Left-handed people are genius? Really?

Left-handed people have an advantage in which their brains are structured differently from right-handed people in ways that can allow them to process language, spatial relations and emotions in more diverse and potentially creative ways. Also, a slightly greater number of left-handers than right-handers are especially gifted  in music and math. A study of musicians in professional orchestras found a significantly greater proportion of talented left-handers, even among those who played instruments that seem designed for right handers.

Let’s look at people whom we know that are left-handed. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo,Napoleon Bonaparte,Julius Caesar, Beethoven, and Isaac Newton are left-handed who people call them “genius.” Presently, the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, 42nd president of the Unites States, Bill Clinton and 44th and current president of the United States,Barack Obama are also left-handed.
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On Oprah show, Dr. Oz claims that left-handed people can deal with more incoming information that does not come in an organized way because the brain develops when a baby is in its mother’s womb and interestingly left brain normally controls the right side to equalize both side of the brain. Additionally, because left-handed people can use both sides of their brain more readily, the brain can process information well.


There are many studies that have proven left-handlers are smarter than right -handler. According to researcher Alan Searleman, of St. Lawrence University in New York, left-handed people showed higher IQs, were able to solve problems better and enjoy more extensive vocabularies than right-handed people. Also in the book, “Right-Hand, Left-Hand” by Chris McManus of University College London, proposed that left-handers’ brains are structured differently in a way that increases their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centres of the brain. Thus, many researches argue that left-handed people manipulate creativity and intelligence because they are able to balance the usage of  both side of brain equally.

Brian Ahn


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