Category Archives: Biological Sciences

Hearing Regained

Have you lost your ear or part of it? Well, new research has come to light to help with that problem!  In a new study done by physicians at Weill Cornell Medical College and biomedical engineers at Cornell University, human ears can be developed to look and act just as real as the ones people are born with.

The research was conducted in hopes of developing alternatives to replacement ears, which are currently used to treat children who do not have ears or have deformed ones.  The most common use of the replacement ears is to treat children who are suffering from a congenital disorder known as microtia where there are problems in ear tissue development. This results in hearing loss which varies depending on the severity of the case.  The current replacement ears are of a Styrofoam base and the procedure children undergo to have them surgically attached usually comes with many challenges.  The surgery can be quite painful for children and sometimes the ears do not last, work proficiently or even look natural.  However, with this new study, another option will soon be available.

Child with microtia. Image provided by Wikimedia Commons.

The Cornell team of researchers has developed a bioengineering technique that allows them to produce very human like ears.  The process of making the ears for patients is actually quite a quick process and can be completed within a few weeks.  First, using a combination laser scanner as well as taking a panoramic photo of the patient’s ear, a 3D image is obtained.  Depending on the case, the physicians may use one of the “good” ears of a patient or it is a possibility they may construct one from scratch based on what a proper ear would look like.  Next, they turn the image of the ear into a “digitized solid ear” and a 3D printer is able to construct a mirror image mold of the ear to be.  Collagen is then injected into the mold, followed by the addition of approximately 250 million cartilage cells.  About 15 minutes after this mixture of collagen and cartilage has been injected, the ear is ready to be removed.  Lastly, the ear’s shape is perfected, and it is placed in a culture medium where it stays until the implantation.

Below is a video of Dr. Lawrence Bonassar, who was one of the key author’s describing the bioengineered ears his team has developed.

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Although human implantation is still a few years away, this research is life changing.  To think that a child’s hearing could be restored and that the bioengineered ears look so natural is truly a wonderful thing.

Brittany Maxwell

Cholesterol’s role in heart disease

Causes of death pie chart (Image from

Causes of death pie chart (Image from


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world, and it has been long known that heart disease is highly associated with elevated levels of cholesterol.  Cholesterol is fatty substance which originates from dietary intake and liver production.  If you have thought of cholesterol merely as a measurement of obesity (which is not entirely wrong), you should keep in mind that an adequate level of cholesterol is vital to help your brain, skin, heart, and other organs grow and do their jobs in the body.

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Cholesterol can be divided into two groups: LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein).  LDL is called “bad” cholesterol, because it is the LDL cholesterol that forms plaques and is associated with heart disease.  HDL is called the “good” cholesterol, because HDL cholesterol actually extracts LDL cholesterol from artery walls and moves them back into liver, preventing atherosclerosis.

HDL vs LDL (image from

HDL vs LDL (image from


The LDL cholesterol is unarguably one of the risk factors that often make heart diseases deadly, but it has not been clearly understood why. However, University of British Columbia researchers David Fedida and Jodene Eldstrom discovered that cholesterol disrupts the flow of the electrical currents that generate the heart beat, causing cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).


We have countless ion channels present in the membranes of all cells in the body, and they are key components in a wide variety of biological processes. The type of protein channels that are involved in the mechanism by which the heart’s electrical activity occurs is voltage-gated Kv1.5 potassium channel.


The heart undergoes depolarization (positively charged) as positively charged potassium ions move into the cell through Kv1.5 potassium channel. Shortly after depolarization, the heart releases potassium ions and returns its membrane potential to a negative value (repolarization).  The ion exchanges are regulated by Kv1.5 potassium channel.   The continuous depolarization and repolarization create small electric current.

