The Chameleons of the Sea

By: Ammar Vahanvaty

Not many people can relate to the experience Marine Biologist Roger Hanlon had when he came upon a seemingly innocuous piece of kelp in the shallows of the Caribbean. At first glance, an ordinary piece of underwater flora. But as he approached something incredible happened; a piece of the kelp suddenly turned stark white and the next few moments found Roger Hanlon blasted with a face-full of ink. He had encountered an octopus, so well camouflaged as to be mistaken for kelp. The offending octopus shot off into the distance only to settle next to another patch of ocean floor and change colours again to match its new surroundings. This event both awed and intrigued Hanlon, who, to this day, is exploring the magnificent abilities octopi and its cephalopod cousins share; the ability to camouflage.

What is camouflage?

Camouflage is the ability of an individual to blend into its surroundings. The most notable example of this technique in nature is the chameleon, who, in addition to its bulbous eyes and whip-like tongue, is famous for its ability to change its skin color to match the background. But even though the name chameleon is almost synonymous with camouflage in the public eye, they are not the masters of this ability. That honor falls to the cephalopod family, whose members include the squid, octopus and cuttlefish. These animals trump the camouflage ability of chameleons by not only shifting colour much quicker and with more accuracy, but by also adopting the texture of the object they are mimicking. This is what intrigued Hanlon the most as he began his research into these animals.

How does octopus camouflage work?

The mechanics are simple enough, at the microscopic level, animals harbour pigment cells called chromatophores, which lead to the variety of colour hues displayed by reptiles and fish, and the skin colour of humans etc. For the most part, these chromataphores are autonomic, and cannot be altered once set. But it appears cephalopods have control of each pigment cell in their bodies, and can alter the composition of the pigments at any moment to effect widespread and large colour changes throughout the animal. That part is fairly well understood, but less understood is the octopus and cuttlefishes’ ability to alter the pattern of their skin.

Hanlon and his team have identified three main forms of pattern generation for a cephalopod: uniform, mottled and disruptive. The bumps that allow an octopus to mimic the texture of the object they are up against appears to be formed by raising the papillae of the skin, much like controllable goose bumps. How exactly this process is achieved remains to be found.

The most vexing question though, is how does an octopus know what it is mimicking. Studies have shown that cephalopods are effectively colourblind, but they do not recognize the object’s colour through touch. So how do they do it? This is the question Hanlon is devoted to finding out, since  better understanding of this phenomenon could pave the way for advances in other fields. Who knows, an ‘invisibility cloak’ might not be so far off in our future.

For further reading into cephalopod coloration, Hanlon has created a nice primer to get started. 

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An Unlikely Hero is the Key to Killing the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Each day, almost 7,000 people contract HIV around the world.  Many scientists have dedicated their entire lives to finding a cure for this virus and it seems that we have come one step closer to finding that cure. With a historical discovery coming out of Washington University, that number could soon be reduced to zero.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that bee venom can effectively poke holes in the envelope surrounding the HIV virus and kill it. The potent toxin contained within bee venom is called melittin.

Nanoparticles, when infused with the toxin, can filter HIV through it’s surface and destroy it, while leaving normal cells unharmed due to their much larger size. When nanoparticles come into contact with normal cells, they simply bounce off. Joshua L. Hood, MD, PhD, explained, “The melittin forms little pore-like attack complexes and ruptures the envelope, stripping it off the virus.” The virus has to have a protective coat and there is no way for the virus to adapt when its essential physical property is under attack.

Image displays nanoparticles (purple) infused with melittin (green), with molecular bumpers (small red ovals) allowing them to bounce off of normal body cells. Fuse with HIV (small spiked circles) and destroy their envelope.
Photo credit: Joshua L. Hood, MD, PhD.

The following video by the Huffington Post further explains this topic.

Video source: Huffington Post

There is promising evidence that HIV infection in children will be eliminated. A baby born with HIV in Mississippi has apparently been cured. Its mother was diagnosed with HIV during labor, and the baby received intense care just after 30 hours of birth. This child shows no sign of the virus today.

