Author Archives: Gagan Gill

How Sea Breezes Affect You!

The term sea breeze in itself seems rather simple. In fact, the every-day person probably believes that a sea breeze is, well, just a breeze – they are commonly overlooked. Yet they would be surprised to learn how much research actually goes into studying sea breezes that occur all over the world and the huge impacts that they can have on society as a whole.

Dr.Steyn from the University of British Columbia (UBC) has dedicated many years of his life to studying sea breezes and the different interactions they can have with the atmosphere. He has found that sea breezes and the winds associated with them are actually involved in the spreading of pollution all around the world.

Image showing energy plant releasing pollution into the air. Image by flickr user thewritingzone

How might this affect the general public? Well, our governments spend millions of taxpayer dollars to implement pollution reduction programs in their countries but fail to realize that much of the pollution that they are trying to cleanup actually comes from other regions of the world through wind circulation.

Furthermore, the growing shortage of fossil fuels has become a major problem in our society. Researchers estimate that the petrochemical supply will run out in about 50 years. We are fortunate to have researchers like Dr.Steyn, who are investigating
the occurrence and frequency of sea breezes, and are collecting a vast body of knowledge that could be used to substitute many forms of unsustainable energy.

In the video below, Dr.Steyn explains how sea breezes form, how they can actually help pollution spread, and how sea breezes data can be used for energy production.

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As you saw, sea breezes can be a major contributor to the way in which pollution is circulated around the world and can greatly influence where and how we build wind energy farms in the future.

The story doesn’t end there. Not only is collecting data and understanding sea breeze important for pollution and energy, it also influences the way we live our daily lives. It is surprising how great of an impact sea breeze can have on society and how less people know about them. From the way we travel, to the way that we spend our free time, sea breezes are everywhere.

 Sea breezes can have a significant impact on the way that planes land at airports and how surfers spend their time in the water. These two everyday examples are influenced by the direction of the sea breeze. Sea breezes are very regular in that they are onshore by day and are offshore by night. During the day, the land heats up more than the ocean because it has a lower heat capacity.

Image showing how sea breezes blow during the day and night. Image from Mr.Bent’s Educational Blog

This creates a low-pressure system near the land and causes the sea breeze to blow towards the shore. On the other hand, the complete opposite occurs during the night, when the land cools and creates a high-pressure system. This results in the sea breeze blowing towards the water. Surfers call this type of breeze an offshore wind, which is highly desired as it hollows out the wave, allowing for a more radical surf experience.

The podcast below gives a more in-depth explanation of how sea breezes affect people’s day-to-day lives.

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Hopefully, you’re convinced that the sea breeze is not just any breeze; it is a very important atmospheric phenomenon that may influence your lifestyle more than you care to know. They are not to be overlooked – they help planes land, circulate pollution but still, as we found when interviewing UBC students on their opinion about sea breezes, most people only pay attention to sea breeze when it “affects what [they] wear when it’s cold out.”

A special thanks to Dr.Steyn for the Interview.

By: Gagandeep, Grattin, Ki Won, and Dragana.

Bee Stings Could Help Save People’s Lives!

Most people that have been stung by a bee would agree that it is a very painful and uncomfortable experience that they would not want to experience again. The pain takes days to go away, and the scar that a bee sting leaves may last weeks. Now though, it looks like a bee sting may not be as bad as it seems. Researchers at the Washington University School of medicine have found that a chemical found in the venom of a bee sting can destroy the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). What is extremely important is the fact that even though the chemical can kill the HIV virus, regular cells are immune to this chemical and are not affected by it in any way.

Image showing bee injecting venom. Taken from google images creative commons

Researchers believe that their findings will help them develop a vaginal gel that may help prevent the spreading of the HIV virus and be used for therapy. Although they don’t think that the gel may cure the disease completely, it may be used as a preventative measure in areas where HIV is particularly common. The active chemical that researchers believe is causing the observed effects is called melittin. This chemical works by poking holes in the nuclear envelope of the virus, causing large amounts of damage that cannot be easily repaired.

To obtain their findings, researchers loaded melittin into nanoparticles and administered them to patients. These kinds of particles have been found to very effectively treat tumors, so the scientists decided to test them to see if they would be affective in treating other types of diseases. The researchers saw that when the nanoparticles came into contact with HIV infected cells they were destroyed, while the nanoparticles simply “bounced off” the normal cells, which are much larger in size.

Nanoparticle incapsulating a chemical in the middle. This is the kind of mechanism the researchers used. Image from flicker user IBM Research

This is a major breakthrough in the world of science and medicine because HIV has been very hard to treat and prevent in the past. Also, HIV is a relatively common disease and many people suffer from it. It is approximated that about 36.1 million people around the world currently suffer from HIV. Furthermore, 21% of those that are infected in North America don’t even know that they are carriers of the deadly virus. Also, since the melittin loaded nanoparticles are so versatile, the researchers believe that this discovery could lead to the development of treatments for patients suffering from Hepatitis B and C.