All the cells with Kv1.5 potassium channel contributes to this process like little batteries, and the generated electricity flows through the heart as an impulse and the heart beats.  One important thing about this ion channels is that they are synthesized inside the cell and transported to the cell’s surface. They stay at the surface for only a few hours, and then they internalize back into the cells to be degraded or remade again.  Dr. David Fedida found that cholesterol disrupts this whole recycling process and affects the number of cells that can act as “little batteries”, causing the heartbeat to quicken, and eventually fail.  David Fedida explains that cholesterol-lowering drugs may help normalize the heart’s electrical activity.


Small amount of cholesterol is inevitable for normal function of body. However, excessive cholesterol can lead to sudden cardiac arrest: the number one cause of death in the world.  This discovery of additional danger of cholesterol on coronary heart disease sheds light on sudden death in people with high cholesterol and opens ways to potential anti-arrhythmic drugs.

Andy Byun

An Antidote For Alcohol?

I’m sure at one point or another, most people have gone out to a bar or a house party, lost track of time and realized “Shoot, my 8am class starts in a couple hours” or “I’ll get fired if I show up to work with a hangover again”. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just take a pill and sober up almost immediately and hangover free?

A variety of oriental raisin tree has been the basis of a hangover cure for 500 years. Scientists have recently extracted a chemical from this tree called dihydromyricetin (DHM) which was tested on drunken rats with interesting results. The lead researcher, Jin Liang, claims “DHM will reduce the degree of drunkenness for the amount of alcohol drunk and will definitely reduce the hangover symptoms, in time it will reduce [an alcoholic’s] desire for alcohol”.

The effects of DHM have yet to be tested on humans, but when tested on rats, there were positive results. Liang found that a dose of DHM helped an intoxicated rat’s coordination return over 10 times faster than without it. When the rats had hangovers induced by alcohol injections, they were found to hide in the corners or a maze. Within minutes of being given a dose of DHM the rats were curiously exploring the maze as if they never had a hangover.


Photo Source:

With a pill that causes sobriety, it is logical that alcoholics are a target audience for this drug. Over a span of three months, rats were injected with alcohol and were given a choice between sweetened water or a sweetened alcohol solution. At the end of this period, it was noted that the rats treated with DHM drank 75% less of the alcohol solution than the rats without treatment did.

This chemical seems to be the cure for drunkenness, hangovers and alcoholism, but it isn’t the first alcohol antidote that has been discovered. Several years ago a similar compound called Ro15-4513 was created. Many believed this was the cure for alcoholism, but complications including a short half life (meaning many doses would be required for complete sobriety) as well as negative side effects in the case of an overdose, caused the development of Ro15-4513 to be deserted.

As useful as this drug would be to use from time to time, there would still be legal issues for some uses of it as DHM blocks the effects of alcohol but it would still remain in your bloodstream. Would you trust someone to drive a car after taking DHM? They would be acting sober, but what if the effects of DHM run out before the alcohol has left their body? I believe that if patented, this drug should only be available for use of alcoholics to cure their addiction otherwise it could lead to increased drinking and dependence on DHM.

Kathleen Leask

The Promised Future of Prosthetics: Robotic Limbs

It must feel great to be able to feel a friend’s hand after seven years. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC have enabled a 30-year-old paralysed man to be able to move his robotic arm by means of electrodes placed in his brain. The tested patient has been paralysed for seven years after a motorcycle accident. “It feels like I’m robocop” says Tim Hemmes, the spinal patient. Researchers used the newly developed brain-computer interference (BCI) technology to make Tim he has hand again. The data released from Tim’s thoughts are then interpreted by an IBM designed processor. The analysed data are then put into command language for the robotic limb. “When Tim reached out to high-five me with the robotic arm, we knew this technology had the potential to help people who cannot move their own arms achieve greater independence,” said Dr. Wang, when watching a memorable scene in 2011.

Today, different types of bionics are being made. There exists bionic lenses, bionic arms and bionic legs. However, the accuracy of these devices are not perfect yet but the clinical cases are showing a promising future in this field.

Tim Hemmes’s case

How does it work?!