Most anti-HIV drugs inhibit the virus’s ability to replicate, while doing nothing to stop initial infection. The development of a vaginal gel is the new revelation to prevent the spread of HIV, and in addition, an intravenous treatment to help those already infected and clear HIV from the blood stream.

Humans Will Breath Under Water

Have you ever tried to hold your breath for more than a minute under water? Well, if you had succeeded you were not reading this post! Holding breath under water has always been part of man’s dream. But it seems it will not be a dream for the future generations. According to a recent research  salamanders have developed the trait of producing oxygen themselves rather than taking it from atmosphere.

Baby under Water!


According to this study which was  conducted in Dalihousie University faculty of Zoology eggs of salamander , Ambystoma maculatum, were placed among chlamydomonad algae. The result of this experiment is that the DNA of the algae and the DNA of the salamander eggs were somehow combined. Algae is a nitrogen-dependent organism and produces oxygen gas as a form its waste. Salamanders on the other hand require oxygen to function and survive, and combining algae and the salamanders DNA would produce an organism which produces oxygen on its own and would not require oxygen  from atmosphere.

Salamander. Amphibian

Researchers have also found traces of this algae in mature salamander’s reproductive system which suggests that these algae are inherited to other generations.

What good is it to humans?

New technologies such as DNA Recombinant has enabled us to combine DNA strands of different species. In this technology, the wanted DNA is reproduced many times by molecular cloning in laboratory. These DNAs are then directed to the main DNA sequence by means of another organism and sequencing. Viruses are usually used in this step to deliver the multiplied DNA to the main DNA.

Formation of recombinant DNA requires a cloning vector, a DNA molecule that will replicate within a living cell. Vectors are generally derived from plasmids or viruses, and have the necessary sequence of DNA for replication. The inserted DNA may or may not express its codes depending on its place on the main DNA sequence. Thus, markers are used to place the DNA among functional genes.

Human DNA is packed with hundreds of viruses DNA s which have entered our DNA sequence along the course of evolution. This finding suggests that viral vectors can be used to alter human DNA sequence by means of insertion.  Recently, this technology has been used in the treatment course of of insulin-dependent diabetes. So, it’s not far beyond imagination if scientists mix algae DNA with that of human.

Soon the future of human beings will be altered with this technology and super humans will be produced! but until that day do not hold your breath for too long under water unless you are this guy:


Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2008, 86(11): 1289-1298, 10.1139/Z08-115


Graphene: The Better Battery Solution

Could you imagine a world where your smartphone could charge to full in mere seconds? Or be able to take that same battery and charge it over thousands of times without it losing its battery life? And even better, take that same battery once it’s done and be able to throw it into your compost without worrying of needing to dispose harmful chemicals? The battery that sounds too good to be true could be already here, which may well be the next revolutionary solution to all your electrical needs.

These graphene supercapacitors combine the best of both worlds: a battery’s ability to hold high amount of energy, and capacitor’s ability to produce a high output, which in consquence means a fast charging time. Graphene supercapacitors work by using two metal plates seperated by an electric double-layer, approximately 1 molecule thick. Capacitance also increases as the surface area of the two plates increase, while the electric double layer thickness decrease. This makes graphene an optimal material to minimize this distance in the double layer.

There are two big challenges which we face with graphene supercapacitors. One is producing a high enough energy density. They often produce only 1/5th to 1/10th of the energy of an electrochemical battery, like most of today’s lead based batteries. Second, is to produce them in large quantities which are commerically ready.

A diagram of electrochemical cell. These are similar to how common batteries work. By creating an electrochemical potential between two chemicals, batteries utilize redox reactions to create electric energy to power machines.
Image taken from:


That’s when, like all great science, accidents can happen for the better.UCLA Professor Ric Kaner, and graduate student Maher El-Kady stumbled upon a way to make industrial grade graphene supercapacitors, with a common 21st century household machine: a DVD lightscribe burner.
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With this new method of producing one atom-thick graphene supercapacitors (which are nicknamed ultra-capacitors for their superior properties), this new way of manufacturing allows them to produce a similar if not superior energy density to electrochemical batteries. Kaner and El-Kady were able to produce 100 micro-supercapacitors in less than 30 minutes.

