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Limbal Rings: Do you have them?

I was brushing my teeth one night, when I, for some unknown reason, got fascinated with my eyes and their color. I’m sure everyone has had those private moments in front of the mirror where they have analyzed some aspect of themselves. As I leaned closer to the mirror, I noticed that I had this very dark ring around my iris (the colored part of my eye).  I had never paid attention to it before and I had no idea what it was, but I was so pleased with my discovery that I decided to research it further and find a name for what I had observed. The term that came up was “limbal ring”. At this point, I got very excited and decided I wanted to try to capture my limbal rings in a photo.  It took some work, and some very good lighting, but I managed to do it and this was the final result:

Upon further research, I discovered a study that was done at the University of California in Irvine that investigated if there was a correlation between the limbal ring and facial attractiveness.

They described that the thickness of the limbal ring lessens with age and sickness; therefore it is a good indicator of youth and health.

Participants of the study were seated in front of a screen which showed them two faces. These faces were identical except for the fact that one of the faces had the limbal rings edited out. The participants were then asked to choose the face they found more attractive.

These are two of the faces that were shown during the study:

Evolutionary Psychology Journal

Which face do you think is more attractive, the one on the left or the one on the right? 

Only light colored eyes were used for the faces because the limbal rings are more prominent in light colored eyes. All of the faces had a very neutral expression and there was a mix of male and female faces.

It was shown that both males and females significantly rated the faces with visible limbal rings as more attractive.

In the pictures above, both faces had the limbal ring present in the photo on the right and the limbal ring absent in the photo on the left. When these pictures were shown to participants of the study, there was a greater preference for the two faces on the right.

To me it appears that there may be somewhat of a subconscious attraction to eyes with this feature because many people also choose to buy contact lenses that stimulate the appearance of a prominent limbal ring.

I found the results of this experiment fascinating and am amazed at how such a small feature can greatly influence our perception of facial attraction.

Alright, go check out those limbal rings!

Dragana Savic









Does Green Coffee Extract Really Change Your Life?

One day when I was on the phone with my cousin, she suggested that to take green coffee extract to lose weight. Since then, I was wondering what green coffee is and how it would help me to lose weight. So, I did some research. Green coffee is simply coffee bean that have not been roasted. Chlorogenic acid in those unroasted beans decreases the absorption of glucose by small intestine after eating a meal, and this seems to help in losing weight. The reason why the regular coffee doesn’t have the same effect as green coffee is that unfortunately, roasting process causes the loss of chlorogenic acid in coffee beans.


Green coffee extract is taken in capsules that aren’t that cheap. The average monthly supply costs 20 to 30 dollars.

The market for this notion of weight lost has been growing since DR. OZ show has been suggested the medical of green coffee extract in September. Does this really work and at what cost? To prove the effectiveness of green coffee extract on weight lost, DR. Mehmet OZ conducted an experiment on 100 volunteer women and found out that those individuals who took the green coffee extract on average have lost 2 pounds in two weeks. Another double blind study by specialists at the University of Scranton shows significant weight lost in 16 overweight individuals who lost an average of 17 pounds in 22 weeks without altering their calories intake and life style.

Green Coffee Bean Extract for Weight Loss on The Doctors TV Episode

This extraordinary effect of green coffee extract has not been able to hide from the sharp eyes of critics. Even though the results of these two studies have been published widely, experts are concerned over the validity of the result since this have been tested only on small group of people. DR. Arya Sharma, a professor of medicine and chair of obesity research and management at the University of Alberta, said “Clearly there’s nothing magical about it.”  Many critics believe that it is impossible to lose weight without any alteration in daily calories intake, and the weight lost during this studies might be the effect of   monitored diet plan offered as part of these studies.

Study done by Igho Onakpoy and his colleges confirms the short-term effectiveness of green coffee extract on weight loss but it also suggested that the significance of green coffee extract is too small between those who took the green coffee extract capsule and those who took the placebo version of it.

As we know obesity is one of major problems in our modern world, and as time goes by, there would be more increase in average weight of human population. In my opinion, taking green coffee extract is not a bad idea if  it would at least mentally encourage one to loss weight and be healthier.

As a result, many of us would like to believe that green coffee extract is the best thing that science has found to answer our hopes for losing weight so fast, but there are still some controversies about it; thus, we have to wait and see what it would happen in the future of green coffee extract.

Simin Yahyavi