregg L. Semenza. Pharmacological targeting of hypoxia-inducible factors. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2019; 59: 379-403 DOI:

Georgina N. Masoud and Wei Li. HIF-1α pathway: role, regulation and intervention for cancer therapy. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2015; 5: 378-389 DOI:


-Pricia Ouyang

Feb 15th, 2020