What is brilliant about this discovery is how remarkably thin the power source actually is. With a thickness of less than 100 nanometers, the applications of this battery are virtually limitless, and allow flexible technology to become a near future reality.

With less than 100 nanometers in thickness, UCLA researchers produce one of the thinnest graphene supercapacitors yet, using Lightscribe DVD burners as a way to manufacture these micro-supercapacitors.
Photo taken from:

So before you buy the next best smartphone, remember that these supercapacitors are only just a short wait in the future, which might mean that your next phone could be something as futuristic and as flexible as the concept phone, Nokia 888.

Gluten-free diet: Necessary for all?


(Picture resource: Power of food)

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. The protein gluten causes celiac disease which is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine because of gene mutation. The vast majority of people who have celiac disease do not know it. Eating a gluten-free diet is a treatment for people with celiac disease by controlling their symptoms and preventing complications. People with celiac disease must eat a strictly gluten-free diet and must keep on the diet for their remaining lives.

Medical experts largely agree that there is a condition related to gluten other than celiac, called non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a medical term used for someone who does not have celiac, but whose health improves on a gluten-free diet and worsens again if gluten is eaten. It could even be more than one illness.

Kristen Golden Testa, who is health program director in California for the Children’s Partnership, is one of the gluten-sensitive. Although she does not have celiac, she started a gluten-free diet. She says she has lost weight and her allergies have gone away. She did not consult a doctor before starting a gluten-free diet, and she also does not know whether avoiding gluten has helped at all. Also, she gave up sugar at the same time and made an effort to eat more vegetables and nuts. People like Ms. Golden Testa say that gluten-free diets have improved their health. They believe that avoiding gluten gives them more energy and alleviates chronic ills.

Dr. Stefano Guandalini, medical director of the University of Chicago’s Celiac Disease Center, said that “it is not a healthier diet for those who don’t need it. These people are following a fad, essentially”.

Experts also worried that people could end up eating less healthfully. A gluten-free muffin generally contains less fiber than a wheat-based one. Many grains are enriched with vitamins. Avoiding grains with a gluten-free diet may mean eating fewer of nutrition enriched products.

If you think you are having problems with gluten, you should be tested for celiac disease. You can’t cut out gluten before being tested. Celiac experts urge people to not to do self-diagnose. Celiac disease can be silent, causing damage you can’t see or feel, so you need regular monitoring and tests, especially since it’s so easy to be accidentally exposed to gluten. It is also highly recommended to visit a doctor or a licensed nutritionist before starting on a gluten-free diet.

Here’s a video more about gluten-free diet.


KiWon Min

Hearing Regained

Have you lost your ear or part of it? Well, new research has come to light to help with that problem!  In a new study done by physicians at Weill Cornell Medical College and biomedical engineers at Cornell University, human ears can be developed to look and act just as real as the ones people are born with.

The research was conducted in hopes of developing alternatives to replacement ears, which are currently used to treat children who do not have ears or have deformed ones.  The most common use of the replacement ears is to treat children who are suffering from a congenital disorder known as microtia where there are problems in ear tissue development. This results in hearing loss which varies depending on the severity of the case.  The current replacement ears are of a Styrofoam base and the procedure children undergo to have them surgically attached usually comes with many challenges.  The surgery can be quite painful for children and sometimes the ears do not last, work proficiently or even look natural.  However, with this new study, another option will soon be available.

Child with microtia. Image provided by Wikimedia Commons.

The Cornell team of researchers has developed a bioengineering technique that allows them to produce very human like ears.  The process of making the ears for patients is actually quite a quick process and can be completed within a few weeks.  First, using a combination laser scanner as well as taking a panoramic photo of the patient’s ear, a 3D image is obtained.  Depending on the case, the physicians may use one of the “good” ears of a patient or it is a possibility they may construct one from scratch based on what a proper ear would look like.  Next, they turn the image of the ear into a “digitized solid ear” and a 3D printer is able to construct a mirror image mold of the ear to be.  Collagen is then injected into the mold, followed by the addition of approximately 250 million cartilage cells.  About 15 minutes after this mixture of collagen and cartilage has been injected, the ear is ready to be removed.  Lastly, the ear’s shape is perfected, and it is placed in a culture medium where it stays until the implantation.

