Author Archives: Derrick Lee

Environmental Approach to Mining

From all the news and information about the environmental impacts that mining can cause, you may be thinking if mining is worth it with all the detrimental effects they come along with. Acid mine drainage, deforestation, erosion, and pollution are all examples of what mining can cause if the process is not tightly environmentally regulated. However, some companies are willing to take that extra step and approach mining in an environmental, sustainable way. One example is the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), an NGO based in Vancouver, B.C. (hurray for local initiatives), and they develop standards for environmental and responsible mining.

However, one of the biggest problems out there is the fact that most mining companies still use smelting as a method of purifying metals. In short, this method melts the desired metal out of its ore. This requires a lot of energy, as if we were to purify iron, it would have to heat it to 1250°C. If the mining plant is using fossil fuel as an energy source, this would be a huge problem and an extreme waste of energy. Also smelting produces a lot of waste unsuitable for release into the environment, such as SO2 gas and waste water. SO2 is highly responsible for acid rain formation and the waste water, high in dissolved toxic metals, would be destructive to environments.

There is a better alternative out there instead of smelting. During my Co-op placement, I have had the opportunity to work for Teck Resources, a Canadian mining company that focuses on environmental sustainability and safety. Instead of smelting, they use hydrometallurgy and different methods to extract metals out of ores. Instead of boring you with specifics how the process works, there are some key highlights that make this much more environmentally viable. Hydrometallurgy does not produce harmful products that are detrimental to the environment. All of its waste can be easily isolated, contained, and properly disposed of. Also, it is highly energy efficient compared to smelting. Because hydrometallurgy relies on aqueous reactions, hence the hydro prefix in hydrometallurgy, some reactions only require up to 130°C to carry through.

Copper plate, a final product of hydrometallurgy
Image taken from

I hope by reading this blog has given you some incite about the situation of mining right now. With all the news about environmental damage caused by mining and destroyed environments because of it, many companies have already taken the initiative to carry out their processes environmentally, while some still have not. In due time, the method of smelting will be replaced and mining all over the world will be approached in an environmentally friendly way.

Derrick Lee

Video games are good for you!

The topic of whether or not video games are good for you has always been in murky waters. Are they really good or bad for your health? They are both good and bad actually, as it depends on what situation you are in. Just to throw in some examples, too much may lead to addiction, and also bad grades, if you are playing hours on end right before a final exam. However, playing games can improve problem solving, multitasking, hand-eye coordination, etc. Of course, that’s why moderation is vital here to prevent negative effects from taking over the positive ones. Alcohol is a great example of why moderation is good and this concept can also be applied to video games.

However, despite knowing the obvious negative effects of video gaming are, what are the positive effects of playing them in moderation? As a person playing video games since age 5, I have always wondered what life perks I have gotten from playing games. In Dr. Bavelier’s TED Talk, she focuses on some of the misconceptions of the gaming and the benefits of what ‘training’ in gaming can do for one person.

Here are some of the main ideas of her talk:

  • Gaming does not have a detrimental effect on your vision, but it actually improves your eyesight.

Some parents may believe staring at a TV or computer screen for long periods of time is the cause of their children having nearsightedness, but this is false. Gaming helps you distinguish small details in clutter and different shades of grey. For example, being able to read small print and driving in the fog easily are examples of how your vision is better.

  • Gaming improves your ability to pay attention.

By comparing gamers and people who don’t play video games, and using brain imaging, Dr. Bavelier’s study shows that areas of the brain which control your ability to pay attention are much more efficient in gamers than those who are not.

  • Gaming improves your multitasking skills.

Gamers are able to deal with many tasks and filter out unnecessary information to perform their tasks well. This idea is completely different than multi-media tasking, where you listen to music, text a friend, check your e-mail at the same time.  Multi-media taskers are actually worse when tested for multitasking than with gamers.

These are not the only positive effects of gaming but it should shed some light that gaming is not totally bad. The skills developed from gaming even made a boy save his sister from a moose (if the story is true)! If you’re a gamer, you will enjoy this multitasking game and should try to compete with your friends. If you’re not a gamer, compare your score with a gamer. Start casually gaming and you may start developing skills you never had before!

Derrick Lee

Below Absolute Zero?

When someone talks about negative temperature, what usually comes to your mind first? Probably the cold winters with endless snow causing traffic problems in the city if you read temperature in Celsius, or the frozen wasteland of Antarctica if you read temperature in Fahrenheit. But if you are studying thermodynamics and read temperature in Kelvin, then negative temperatures would be very puzzling to understand.

Comparison between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales

On the Kelvin scale, the lowest possible point is 0 K, absolute zero, where everything ceases to move because of the lack of energy, and the highest possible point depends on which model or theory you coincide with, but for simplicity sake, we’ll call this point absolute hot. Temperature is measured based on the following formula T = dU/dS, where S is entropy and U is internal energy, and if U is zero, that means temperature must be zero as well. Already, we see that the temperature cannot be negative because a system having negative energy is confusing and we don’t deal with it in our daily lives. Although scientists have been able to create negative temperature in the past, recently, according to Nature, Schneider and his fellow researchers published an article about managing to produce a stable substance at negative temperatures using a quantum gas, lasers and magnetic fields.

Under positive temperature systems, atoms too close to each other would repel one another due to the charges the subatomic particles possess. However, once Schneider and his team switched the magnetic field, it caused the atoms to attract one another and be from their lowest possible energy state to the highest. “It’s like walking through a valley, then instantly finding yourself on the mountain peak,” says Schneider. Under normal circumstances, the atoms’ configuration is unstable, but maintaining this with the help of laser fields has caused the atoms to be just below absolute zero, a few billionths to be exact.

One of the properties of negative temperature molecules: more atoms occupy higher energy states

Having negative temperature is not only a strange concept, but atoms reaching this state elicit some strange properties as well, some of which are from dark energy.  Investigating its properties will help cosmologists out with figuring out the secrets of dark energy and the Universe. Maybe more innovations may arise after further research has been done, such as incorporating superconductivity in our lives.

For more visuals and information, you can watch the following Youtube video:

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Derrick Lee