Adult acne sufferer
Just how far are people willing to go for cosmetic enhancement? Apparently, very far, as a New Jersey man had to have his colon removed due to a severe inflammatory bowel disorder, which was caused by an anti-acne drug called Accutane. This raises the question of when personal responsibility is required, instead of relying on the expertise of pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Acne affects 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 and can cause embarrassment and depression. Although acne may clear up – or at the very least diminish – by age 25, millions suffer from acne even into late adulthood. As a result, anti-acne drugs are a multi-billion dollar industry. Accutane, which is manufactured by Roche, is considered the miracle drug, as it can dramatically clear up acne. However, as with many prescription drugs, this comes with severe side effects including stomach pain, bone and muscle pain, persistent fever, depression, suicidal thoughts, and dry skin to name a few. For many years, the public has been divided on Accutane’s presence on the market; some heavily advocate against it due to the severe side effects, which can be permanent, but acne sufferers simply believe that Accutane is their only hope for clear skin.
Due to countless lawsuits similar to the man in New Jersey, who won a 25 million dollar verdict, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the prescription drug has pulled the drug off the market in 12 countries, including the US. In other countries, they have quietly stopped marketing the drug. However, numerous generic forms of Accutane exist, going under the names of Amnesteem, Claravis and Sotret. As a result, this “miracle drug” is still circulating among acne sufferers, some who have faced devastating consequences, including miscarriages, psychosis, mental problems, hepatitis, night blindness, and even death. Where does personal responsibility take place in deciding to take such a dangerous drug? Why are pharmaceutical companies oblivious to such problems and knowingly continue to sell dangerous prescription drugs, where the side effects far outweigh the benefits?
This article, along with a similar article discussing the presence of generic Accutane drugs, is particularly intriguing, as both raises the question of when personal responsibilities are necessary in deciding to undergo extreme oral medication for cosmetic reasons. As well, the article warns us that the public must do extensive research, instead of heavily replying on the expertise of pharmaceutical companies. After reading this article, I began to wonder when I ever questioned the advice of a doctor regarding prescription drugs and their side effects. I myself was on this particular drug for a year due to severe acne and experienced plethora of side effects, including depression. The ironic thing is that I never questioned whether the benefits outweigh the negative side effects, being oblivious to the negative impact on my overall health and well-being. Now that I am no longer on this extreme drug, I have become wary of prescription drugs and have begun to ask whether the benefits of prescription drugs outweigh the negative side effects. I would like to end my blog with the video below; Dr.Neal, a licensed dermatologist, discusses the dangerous side effects and educates the public about whether Accutane is the right solution for acne sufferers.
Derek Song

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