Link #4

Grant MacLoed –

Grants mode bending Podcast was an absolute delight to engage with. The added sound effects and soundtrack at specific points of the Podcast added to the whole trivia portion. Grant’s ability to tie in a more verbal form of text was refreshing and most definitely brings out unique tools that could have been incorporated into the mode bending task. 

Compared to my mode bending activity, which heavily relied on visualized text and pictures. Grants trivia podcast is entirely contracting in comparison. Grant also accommodates users by including the transcript to his trivia podcast to better engage his viewers, who may not necessarily participate audibly. The Podcast was only available through Spotify and Anchore but still easily accessible since accessing the Podcast over a laptop was possible without issues over a web browser. Considering the constraints Grant had to work with, his work was well rounded, well presented and fully encompasses the principles of mode bending.