In order for patience to feel comfortable using the prosthetic limb, the designed limb’s weight should match the actual limb’s weight. This prevents researchers from producing gigantic robots. The next step in making a robotic limb is building an appropriate BCI which matches the right part of the brain. In order to do so, researchers use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to find the right place for the conductors. Conductors take data orders from your brain and analyse those data using bio-computational algorithms to transform data into machine language. The robots then do the job for the patient.


The robots used should have the same functionality as the actual limb since it is believed the brain of the patient can only command in a certain manner. That certain manner matches with what the patient did with his/her actual limb and our brains are not trained for anything beyond what our limbs can do.

Below is a Ted talk showing the clinical accomplishments of robotic limbs:

Although it is very early to comment on this technology but it is pretty evident that soon this technology will become a solution for amputated limbs. Many different researched are also being conducted on robotic lenses but not a lot of successful cases have been reported yet.


1. Di Pino G, Porcaro C, Tombini M, et al. A neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis tuned inter-hemispheric communication. Restorative Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30(5):407-418.

2. Di Pino G, Porcaro C, Tombini M, et al. A neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis tuned inter-hemispheric communication. Restorative Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30(5):407-418.

3. Guymer R. The challenge and the promise of the bionic eye. the bionic vision australia project. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2012;40:123-124.

4. Li Hu, Yang Jian-yu, Su Peng-cheng, Wang Wan-shan. Computer aided modeling and pore distribution of bionic porous bone structure. J Cent South Univ. 2012;19(12):3492-3499.

5. Mironov V, Boland T, Trusk T, Forgacs G, Markwald RR. Organ printing: Computer-aided jet-based 3D tissue engineering. Trends Biotechnol. 2003;21(4):157-161.

Gene therapy, newly developed treatment approved in Europe

Genes (composed of deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA) function as the biological determinants of heredity that exhibit traits, such as eye color and they are located on chromosomes inside cells.

Gene therapy

Gene therapy is an experimental treatment that involves introducing genetic material (DNA or RNA) into a person’s cells to fight or prevent disease. It facilitates our body by providing the genes in needs, or correct copies of defective genes that may potentially cause genetic disorders. So far, researchers are studying gene therapy in clinical trials to suit different types of cancer and other various diseases, such as hemophilia B, Parkinson’s disease, and HIV.

Several approaches are being attempted in order to cure diseases via gene therapy. First of all, mutated genes that cause diseases are replaced with healthy copies of the genes. Also, mutated genes that are functioning improperly are inactivated. Finally, new genes are introduced into the body to help fighting against diseases.

Generally, a gene cannot be directly inserted into a person’s cell. So, a vector, which is used to deliver a gene to a person’s cell, is used. Virus is the most commonly used vector in gene therapy. Although the viruses are genetically altered to be safe and carry normal human DNA, some risks still exist with gene therapy.

Gene therapy was not available outside a clinical trial until recently. Since 1990, hundreds of clinical trials have been conducted and most have failed as it was difficult to deliver the genes and keep them activated for a long time. Also, the incident of a teenager’s death during a clinical trial at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999 brought the safety concerns on the surface. However, researchers have been slowly overcoming the obstacles and in the last few years there have been reports of successes in attempts to treat cancer, hemophilia B, certain immune diseases and a condition that causes blindness.

After all, gene therapy was first officially approved in Europe. The European Medicines Agency has recommended the application of a gene therapy to treat rare genetic diseases. This was actually the very first regulatory approval of a gene therapy drug in the Western world. Also, a gene therapy to treat cancer won an approval in China in 2003.

As illustrated, a gene therapy has been a controversial topic and it was successful in establishing realistic procedure in the world. Still it is not such a common method that we encounter in the medical field. As it was proven to be beneficial and effective in treating number of symptoms, our deeper attention and acknowledgement regarding this content would be an advantageous step in discovering a new tool to cure diseases.

Here is a video more detailed descriptions about the gene therapy.

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KiWon Min

Online reference