Below is a short news report on this groundbreaking discovery:

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So the next time you get stung by a bee and are panicking, calm down and just remember that the venom that the bee just injected you with is being used right now to potentially save millions of lives around the world.

Gagandeep Gill

New Device Makes Cancer Detection Easier!

One of the most feared diseases in the world is cancer. This deadly disease is predicted to occur in about 42% of all North Americans. The mechanism of cancer development starts with damage to a cell’s DNA causing it to grow and divide uncontrollably. Eventually, these cells drain other tissue of nutrients and change how our body functions, leading to serious illness and in most cases death. Despite all this, if cancer is detected early enough, a full recovery is possible. Traditionally, the problem with cancer has been that it is very hard to detect, and that when it is detected, it has already started to spread to other parts of body through the blood. However, researches at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have developed a device that can grab cancer cells from the blood.

Image shows a lab technician analyzing a blood sample. Image courtesy of nita lind

Image shows a lab technician analyzing a blood sample. Image courtesy of Flicr user: nita lind

Researchers are calling this new device the “NanoVelcro” chip. The way that this device works is that when blood is passed through the chip, small hairs coated with antibodies matching those of cancer cells trap cancer cells, allowing for them to be isolated and examined. The researchers reported that this new device was able to isolate single cancer cells in the blood. Dr. Tseng and his research team from UCLA believe that this device will help doctors analyze and determine the specific cancer a patient might have, the genetic characteristics of the person’s cancer, and the type of treatment that the patient should receive. Also, this new method of detecting cancer cells will help detect cancer much earlier, potentially saving millions of lives.

Oncologist providing radiation therapy to a cancer patient. Image provided by Flickr user: Tiptimes

Oncologist providing radiation therapy to a cancer patient. Image provided by Flickr user: Tipstimes

With this new advancement, we will be better able to detect cancer cells in the blood and prevent them from spreading to other organs in the body, which has been a major problem in the treatment of cancer. Also, by taking blood samples throughout the treatment of a cancer patient, doctors will be able to more accurately determine drug resistance and change treatment accordingly.

Below is a short video explaining how cancer spreads through the body, and the major problems with early detection.

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So, with new technology and advancements, it is becoming easier and easier to detect and treat cancer. This new device will help treat millions of people and save their lives. This is a major break through considering the fact that so many people either develop or are directly affected by this disease.

– Gagandeep Gill

Is The Data on Your Smartphone Safe?

Most people are very cautious when using their credit card online as credit card and internet fraud seem to be increasing exponentially. In fact, Scotiabank estimates that the amount of money being stolen via credit cards in Canada alone has risen from $266 million in the year 2005 to just under $395 million in 2009.Although we are cautious when giving away our credit card numbers, most people don’t think twice when making payments on their smartphones. We simply tap the “buy app” button in the apple app store and readily press the “confirm payment” button on the eBay website. After all, viruses and hackers only target computers right? Wrong!

With the world shifting towards a more smartphone dependent lifestyle, so have hackers and scam artists. The story doesn’t end there. It seems that the hackers are getting better at the tricks of their trade. They are getting so good that a recent study conducted at Georgia Tech University found that even trained smartphone cyber-security experts fail to recognize when they have landed on a potentially dangerous site.

smartphone showing Google wallet, a new way to pay with your smartphone. Credit: justinpickard

The study found that even though attempts have been made to encrypt data, most mobile web browsers fail to satisfy the security standards of the World Wide Web Consortium, meaning that hackers can easily lure victims into their traps. In some cases, you do not even need to give a fraudulent website your credit card information. Just visiting such a site can open up a doorway, allowing hackers to see what you are doing on your smartphone. They monitor your phone’s activity and when you use payment options on a legitimate website, they strike and steal all your data.

The researchers focused their study on the top 10 mobile browsers, which make up approximately 90% of all mobile browsing in the United States. They found that none of these browsers had security indicators to warn users of hazardous sites. The researchers believe that limitations may be due to small screens and  limited processing power of smartphones. Despite this, they still believe that new policies need to be formed that more carefully define the security standards of mobile devices and warn users to be much more alert when browsing the web on their mobile phones.

Below is a small news report that describes some of the signs of an infected phone and the steps that one can take to secure your personal data.

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So, next time your browsing the web or making a payment on your smartphone, don’t think that you are perfectly safe. Use extreme caution and don’t trust websites that you are not sure about. With new electronics and devices being added to our lives day by day it can sometimes be very easy to get lost in the world of technology, but we need to realize that security threats are very real and that we need to take all the steps necessary to secure our information.

-Gagandeep Gill

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