Below is a video of Dr. Lawrence Bonassar, who was one of the key author’s describing the bioengineered ears his team has developed.

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Although human implantation is still a few years away, this research is life changing.  To think that a child’s hearing could be restored and that the bioengineered ears look so natural is truly a wonderful thing.

Brittany Maxwell

Left-handed people are genius? Really?

Left-handed people have an advantage in which their brains are structured differently from right-handed people in ways that can allow them to process language, spatial relations and emotions in more diverse and potentially creative ways. Also, a slightly greater number of left-handers than right-handers are especially gifted  in music and math. A study of musicians in professional orchestras found a significantly greater proportion of talented left-handers, even among those who played instruments that seem designed for right handers.

Let’s look at people whom we know that are left-handed. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo,Napoleon Bonaparte,Julius Caesar, Beethoven, and Isaac Newton are left-handed who people call them “genius.” Presently, the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, 42nd president of the Unites States, Bill Clinton and 44th and current president of the United States,Barack Obama are also left-handed.
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On Oprah show, Dr. Oz claims that left-handed people can deal with more incoming information that does not come in an organized way because the brain develops when a baby is in its mother’s womb and interestingly left brain normally controls the right side to equalize both side of the brain. Additionally, because left-handed people can use both sides of their brain more readily, the brain can process information well.


There are many studies that have proven left-handlers are smarter than right -handler. According to researcher Alan Searleman, of St. Lawrence University in New York, left-handed people showed higher IQs, were able to solve problems better and enjoy more extensive vocabularies than right-handed people. Also in the book, “Right-Hand, Left-Hand” by Chris McManus of University College London, proposed that left-handers’ brains are structured differently in a way that increases their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centres of the brain. Thus, many researches argue that left-handed people manipulate creativity and intelligence because they are able to balance the usage of  both side of brain equally.

Brian Ahn


Environmental Approach to Mining

From all the news and information about the environmental impacts that mining can cause, you may be thinking if mining is worth it with all the detrimental effects they come along with. Acid mine drainage, deforestation, erosion, and pollution are all examples of what mining can cause if the process is not tightly environmentally regulated. However, some companies are willing to take that extra step and approach mining in an environmental, sustainable way. One example is the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), an NGO based in Vancouver, B.C. (hurray for local initiatives), and they develop standards for environmental and responsible mining.

However, one of the biggest problems out there is the fact that most mining companies still use smelting as a method of purifying metals. In short, this method melts the desired metal out of its ore. This requires a lot of energy, as if we were to purify iron, it would have to heat it to 1250°C. If the mining plant is using fossil fuel as an energy source, this would be a huge problem and an extreme waste of energy. Also smelting produces a lot of waste unsuitable for release into the environment, such as SO2 gas and waste water. SO2 is highly responsible for acid rain formation and the waste water, high in dissolved toxic metals, would be destructive to environments.

There is a better alternative out there instead of smelting. During my Co-op placement, I have had the opportunity to work for Teck Resources, a Canadian mining company that focuses on environmental sustainability and safety. Instead of smelting, they use hydrometallurgy and different methods to extract metals out of ores. Instead of boring you with specifics how the process works, there are some key highlights that make this much more environmentally viable. Hydrometallurgy does not produce harmful products that are detrimental to the environment. All of its waste can be easily isolated, contained, and properly disposed of. Also, it is highly energy efficient compared to smelting. Because hydrometallurgy relies on aqueous reactions, hence the hydro prefix in hydrometallurgy, some reactions only require up to 130°C to carry through.

Copper plate, a final product of hydrometallurgy
Image taken from

I hope by reading this blog has given you some incite about the situation of mining right now. With all the news about environmental damage caused by mining and destroyed environments because of it, many companies have already taken the initiative to carry out their processes environmentally, while some still have not. In due time, the method of smelting will be replaced and mining all over the world will be approached in an environmentally friendly way.

Derrick Lee