Tag Archives: universal blood

Life Saving Improvements to Blood Transfusions

Previously thought impossible, researchers have found a way to create O type blood from other blood types. Since O is a universal donor, these other blood types can now be used as universal donors, potentially saving countless lives.

A team of biochemists from the University of British Columbia, lead by doctor Stephen Withers, have turned A positive and A negative type blood into the universal O type blood. These findings were published in June of 2019 in the journal “Nature Microbiology.”[1]

Before these findings, the 8 major blood types were not all compatible with each other. This meant that if a blood transfusion were needed for a patient, a specific type of blood maybe be needed, with no other type working.

A chart of what blood types can donate or receive other blood types.[2]

This problem has existed since blood transfusions were first scientifically achieved, and scientists have been looking for a solution for just as long. It turns out the solution was hiding right under our noses; inside our stomachs, to be specific!

Inside the human gut are thousands of microscopic bacteria which we use to digest food and convert it into energy. As it turns out, these bacteria are very good at safely interacting with the human body in helpful ways. The researchers extracted these microorganisms through human feces and found they could be used in exactly the way they were hoping.

“Why would they be looking in our stomachs for this solution?” you might ask. The Withers group were on a hunt for a special kind of protein called an enzyme. Enzymes are produced by the body with a very specific task, and that task varies based on what the body wants in to do. In the below picture, notice how the enzyme matches perfectly the substrate. This is because enzymes are made for specific purposes, and only match specific molecules in the body. Since our gut has the ability to process blood and turn it into energy, Withers and his team decided to see if these enzymes could be harnessed for their research.  As it turns out, they were completely correct.

An enzyme interacting with a specific molecule (known as the substrate) in the body.[3]

Future Impacts

 In the United States and Canada alone, 4.5 million patients need blood transfusions every year.[4] This high demand means that often times, the supply cannot meet the demand. With this new discovery, more blood types are compatible, which means more people can be helped.

While the process has been completed in the lab, it has yet to be scaled up to convert massive amounts of blood at a time.  This may take some time to accomplish. However, it is impossible to quantify exactly how many people this new method will help, or even how many lives it will save. One thing is for certain,  is that the world of blood donations will forever feel the impact of these findings. 


  1. Rahfeld, P., Sim, L., Moon, H., Constantinescu, I., Morgan-Lang, C., Steven, J. H., Kizhakkedathu, J. N., Withers, S. G.; An enzymatic pathway in the human gut microbiome that converts A to universal O type blood. Nature Microbiology. 2019, 1475-1485.
  2. Canadian Blood Services. Do You Know Your Blood Type? https://blood.ca/en/blood/donating-blood/whats-my-blood-type (accessed March 21, 2020)
  3. Western Oregon University: Chemistry. CH450 and CH451: Biochemistry – Defining Life at the Molecular Level. Chapter 6: Enzyme Principles and Biotechnological Applications. https://wou.edu/chemistry/courses/online-chemistry-textbooks/ch450-and-ch451-biochemistry-defining-life-at-the-molecular-level/chapter-7-enzyme-kinetics/ (accessed Mar 21, 2020)
  4. Community Blood Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York. 56 facts about blood. https://fourhearts.org/facts/ (accessed March 22, 2020)

Novel method of converting any blood type to the universal O

A journal article published by Nature in June 2019, studied a novel method in converting type A blood to the universal type O blood using bacteria found in poop! The Withers’ research group at the University of British Columbia used the DNA of bacteria found in the faecal samples to develop this efficient method.


There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, O.

Blood type is determined by the type of antigens and antibodies present in the blood. Antibodies are part of your body’s defense system, if they sense germs (or any other foreign substance) they alert your immune system which stimulates a biological response to destroy said germs.

Antigens are proteins that are directly attached to red blood cells that are used to identify blood as A, B, AB or O. Antigens are also attached to foreign substances, and antibodies use them as indicators that a substance does not belong in the body. Figure 1 shows how antibodies interact with antigens.

Figure 1: Image of antibody interacting with an antigen. Obtained from Wikipedia commons.

For example, if you have type A blood then your red blood cells will have A antigens. However, your blood will have type B antibodies. This means that the immune system will attack any substance with B antibodies – including type B blood. This explains why individuals who get blood transfusions can only accept their same blood type, unless it is the universal type O.

Universal type O blood doesn’t have any antigens so anyone can accept O blood as their antibodies will not attack the red blood cells. Figure 2 shows the different blood groups and how they are classified.

Figure 2: Image of different blood types depicting what antigens and antibodies they contain. Obtained from Wikipedia commons.


Figure 3 shows an in depth depiction of the difference in antigens between the blood groups.

Figure 3: In depth image depicting the different constituents of antigens on type A, O and B blood. Obtained from journal article “An enzymatic pathway in the human gut microbiome that converts A to universal O type blood”

The researchers of this study, synthesized  enzymes from the bacterial DNA found in poop. Enzymes are a type of protein that aid in the reactivity of a reaction, essentially meaning they help a reaction occur faster by breaking down substances. Figure 4 demonstrates how enzymes break down substances known as substrates.

Figure 4: Image depicting how enzymes break down substances into two products. Obtained from Wikipedia commons.

In this case, the researches synthesized an enzyme that break down the bond labelled ‘3-α’ in type A and B blood cells (Figure 3). Once this bond is broken down, you are left with type O blood. The enzyme that Dr. Stephen Withers group identified, breaks down this bond 30 times faster than the previous candidate.


In January 2020, the American Red Cross announced that it has a ‘critical’ shortage of type O blood.

With this new method, hospitals and relief organizations, such as the American Red Cross, can convert type A and B blood to the universal O. It is vital that hospitals and relief organizations have a constant supply of O blood in case they need to do blood transfusions without knowing the blood type of the patient. It could also completely eliminate the need for blood type compatibility, if the research leaves the lab.

This enzyme is 30 times faster and, thus, more efficient than the previous candidate. This means that less of this enzyme is required to convert the same amount of blood, drastically decreasing the cost of production.

Overall, not only is this new method interesting to the science community but is is also incredibly important to the healthcare system.


-Chantell Jansz