This linking assignment, I am going to reflect on Emily’s assignment #10 Attention Economy. We all feel lost and frustrated by the deceptive designs on User Inyerface. Emily did manage to complete the game, whereas I didn’t. Emily shares how her daughter prefers watching the ads before playing YouTube videos. This sets me thinking, perhaps a significant amout of people like watching featured ads, which I didn’t realize previously.

Personally, I don’t like watching ads, I always complain about it and choose to skip it. Conversely, I understand Emily daughter’s point of view, seeing ads and contents that align with her interests and needs can quickly gather information she needs and find similar videos she is interested watching. In this case, perhaps online marketing isn’t entirely bad. On that front, I do recall seeing the ads about MasterClass Online Classes and LinkedIn Learning, and I actually appreciate knowing this information and benefit from it. MasterClass and LinkedIn Learning are both great online learning platforms, they offer bite-size lessons, easy access from phones, tablets and computers. Education becomes accessible for anyone at anytime and anywhere.

I want to be critical about online ads, because it can be annoying and even troublesome in specific scenarios. In other cases, online ads and algorithms can quickly help people find what they need. Data Scientist Cathy O’Neil (2017) says she is troubled because when her and her team develop the algorithms, some of them don’t know when and where this algorithm is going to be applied? The algorithm might serve a nobel reason, or might end up causing destructive effects for families and individuals. Let’s focus on the bright side, reflecting the following questions:

Can you imagine data scientists ultilizing their skillsets to help patient find organ donors quicker?

How to utilize data analysis and AI to cope with the global pandemic, to conduct epidemiological investigation, and to minimize the spread of COVID-19?

I am amazed at how technologies have allowed us to live more comfortability and more conveniently. I just wish to see more practicial application in non-profit fields. As of right now, the driving force of AI development is from profit-driven businesses and organizations. It would be nice to see more practices in education, in non-profit organizations, and in less-disadvantaged


O’Neil, C. (2017, April 6). Justice in the age of big data. Retrieved June 18, 2019, from website: