Author Archives: savicd

What if Extinction Wasn’t Permanent?

The gastric-brooding frog was first discovered in 1972 and was native to Queensland, Australia. This frog belongs to the genus Rheobatrachus which contains only two species. Both are now extinct. These two species were so fascinating because of their unique way of reproduction. The female would swallow the eggs after fertilization, carry them in her stomach and then orally give birth to the offspring. The average number of juveniles that was observed in the stomach of a female was 21-26.

Below is a picture of a female frog giving birth orally to one of her offspring:

While the offspring are in the mother’s stomach, she does not eat, and as her stomach grows larger in size, the lungs deflate to make room. In order to breathe, she must rely on gas exchange that occurs across the surface of her skin.

The gastric-brooding frog went extinct in 1983 and it has been suggested that this may have occurred due to a variety of reasons: habitat loss, pollution and/or pathogens. The other species in the genus Rheobatrachu, the Platypus frog, also went extinct in the early 80s.

According to this article, scientists in Australia are now trying to bring the gastric-brooding frog back from extinction through a cloning technique called somatic-cell nuclear transfer.

Basically, the researchers extracted cell nuclei from tissues of the gastric-brooding frog (which was collected in the 1970s and frozen) and implanted these nuclei into donor eggs. The donor eggs used in this case were from the Great Barred Frog, Mixophyes fasciolatu, which is distantly related to the gastric-brooding frog. The nuclei in the donor eggs were inactivated and replaced with the nuclei from the extinct species.  After this occurred, some of the eggs started to spontaneously divide and formed into early embryos. None of the embryos survived for more than a couple of days. Genetic tests were done to confirm that the genes in the embryos were those of the gastric-brooding frog.

Below is a simplistic diagram of how somatic-cell nuclear transfer works:

Even though the experiment did not successful create an adult specimen of the extinct frog, the researchers are confident that it won’t be long until such a procedure will be able to be performed successfully.

The article further states that researchers from all over the world recently gathered in Washington for a conference in order to discuss the progress being made in the attempts to bring other extinct species back to life.

Possible candidates include the woolly mammoth and the dodo.

I find this so exciting!

Can you imagine having a zoo full of “extinct” animals, or even dinosaurs!?

Dragana Savic


How Observant Are You?

In order to answer this question, watch the video below:

YouTube Preview Image


When I did the experiment, I counted 14 passes and I noticed the gorilla. I found the gorilla distracting so my attention immediately went to it. Did anyone not see the gorilla?

After having watched the video, I found the study that went along with it and was actually quite intrigued by their results.

The paper started off by defining two key terms: change blindness and inattentional blindness.

Change blindness occurs when a person doesn’t notice large changes to objects or scenes, particularly if those changes are not the main focus of that scene.

Inattentional blindess occurs when a person is not paying enough attention and as a result misses seeing a whole object. The visual input is there but the person does not perceive the object and as a result that visual information does not get stored in their memory.

Inattentional blindness was the focus of the study mentioned above.

The 192 participants were each shown a video, 75 seconds in duration. In the video there were two teams composed of three players. One team wore black shirts and the other team wore white shirts. Each team was passing around a basketball. After about 45 seconds into the video, an unexpected event would occur. The video above is a copy of one of the videos participants were shown.

In total there were four different types of videos, and each participant was shown just one type.

Below is a picture of the four types of videos:

I seem to be very unlucky with technology….

The “Add Media” button refuses to work so I can’t upload a picture. For all those that are interested, you can find it in the paper. Up above, I made the word “study” a link to the paper. If you press on it, it will take you to the paper and to the picture 🙂

The picture in words:

Type 1 = transparent/gorilla

Type 2 = transparent/woman with umbrella

Type 3 = opaque/gorilla

Type 4 = opaque/woman with umbrella

  •     Transparent conditions mean that the black team, the white team,  and the unexpected event were all filmed separately and then superimposed through video editing
  •    Opaque conditions mean that everything was filmed live/simultaneously

To further complicate things, some participants were given an EASY task and told to only count the total number of passes made by the team they were observing. Others were given a HARD task and had to keep two counts in their head: one for number of bounce passes made and one for number of air passes made by the team they were observing.


(1) In general, regardless of the video type or task given, 54% of all participants noticed the unexpected event and 46% did not.

(2) Lots of participants noticed the unexpected event during the easy task (64%) but much less noticed during the hard task (45%).

(3) In opaque conditions, 67% noticed the unexpected event, while in transparent conditions only 42% did.

Result (3) makes sense because in the transparent condition the video is much fainter and everything seems to overlap. This probably made it harder for the participants to distinguish between the players and any new stimuli (gorilla/woman with umbrella). Result (2) suggests that the more difficult the task, the more focused the observer, and the less likely they will be paying attention to/percieving anything in the surrounding environment. This seems logical as it often happens to me when I get very absorbed in a book that I am reading or task that I am completing. What surprised me most was that in general just about half of all observers missed seeing the unexpected event (Result (1)). To me, the gorilla was really obvious, but I also didn’t count the correct number of passes so it is possible I wasn’t focused enough.

Dragana Savic

Limbal Rings: Do you have them?

I was brushing my teeth one night, when I, for some unknown reason, got fascinated with my eyes and their color. I’m sure everyone has had those private moments in front of the mirror where they have analyzed some aspect of themselves. As I leaned closer to the mirror, I noticed that I had this very dark ring around my iris (the colored part of my eye).  I had never paid attention to it before and I had no idea what it was, but I was so pleased with my discovery that I decided to research it further and find a name for what I had observed. The term that came up was “limbal ring”. At this point, I got very excited and decided I wanted to try to capture my limbal rings in a photo.  It took some work, and some very good lighting, but I managed to do it and this was the final result:

Upon further research, I discovered a study that was done at the University of California in Irvine that investigated if there was a correlation between the limbal ring and facial attractiveness.

They described that the thickness of the limbal ring lessens with age and sickness; therefore it is a good indicator of youth and health.

Participants of the study were seated in front of a screen which showed them two faces. These faces were identical except for the fact that one of the faces had the limbal rings edited out. The participants were then asked to choose the face they found more attractive.

These are two of the faces that were shown during the study:

Evolutionary Psychology Journal

Which face do you think is more attractive, the one on the left or the one on the right? 

Only light colored eyes were used for the faces because the limbal rings are more prominent in light colored eyes. All of the faces had a very neutral expression and there was a mix of male and female faces.

It was shown that both males and females significantly rated the faces with visible limbal rings as more attractive.

In the pictures above, both faces had the limbal ring present in the photo on the right and the limbal ring absent in the photo on the left. When these pictures were shown to participants of the study, there was a greater preference for the two faces on the right.

To me it appears that there may be somewhat of a subconscious attraction to eyes with this feature because many people also choose to buy contact lenses that stimulate the appearance of a prominent limbal ring.

I found the results of this experiment fascinating and am amazed at how such a small feature can greatly influence our perception of facial attraction.

Alright, go check out those limbal rings!

Dragana Savic