Author Archives: pedramlf

Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles: The Dawn of a Modern Mechanism

A portion of the proposed mechanism for synthesizing palladium nanoparticles.

So what are nanoparticles?  What are they good for, and why should we care about them?  Many of us might have heard of the terms “nanoparticles” or “nanotechnology,” but a good portion of us probably don’t know what these terms mean.  Nanoparticles are incredibly small objects that span no more than 100 nanometers in size; a nanometer is one billionth of a meter!  According to chemists and other scientists who study such tiny objects, nanoparticles behave as one whole unit regarding their characteristics and transport.

An image including several several nanoparticles with different sizes, visualized under transmission electron microscopy. One of these circular objects represents one nanoparticle; a group of nanoparticles is known as a nanocluster.
Image Source: Nanoparticle

Now that we’ve gotten definitions out of the way, what are nanoparticles really used for?  According to Nanoparticle Blog, nanoparticles have a variety of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, renewable energy, and more.  For example, according to Xiu et al. (2012), silver nanoparticles can aid silver ions to promote lysis in some bacteria, which is the process involving bacterial death by breaking their cell walls.

An image describing many applications of nanoparticles.
Image Source: Nanoparticle Blog

Although we know how to make use of nanoparticles, we do not necessarily know the mechanism behind the synthesis of these nanoparticles.  This unknown factor could be very important.  So far, for instance, chemists have understood that nanoparticles are made by mixing certain chemicals.  However, there are almost always byproducts that are formed along with the desired compound(s) in chemical reactions.  Let’s say that we’re using palladium nanoparticles to create a drug.  What if these byproducts changed the properties of a drug?  Thus, knowing the synthesis mechanism of such nanoparticles is potentially crucial with regards to how we use them.

Renee Man, a graduate student of the Department of Chemistry at the University of British Columbia.

Luckily, Renee Man, a graduate student of the Department of Chemistry at the University of British Columbia, together with Adam Brown and Dr. Michael Wolf published a scientific research article this year that proposed a mechanism directed specifically to palladium nanoparticles.




Below is a video that describes Man’s proposed mechanism and its advantages that make it an ideal model for the mechanism of palladium nanoparticles:

YouTube Preview Image

As mentioned in the video, there are three main important things to note when considering Man’s proposed mechanism of palladium nanoparticles.  First, one can synthesize palladium nanoparticles at low temperatures when following this mechanism.  Unlike other methods, used today, that require temperatures above 300˚ C, this mechanism works perfectly well at temperatures near 80˚ C!  This means that the reaction can be relatively much safer to monitor; no one likes to stand beside reactions taking place at 300˚ C.  Secondly, since the reaction can be done at lower temperatures, one can save a large amount of energy.  This leads us to the last but not least benefit of the mechanism:  by taking advantage of basic conditions, synthesis of palladium nanoparticles can be sped up by a significant amount, thus saving time, and again, energy.

Finally, below is a podcast of our interview with Renee Man.  The podcast mainly discusses Man’s research with respect to the mechanism for palladium nanoparticles and how the mechanism came about:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

By:  Pedram Laghaei, Kathleen Leask, Alan Lam, and Fardad Behzadi

Video Credits:

Narrated by Alan Lam

Podcast Credits:

Narrated by Kathleen Leask

Special thanks to Renee Man for the interview.

The Relationship between Music and Mathematics with respect to Brain Function

Ever wonder how music is related to mathematics, in the way that our brain interprets the two?  Or, how learning to play a musical instrument can actually raise brain function/development to influence mathematical talent?  If so, then you are not alone in considering such questions.

Ever since the 16th century, many mathematicians, musicians, physicians, and even philosophers  have studied thoroughly the relationship between music and mathematics, and proposed theories of how these two completely different subjects interrelate.  According to Rings (2008), mathematics is the subject that consists of formulae, deep analytical thinking, and concrete materials that provide support for science, whereas music is a subject of poetry and emotion, and a centric part of the arts.  Music, as a mathematical description, is the manifestation of numbers and complex functions within the Pythagorean universe and algebraic systems, where each note of a piano produces a specific sound that contributes to different graphical representations (Padula, 2005).

Mathematics and Music
Source:  Getting Smart

Although music can be described mathematically, learning music and mathematics (separately) develops a unique part of the brain (Brothers et al., 1993).  The cerebral cortex, is the structure responsible for pattern recognition and memory development; both music and mathematics are simply branches of pattern – such patterns are developed within the cerebral cortex (Mountcastle, 1978).  Furthermore, Boettcher et al. (1994) found that both mathematics and music are branches of pattern that are developed in the brain.  With respect to music, within a columnar network of trions, they found that the patterns always formed a “creative” pattern that consisted of “broken” symmetry.  With respect to mathematics however, the patterns always formed an “analytic” pattern with a high degree of symmetry; musical patterns changed with different levels of harmony, melody, and rhythm while mathematical patterns remained consistent.  Such patterns, according to Boettcher et al., trigger the development of a unique portion of the brain.

Patterns developed in (A) a "analytical" brain, and (B) a "creative" brain.

Patterns developed in (A) a “analytical” brain, and (B) a “creative” brain.
Source: Boettcher et. al (1994)

Moreover, other studies show that playing a musical instrument can enhance mathematical ability.  According to Hyde et al. (2009), musical training in young children causes significant brain development than children without any musical training.  Such brain developments, they describe, are due to behavioural changes that are created during long-term musical training rather than simple developments due to age.  In other words, Hyde et al. describe that brain development is due to nurture rather than nature.

Child listening to music.
Source: Funderstanding

Mathematical skill is increased in higher age groups due to practicing music just as it is increased in children.  For example, Vaughn (2000) found that individuals (in college and universities, specifically) who voluntarily choose to study music show a significantly higher mathematical achievement than those individuals who do not take any musical courses.  According to Vaughn, many students who choose to take a course in music score much higher in the mathematics portion of the SAT and university- or college-level math courses compared to other students without a music course.  Furthermore, individuals exposed to a music curriculum in school also show higher mathematical achievement as a consequence of this music instruction.

A comic identifying the mathematics in music.
Source: Odd Quartet

Below is a video of James Stewart, the famous author of university-level calculus textbook, commenting on how mathematics and music relate.

YouTube Preview Image

In conclusion, learning how to play music by any form of instrument can play a key role in improving one’s mathematical skills.

Pedram Laghaei